Sexual and Reproductive Health Day, held annually on February 12, is an opportunity to raise awareness of sexual and reproductive health issues and to educate yourself and others on how to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections continue to be a significant and increasing public health concern. Over the past decade, reported rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and infectious syphilis have steadily increased. The majority of reported chlamydia and … [Read more...]
National DNA Day celebrated April 25
National DNA Day is celebrated on April 25. Although this holiday was declared as one-time observance, it is still celebrated annually. DNA Day commemorates the day in 1953 when James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and colleagues published papers in the journal Nature on the structure of DNA. It celebrates the discovery and understanding of DNA and the scientific advances that understanding has made possible. In the United States, DNA Day was first celebrated … [Read more...]
History of Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus, and is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country. Several martyrdom stories associated with the various Valentines that were connected to February … [Read more...]
How Leaders Shape Company Culture
The term “culture” has become something of a buzzword in the world of business. Many corporations and large companies like to talk about how they have “strong” or “innovative” and “modern” cultures, but what does this mean, exactly? An organization’s culture, personally, is defined by how the people within this organization behave and interact with one another. This includes management, mid-level management, team leaders and the people at the very bottom of the organizational … [Read more...]
Gift Ideas for Children’s Christenings
Christenings are seen as cheerful events which bring together close family members and friends so that they can share in the special moment of a child’s life. The service is usually followed by a reception to allow everyone to catch up, reminisce, and more importantly, celebrate together a prominent day in a child’s life. While this is all fairly straightforward, if you have an upcoming christening to attend, one aspect which you might be struggling with is what to gift to give to the child and … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
If you’re feeling down, then it can be very difficult to find the motivation to make those positive changes. The challenge is to find those smaller steps that will encourage you to progress into the more drastic changes to your life. Focusing on the smaller changes can actually boost your mental health far more than you may have thought, so if the idea of tackling your feelings of negativity already seems like too much, then perhaps it’s time to consider just how small those changes can be, … [Read more...]
How Can We Engage More Women to Enjoy Sports?
More men than women play sports and this is well known in every country. Although there are now more women’s soccer teams and other sporting teams that you can get involved in on play sport, men are still encouraged more than women to enjoy sports. This begins from an early age including parents and schools and we can change this by encouraging girls to find the sport they enjoy from an early age. Female Advertisement Many times, when we see adverts on tv, online or in magazines for sports … [Read more...]
Take Back Control in Your Life with These Top Organization Tips
Regardless of what we’re often told, stress can be a great thing. It can help you get work done, give you that last final push to make it before a deadline, and it can even help you do better work than normal. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can be incredibly detrimental to your health. From strained muscles to grinding teeth, to even an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases like a heart attack or stroke. Chronic stress makes it hard to work, hard to calm down, and can send you straight … [Read more...]
Forget Your Assignment Writing Worries
Australia Essay Writing Service: Forget your assignment writing worries High- quality and experienced academic writers are available to the students in Australia who can provide them with their exclusive services at a very reasonable cost. They offer Australia Essay services to help students write their essays, may it be an assignment that they have to submit in due time; or whether it is a scientific research paper or a thesis for which they have ample amount of time left. The writing … [Read more...]