Family Literacy Day, Canada – January 27

Natrel and ABC partner to help new parents   Sunday, January 27 is Family Literacy Day. ABC Life Literacy Canada has been sponsoring this national event since 1999. The focus is to raise awareness about the importance of reading and learning, and offering events and resources to help parents. “Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development. Even just 15 minutes a day can improve a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and … [Read more...]

APRIL Celebrates National Child Abuse Prevention!

National Child Abuse Prevention Month takes place every April in the USA. National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect, and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families. During the month of April and throughout the year, communities are encouraged to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness strategies and activities and promote … [Read more...]

10 Tips for Helping Your Child Get to Sleep

Despite how much they resist giving into it, sleep is just as essential for growing children as it is for adults. Parents trying to help a child that struggles to sleep or fights it on principal can easily find themselves frustrated and overwhelmed when sleep still doesn’t come for their youngsters. There are, however, a few simple tricks that can help you put your child’s sleep troubles behind you. These 10 tips may be just what you’re looking for, and can have your child sleeping … [Read more...]

Reproductive Medical Tourism in Ukraine

Reproductive medicine in Ukraine functions in a distinctive environment. This environment was formed due to the rapid development of the medical industry in Ukraine, liberal legislation and the fact that the reproductive medical tourism in Ukraine tends to attract third parties, such as the agencies. Third parties who work in this environment usually takes care about choosing egg donors or gestational carriers for the infertile couple. The fundamentals of the reproductive medical tourism in … [Read more...]

How to Treat Cuts and Scrapes in Children

If there is one thing that all children seem to excel at, it is finding new and creative ways to injure themselves. Some children seem to have made it a personal mission to inflict needless pain and injury on themselves, other children merely seem to be setting themselves up for a life of playing extreme sports. Regardless of your background, or how well you try and raise your children, there are always going to be some injuries and accidents. Thankfully, these are usually not severe, but it … [Read more...]

The Different Ways to Secure Your Children’s Future

Nothing is more important to a parent than the wellbeing of their children. It goes without saying that you will want your child to have a healthy and financially secure future, and to ensure that they are well looked after, even if something were to happen to your and your partner. To ensure you can offer them just that, find out the different ways to protect your children’s future. Find the Best Life Insurance Policy Have you thought about what will happen to your property if you and … [Read more...]

Single Mother Tips on Getting a Family Pet

Family pets like dogs can provide key support for the entire family. That is why they are so great for single parents. Dogs can give your children the support and love that they need, while also teaching them crucial and key skills. Not only can they benefit your child’s development, but they can also even help you relax, stay productive, and can even help you reach your daily physical exercises requirement. This means that not only will dogs make you happier, they will also make you lower your … [Read more...]

3 Important Symptoms of Childhood Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. These blood cells and platelets are produced within the bone marrow. When a child is suffering from leukemia, white blood cells may not be able to form properly and stay immature. These immature cells then continue to reproduce rapidly, pushing out the healthy, fully grown white blood cells and producing a variety of symptoms. Leukemia is the most common form of pediatric cancer affecting around 4,000 children in the United States every year, meaning … [Read more...]

5 Of The Best Things a Mother Can Do for Her Children

Being a mother is definitely one of the best jobs on the planet. From the first second that your child enters your life, you’ll experience love like no other and a need to protect like you’ve never felt before. Becoming and being a mother is a very emotional experience that nobody can prepare you for. Many people panic before welcoming their first child, thinking that they won’t be able to provide it with all of the care and knowledge that it will need. In reality, as soon as the child arrives … [Read more...]

Why More Mothers Are Choosing to Get Degrees Online

These days, you don’t have to go to college the traditional way; instead, you can get your degree by going to college completely online. For busy moms who work and have families to take care of, this option is definitely appealing, especially since there are so many majors and South Dakota online degrees to choose from. Continue reading to learn more about why more mothers are choosing to get degrees online, as you may decide that this is the best route for you to take as well. As well as … [Read more...]

Stress Coping Strategies for Busy Women

Today’s woman has more on her plate than ever before in history and unfortunately, this leads to inordinate amounts of stress. Not only do most women hold down a job outside the home but they are also typically mothers and often active in the community. This leaves very little time to take care of themselves and so one stressor is compounded on another and before you know it they are simply ready to break. Instead of letting life get out of control to that point, take a few moments to … [Read more...]

9 Ways of Staying Healthy While Having a Young Baby

Many women want to go back to their pre-baby body after they give birth. Now, a woman's body may never be quite the same again, but that doesn't mean that she can't stay healthy and get close to her pre-baby body. Not only has the woman just gone through pregnancy, and all that comes with it such as baby showers (which typically involve lots of cupcakes), now that the little one has arrived can be especially hard to stay healthy when sleep-deprived from caring for a little on. Here are … [Read more...]

Why Working Mothers Are More Productive

Many mothers struggle with feelings of guilt when they return to work. They also have to deal with the sense that they are somehow less productive if they come back to the workplace on a part-time basis. The truth is, however, that working mothers are more productive than other employees are and women who work part-time are even more productive. In the corporate world, senior managers are routinely sent on Six Sigma Yellow Belt training courses to improve their productivity levels. This type of … [Read more...]

Five Reasons Egg Freezing May Benefit Your Present and Your Future

Many people question whether egg freezing is the right option for them. It’s not a question that can be answered objectively, since each individual’s situation is different. But here are some things to take into consideration when answering this question for yourself. You could be receiving medical treatment that may jeopardize your fertility. You may be career-oriented and want to wait to start a family. Your biological clock may be ticking, but you haven't found the right partner … [Read more...]

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