Top Reasons to Consider Moving to a Residential Care Home

As people age, they often face the decision of whether transitioning to a residential care home is the right choice for them. While this decision can bring about significant changes, there are several compelling reasons why many seniors find this transition beneficial and enriching. Here are some of the top reasons why moving to a residential care home might be the best decision. 1. Safety and Security One of the foremost concerns for seniors is safety, particularly if they live alone or … [Read more...]

Adjusting to Life in a Care Home: Tips for Residents and Families

Moving into a care home can be a significant transition for both the resident and their family. The process often brings a mix of emotions, including relief, anxiety, and sadness. Here are some tips to help both residents and their families adjust to this new chapter of life. For Residents 1. Personalize Your Space: Making your new living space feel like home is essential. Bring personal items such as photos, favorite books, and cherished mementos. Familiar objects can provide comfort and … [Read more...]

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day? Each year, hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited. In addition, elders throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation, funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care. Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs in every demographic, and can happen to … [Read more...]

National Infertility Awareness Week, April 19-26

National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW) is a movement that began in 1989. The goal of NIAW is to raise awareness about the disease of infertility and encourage the public to understand their reproductive health. This year RESOLVE is urging the infertility community to spread the message “You are not alone.” Infertility impacts 1 in 8 couples of reproductive age and can be a very isolating disease to face. Just hearing “You are not alone” can help in so many ways. To participate in … [Read more...]

13 Cute Easter Self Care Thoughts to Live By

Here are 13 tips for selfcare during Easter Season: ~ Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. ~ Everyone needs a friend who is all ears. ~ There’s no such thing as too much candy. ~ All work and no play can make you a basket case. ~ A cute tail attracts a lot of attention. ~ Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day. ~ Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits. ~ Some body parts should be floppy. ~ Keep your paws off of other people’s jelly beans. ~ Good things come in small, sugar … [Read more...]

Raynauds Awareness Month February

Raynauds Awareness Month takes place every February. Organized by the Raynaud's and Scleroderma Association, the month aims to awareness of these disorders and offer help and advice not only to sufferers, but to their friends and families too. You may not have heard of Raynaud's, but it's thought that 10% of women suffer from the disorders which occur when blood vessels, mostly in the hands, become over-sensitive to changes in temperature. As a result, sufferers' hands often turn blue … [Read more...]

Tips for Women’s Winter Health

Yes, it might be the season for parties, making merry and cozy nights snuggled up in front of the fire, but winter also means you are more prone to colds, tiredness and craving bowls of carb-laden pasta or bakes. As the cold days and long nights roll in, the winter can have major physical and psychological effects on your body. So rather than fighting against the winter season, how about learning to embrace these effects and seasonal stresses, and use them to your advantage, so that you can have … [Read more...]

Nailing the Details for a Polished Look

When you want to create a polished look, it is important that you do not simply focus on the foundations of what you want to create but that you also think about the little details that can make or break your appearance. If you are determined to create a flawless look in 2023, here is what you should do. Use Fragrance It is not only the parts that you can see that will help you to nail the details of your look, but also the parts that you can smell. To make sure that every ounce of you is … [Read more...]

Celebrating the Good Things in Later Life

No-one wants to get older, but unfortunately, there’s no way of preventing the march of time – at least not yet; you never know what science will come up with in the future! But for now, aging is inevitable. Rather than feeling depressed at leaving your youth behind, it makes sense to look at the second half of your life as a new beginning, an opportunity to achieve great things and enjoy yourself, and celebrate the many ways in which life is so much better now for older women. Getting older is … [Read more...]

Staying Independent Through Your Later Years

It's important to know your options for after you retire and begin to enjoy the life you've saved for and looked forward to during your adult years. Your retirement should be a period of time in which you can enjoy the finer things in life and enjoy a slower pace to living, one in which you can spend time with your spouse, friends, and family. Your independence is paramount to enjoying this free time to wind down. Now is your time, and you want to be able to remain as independent and as active … [Read more...]

How You Can Change Up Your Look This Year

It is important that you try your best to be as happy with your image as you can. Not only is this going to give you more confidence, but it can also motivate you to live a better lifestyle. If you are not happy with how you look, don’t worry. This is something that a lot of people deal with, so you are certainly not alone. However, there are plenty of ways in which you can change up the way you look to give you a happier result. If you are curious as to the ways you can do this, here are some … [Read more...]

How to Cope with the Loss of Your Partner

When you suffer the loss of a partner, there may be many things that you start thinking about. You may find that you are consumed with grief, and you may struggle to see how to move forwards. Understanding that you need time to grieve and get over the loss of a partner is one of the most important steps you will take in your journey. Remember to Take Care of Yourself You have suffered trauma, and you are getting to grips with a new life without your partner. Juggling the mixtures of … [Read more...]

6 Things to Add to Your Bucket List

Before we ‘kick the bucket’, many people have a list of things they want to do. This list often includes activities that seem far-fetched and are outside of one’s comfort zone. These activities might include things that you aspire to but don’t actually think you will achieve in your lifetime. However, creating and ticking off items on a bucket list can be extremely gratifying, and can lead to an enormous sense of well-being. So, here are six things that you should add to your bucket list that … [Read more...]

How to Best Prepare Your Finances for An Emergency

Job loss, a health crisis, car problems, or even a sick pet are all examples of emergencies that may crop up and require you to spend a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. It's best to plan ahead so you know what the alternatives are if the crisis happens. You may have a few options. Create an Emergency Fund Ideally, you already have an emergency fund. This is savings that you can get to easily that usually amounts to about three to six months' worth of your income. If you don't, … [Read more...]

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