Best Gifts for a Happy Father’s Day

When is Father’s Day 2024? The date to celebrate your dad this year is Sunday, June 16. Father’s Day is always celebrated in America on the third Sunday in June, so keep that in mind for next year. Also remember that Father’s Day is not a federal holiday, so businesses should run as usual. So, where did the idea of Father’s Day come from? Wales Online reports what many historians believe: "Grace Golden Clayton was the founder of the first Father’s Day in Fairmont, West Virginia on … [Read more...]

Bucket List for Kids, 100 Tips for Fun

A Bucket List for Childhood? Sure thing. Check out these 100 things all kids should try during their childhood, and be sure to cross a few off the list before your kids grow up and only want to play on their game console. There are so many things that you can do for your kids, this list is only a small amount of things that kids should do. But there are things like getting them Play Your Court Tennis Lessons for kids or learning how to ride a bike. Whatever you get for your kid, just know … [Read more...]

Six Ways to Improve Your Teaching

Every teacher strives to improve every day, and although you will never be perfect, there are many different ways you can work towards improving your teaching techniques. In this article we’ll discuss six ways you can do just that. Get Feedback from Your Students The best place to start when looking to improve your teaching is the students who are on the receiving end. Chatting to them about what they need and what they like, and dislike, can give you an excellent insight into how you can … [Read more...]

How to Spot Elder Abuse and Stop It

Watching an elderly relative’s health deteriorate is never easy; however, it can be utterly heartbreaking to believe they are the victim of elder abuse, which could be emotional, physical, or financial abuse. Sadly, one in ten people over the age of 60 experience abuse or exploitation. This abuse can be at the hands of family members, caregivers, or in their nursing home. If you believe a loved one is a victim of elder abuse, here is what you should do. Look for Signs of Financial … [Read more...]

The Different Ways to Secure Your Children’s Future

Nothing is more important to a parent than the wellbeing of their children. It goes without saying that you will want your child to have a healthy and financially secure future, and to ensure that they are well looked after, even if something were to happen to your and your partner. To ensure you can offer them just that, find out the different ways to protect your children’s future. Find the Best Life Insurance Policy Have you thought about what will happen to your property if you and … [Read more...]

How to Teach your Kids about Gratitude

Children learn all behavior from their parents, so if Mom and Dad feel frustrated and irritated, then the chances are that your kids will pick up on this and reflect it. So, if you want to prevent temper tantrums and tears this festive period, then its important that you begin teaching your kids how to be grateful for all the things in life that don’t have an expensive price tag. Say Thank You Learning how to say thank you, and be grateful for what you already have or have just received … [Read more...]

5 Of The Best Things a Mother Can Do for Her Children

Being a mother is definitely one of the best jobs on the planet. From the first second that your child enters your life, you’ll experience love like no other and a need to protect like you’ve never felt before. Becoming and being a mother is a very emotional experience that nobody can prepare you for. Many people panic before welcoming their first child, thinking that they won’t be able to provide it with all of the care and knowledge that it will need. In reality, as soon as the child arrives … [Read more...]

9 Ways of Staying Healthy While Having a Young Baby

Many women want to go back to their pre-baby body after they give birth. Now, a woman's body may never be quite the same again, but that doesn't mean that she can't stay healthy and get close to her pre-baby body. Not only has the woman just gone through pregnancy, and all that comes with it such as baby showers (which typically involve lots of cupcakes), now that the little one has arrived can be especially hard to stay healthy when sleep-deprived from caring for a little on. Here are … [Read more...]

Children’s Mental Health Matters, Take Action!

Mental Health Disorders in Children and Youth It estimated that nearly 1 in 5 Ontario children under the age of 19 experiences a mental, emotional or behavioural disorder that is severe enough to seriously affect their daily functioning at home, school or within the community1. The good news is that early diagnosis and treatment lead to better outcomes for children later in life. Some of the more common mental health disorders affecting children and youth are listed below. Click … [Read more...]

Importance of Buying Life Insurance When Young and Healthy

The Importance of Buying Life Insurance When You Are Young and Healthy When you’re young, the last thing you probably think about is buying life insurance. However, obtaining some sort of coverage should be on your mind. Because you are young, healthy, and in the prime of your life, buying life insurance would not only be a wise decision as far as health is concerned, but also financially. Life insurance companies generally offer discounted rates to policyholders who are of a younger age … [Read more...]

Excuses keep your relationships ‘off track’

If you truly have a desire to have your relationship work, you cannot allow yourself to offer excuses. No excuses! There are only results or reasons why. The reasons why are the excuses we come up with to avoid taking responsibility for our relationship and to avoid doing something we may be afraid to do and know must be done. Just do what must be done! What is YOUR hesitation? Copyright © 2014 - Larry James. This idea is adapted from Larry's books, "How to Really Love the One … [Read more...]

Father’s Day Gift HE will actually want ;)

Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days. Father's Day was created to complement Mother's Day, a celebration that honors mothers and motherhood. The Best Things in Life are FREE Hey, Dads everywhere REALLY wanted Your Love for Father's Day this year, first and foremost! It's that time of … [Read more...]

Caregiver Awareness Month – NOV 2013

November is National Family Caregivers Awareness Month "This month and throughout the year, let the quiet perseverance of our family caregiversremind us of the decency and kindnessto which we can all aspire." -President Barack Obama, 2011 Proclamation National Family Caregivers Month is a nationally recognized month observed every November to draw attention to the many challenges facing family caregivers, advocate for stronger public policy to address family caregiving issues, and raise … [Read more...]

Parenting, How to Help Kids Share Tech Toys

The ability to share is an important quality for kids to have as a general rule, but it becomes even more important when budget constraints make the purchase of multiple high-ticket items unfeasible. Devices like tablets, computers and video gaming systems are rarely cheap, and they’re so attractive to kids that sharing can become an issue. Fostering a genuine love of sharing is great, in theory, but can go right out the window when splitting time with a tablet is put into practice. These tips … [Read more...]

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