Remembering All Moms on Mother’s Day

If your family chose to partake in an open adoption relationship with your child's birth mother, you are definitely not alone. According to the Independent Adoption Center, the majority of the 4,000 families that used its services chose open adoptions. Unfortunately, as you may have learned, there are no rules when it comes to open adoptions or as states, "The most important thing to remember is that there is no typical open adoption relationship." To Celebrate or Not … [Read more...]

10 Tips for Helping Your Child Get to Sleep

Despite how much they resist giving into it, sleep is just as essential for growing children as it is for adults. Parents trying to help a child that struggles to sleep or fights it on principal can easily find themselves frustrated and overwhelmed when sleep still doesn’t come for their youngsters. There are, however, a few simple tricks that can help you put your child’s sleep troubles behind you. These 10 tips may be just what you’re looking for, and can have your child sleeping … [Read more...]

JAN 12, National Youth Day celebrates Swami Vivekananda

The National Youth Day 2022 is about to be on the 12 of January 2022. Well, this is the day by which people of India are connected emotionally. This is the day when the Swami Vivekananda has born and this is celebrated as National Youth Day India. National Youth Day is celebrated in all schools, Colleges, Educational institutes in India Every year. The logic behind the celebration is to update the youths regarding the lifestyle of the Swami Vivekananda. The Indian Government declared this as … [Read more...]

Children’s Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Disorders in Children and Youth Mental health in childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones, and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. The good news is that early diagnosis and treatment lead to better outcomes for children later in life. Mental disorders among children are described as serious changes in the way children typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions, which cause distress and problems getting through … [Read more...]

Bucket List for Kids, 100 Tips for Fun

A Bucket List for Childhood? Sure thing. Check out these 100 things all kids should try during their childhood, and be sure to cross a few off the list before your kids grow up and only want to play on their game console. There are so many things that you can do for your kids, this list is only a small amount of things that kids should do. But there are things like getting them Play Your Court Tennis Lessons for kids or learning how to ride a bike. Whatever you get for your kid, just know … [Read more...]

Car Safety for Your Children

Car safety is a topic on which everybody could use a refresher course from time to time. Simple things like moving house could mean that you have relocated to an area with different laws (including the laws around drink driving - get in touch with a Plano DWI lawyer if you have been affected by an accident). Today, we’re going to look at some simple car safety tips for your children, so that your car journeys are made safer for the whole family. Buckle up Without Blankets and or … [Read more...]

AUG 12: International Youth Day – Safe Spaces for Youth

What are safe spaces? The theme of this year’s International Youth Day on 12 August is “Safe Spaces for Youth”. Celebrations on the day will highlight various types of safe spaces and their role in contributing to youth empowerment, inclusion and development. But what are safe spaces? They are various platforms where young people can come together, participate, engage in diverse activities and enjoy the freedom of expression. When youth have spaces where they can come together without … [Read more...]

Orange Day – Gender Equality Advocacy and Awareness, LUCKNOW on 25th July, 2018

Orange Day + Gender Equality Advocacy and Awareness session conducted at Spring​ Dale College, Gomti Nagar LUCKNOW on 25th July, 2018. Our Advisor to Asia, Ms. Meetika Srivastava, was called upon to conduct a gender equality related session during their ongoing one week long awareness drive on the theme of gender equality is the need of the society. Championing the cause of girls education and empowerment she did screening of the movie 'Girl Rising'. This was followed by an … [Read more...]

A list of Recommended Typing Games for Your Kid

It is without doubt that the world has tremendously changed in terms of technological advancement in this century. One of the greatest inventions that man has made is indeed the invention of the computer. We now have computers with us almost everywhere and they have formed part of our day to day operations. Having basic computer for any individual living in this age indeed is vital. This is why it is imperative for modern day parents to take a keen interest in ensuring that their kids learn … [Read more...]

Reproductive Medical Tourism in Ukraine

Reproductive medicine in Ukraine functions in a distinctive environment. This environment was formed due to the rapid development of the medical industry in Ukraine, liberal legislation and the fact that the reproductive medical tourism in Ukraine tends to attract third parties, such as the agencies. Third parties who work in this environment usually takes care about choosing egg donors or gestational carriers for the infertile couple. The fundamentals of the reproductive medical tourism in … [Read more...]

Gift Ideas for Children’s Christenings

Christenings are seen as cheerful events which bring together close family members and friends so that they can share in the special moment of a child’s life. The service is usually followed by a reception to allow everyone to catch up, reminisce, and more importantly, celebrate together a prominent day in a child’s life. While this is all fairly straightforward, if you have an upcoming christening to attend, one aspect which you might be struggling with is what to gift to give to the child and … [Read more...]

Six Ways to Improve Your Teaching

Every teacher strives to improve every day, and although you will never be perfect, there are many different ways you can work towards improving your teaching techniques. In this article we’ll discuss six ways you can do just that. Get Feedback from Your Students The best place to start when looking to improve your teaching is the students who are on the receiving end. Chatting to them about what they need and what they like, and dislike, can give you an excellent insight into how you can … [Read more...]

12 Ways to Prepare Your Home Before Your Newborn Arrives

You’ll want to ensure your home is ready for your little bundle of joy once he or she arrives in the world, so both of you can settle in with ease after childbirth. If you are unsure how or where to start, here are 12 ways to prepare your home before your newborn arrives. 1. Deep Clean Your Home Hygiene is important when caring for a baby. You must therefore deep clean your home prior to your daughter or son’s arrival. For example, ensure their nursery carpet is dirt and dust free with a … [Read more...]

How To Make Meal Prep Easier

Whether you are a busy parent that has children to feed, or you are so tied up with work and other commitments that you don’t have time to eat properly, you may find cooking nearly impossible. Trying to eat healthily sometimes doesn’t work well when you have little time to prepare anything. It can mean that you rely on foods that might not be as healthy as you wish them to be. However, there are some tips to help you plan and prepare your meals in advance. Planning The first thing you need to … [Read more...]

How to Spot Elder Abuse and Stop It

Watching an elderly relative’s health deteriorate is never easy; however, it can be utterly heartbreaking to believe they are the victim of elder abuse, which could be emotional, physical, or financial abuse. Sadly, one in ten people over the age of 60 experience abuse or exploitation. This abuse can be at the hands of family members, caregivers, or in their nursing home. If you believe a loved one is a victim of elder abuse, here is what you should do. Look for Signs of Financial … [Read more...]

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