Celiac Awareness Month – May 2024

Celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy is an inherited condition triggered by the consumption of cereal grains containing "gluten". Simply put, the immune system of a celiac reacts negatively to the presence of gluten in the diet causing damage to the inner lining of the small bowel which reduces the person's ablility to absorb nutrients including: iron, folate, calcium, Vitamin D, protein, fat and other food compounds. The grains considered to be capable of producing negative effects in … [Read more...]

Tried and Tested Anti-Aging Tips

Aging happens to be an utterly inevitable part of life, both in the mental sense and in the physical sense. It’s certainly nothing to be upset about, given the fact that appearances matter and those extra creases around your eyes can communicate your wisdom and your compassion as well as your age. But for those who are looking to roll back the years appearance-wise, there are methods of anti-aging that are worth giving a go; things that millions of people have chosen to do over the years to … [Read more...]

How To Get Beach Body Ready

Do you dream of having a beach body in time for summer? Perhaps you always try to get more toned and slim ready for your next vacation? Or perhaps you are looking to work towards a long-term fitness goal so that you can enjoy yourself and feel less self-conscious when you next hit the beach? If you are looking to get beach body ready, then you need to make sure that you shake up both your diet and exercise routine and get ready to work your ass off to get results. If you are dead serious about … [Read more...]

Seven Ideas For New Additions To Your Diet

When you are making your own confectionary, it is easy to go down the traditional route of filling your treats with as much sugar and colorings as to get the tastiest food. However, this can lead to health problems if you are always consuming and selling products which have such unhealthy foods in them. Although everything is good in moderation, health fanatics have been calling for healthy snacks to eat, which don’t impact their health negatively. Often, this means compromising on the taste, … [Read more...]

Unique Snacks That Will Boost Your Energy

Finding ways to stay alert during the day can be tricky, especially when you have your day jam-packed with work commitments and family time. It can become even more of a struggle when you must cram in your gym sessions, and it can often feel like you have no energy to push your body and complete your workout. You will be aware of snacks like bananas and green smoothies that promise to boost your abilities and prolong your workout, but there are some you may not expect to be your helping hand. To … [Read more...]

Top Tips for Getting into Shape

As the weather is getting warmer and with spring around the corner, you may be looking for ways to get into shape, lose weight and feel better in time for the warmer weather. No matter how busy your lifestyle, it is easier than you might think to move more and shift those stubborn pounds. For many women, incorporating their health and wellness routine into their daily routine can be difficult to juggle, especially if they have young children and a demanding job. However, just by making a few … [Read more...]

7 Habits To Adopt For A Better Quality Of Life

If you’ve recently been feeling a little out of sorts, then now is the time to make steps towards improving your quality of life. Your quality of life is about more than just your living standards and your income alone. Actually, having a good quality of life extends far beyond these factors and includes mindfulness and the attitude you choose to adopt in relation to what’s happening in your life. You have to want to improve your quality of life to get the ball rolling to start with. In order to … [Read more...]

Healthy Tips: Maintain Proper pH Balance

The aspect of body PH is often overlooked. Most people do not know what body PH is all about. Medical reports reveal that a considerable percentage of body disorders are as a result of an imbalance in PH. It is therefore essential to ensure that everything necessary is done to keep the body PH adequately balanced. The recommended PH is 7.4. Anything below or above that line is considered an imbalance in body PH. So, is there a way that one can keep body PH balanced? Here are among others the … [Read more...]

Simple Ways to Lower Your Daily Stress Levels

It is so easy to become stressed out in the fast-paced and busy environment of our everyday lives. Balancing work, family, friends, and everything else can very quickly start to overwhelm us, and serve as a serious drain on our mental health and wellbeing. While it might, in our very darkest times, be tempting to drop all our responsibilities and go live a simpler life in a secluded cabin out in the forest, there are simpler methods of reducing stress levels you might want to consider … [Read more...]

3 Ways to Beat Stress and Relax Again

In many ways, a little bit of stress can be a good thing – it can challenge us to meet our goals and motivate us to keep going. But, whether it’s related to your family life, work, or something else entirely, letting your stress levels keep building up can only end in disaster. When it crosses a certain line, stress can become seriously debilitating, and could even develop into full-blown anxiety if you fail to do anything about it. Thankfully, there’s no need to wait until you are experiencing … [Read more...]

Thyroid Disease, a plethora of symptoms, Take Action

Image thanks to Hypothyroid Mom/FB It's estimated that as many as 59 million Americans have a thyroid problem, but the majority don't know it yet. The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, is the master gland of metabolism. When your thyroid doesn't function, it can affect every aspect of your health, and in particular, weight, depression and energy levels. Since undiagnosed thyroid problems can dramatically increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, … [Read more...]

Passion, Peace and Productivity, 10 celebrated Tweak Tips!

There are moments in life we all ask ourselves, "If I only had more energy, I could ...?" Well, there are tiny tweaks to your daily habits can make all the change in the world, for you to fulfill your day with calm energetic flow. If you are willing to 'change' a degree or two your regular habits, and try something new - you just may be amazed at the results. The following 10 Tweak Tips may just be the answer to your repeated longing for more energy, less anxiety and a newfound sense of … [Read more...]

Symphony of Wellness Festival/Tradeshow ~ May 29-30 (Vaughan,ON)

CLICK HERE FOR FULL VENDOR DETAILS ORDER YOUR ENTRANCE TICKET HERE Tickets are only $20.00 and you can buy 1 or more tickets and bring your family, friends, colleagues or employees to enjoy a day of incredible information shared by celebrity speakers and mingle with amazing exhibitors and buy their products and services right there ....give us one typical work day and in return we will instill a lifetime of healthy habits. You can download the form and buy bulk tickets or also email us at … [Read more...]

The 4 Top Natural Beauty Tips To Make You Glow On Busy Mornings

Maintaining radiant skin doesn't have to be an arduous morning routine filled with expensive beauty products. According to Dr. Willem Marsman of the International Food Safety Consultancy, the shelf life on most skincare products is only 3-12 months. Now is the perfect time to ditch expired products and replace them with these natural staples and easy beauty practices that are free of potentially harmful chemicals. 1. Sleep Let’s face it, a few sleepless nights can leave your face … [Read more...]

Free Call with Marianne‏ Williamson – July 16

Dear Friends, My 4-week online course, The Divine Alignment of Body & Soul begins on July 24th. The course will focus on the role of the body in our spiritual journey, and how an enlightened perspective can help free us from dysfunctional thoughts and behavior regarding food, body image and physical intimacy. I will be doing a FREE CALL about the course on Tuesday, July 16, at 6PM Pacific Time / 9PM Eastern Time. Join in to get a sense of what the online course is about, and decide … [Read more...]

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