October is LUPUS Awareness Month!

Lupus Awareness Month takes place during October. Lupus is a complex and poorly understood condition that affects many parts of the body and causes symptoms ranging from mild to life-threatening. Some common symptoms of lupus include: fatigue skin rash joint pain and swelling Lupus is an incurable immune system condition that is assumed to be genetic and mainly affects females.  The condition shares a lot of symptoms in common with other conditions; with lupus signs … [Read more...]

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day? Each year, hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited. In addition, elders throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation, funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care. Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs in every demographic, and can happen to … [Read more...]

International SWAN Day – Celebrated globally on March 30

WomenArts works to empower an international community of women artists and allies by sharing news about inspiring arts projects and funding opportunities, and by facilitating the annual world-wide Support Women Artists Now (SWAN) celebrations in March and April. Support Women Artists Now Day! SWAN Day/Support Women Artists Now Day is an international holiday designed to showcase the power and diversity of women’s creativity. Be a part of SWAN Day by creating or participating in a local … [Read more...]

Tips for Women’s Winter Health

Yes, it might be the season for parties, making merry and cozy nights snuggled up in front of the fire, but winter also means you are more prone to colds, tiredness and craving bowls of carb-laden pasta or bakes. As the cold days and long nights roll in, the winter can have major physical and psychological effects on your body. So rather than fighting against the winter season, how about learning to embrace these effects and seasonal stresses, and use them to your advantage, so that you can have … [Read more...]

World Book Day, April 23

CELEBRATE READING FOR PLEASURE! Packed with TEACHING RESOURCES, INFORMATION, IDEAS and INSPIRATION as well as amazing COMPETITIONS you’ll find everything here to encourage and celebrate reading for pleasure for all ages, all year round. WORLD BOOK DAY is celebrated April 23. World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day (also known as International Day of the Book or World Book Days) is a yearly event on April 23, organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural … [Read more...]

Phionah Musumba – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™   is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman leader, one that is taking every resource available to her for the further empowerment of girls with education and women with skills for enterprise development. This woman is so devoted to her cause that she left Kenya alone, leaving three children of her own behind to seek assistance in developing an education centre for the children of her community. Her dream is to buy a 50 acre piece of land on … [Read more...]

4 Ways to Bridge the Gender Divide in a Male-Dominated Society

From a young age, gender role stereotypes are ingrained into children and their perceptions of the world, from the clothes they wear to the toys they are given to play with. Even as they get older, children are still being dictated to regarding where their interests should lie, and the industries they should aim to get involved in, both from a professional standpoint, and a recreational one. It is considered the norm for women to wear skirts, like bright pastel colors, and want to be nurses … [Read more...]

The Confidence Code ~ Resonating with Women

The recent best seller, The Confidence Code, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman is resonating with women all over the country — and for good reason. One of the greatest barriers for women is our reticence to raise our hands, ask for what we want and be noticed. This lack of confidence appears as a weakness. It makes women seem less comfortable with risk taking and decisiveness, both of which are critical competencies for senior leaders. Right now, many people are asking why women have a crisis … [Read more...]

Safety Tips for Cooking the Turkey

FOOD SAFETY is Key December is the busiest month of the year for those of us on the Butterball Hotline. During the week of Christmas, we get lots of questions about how to safely cook a turkey. Here are answers to the questions we hear most often. How can I tell when the turkey is done? Whether you roast, brine, deep fry or smoke your turkey, always use a food thermometer to check the temperature of the meat. You won’t overcook your turkey, and you can ensure it has been … [Read more...]

Five Ways to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Site

Online business can be incredibly fruitful. You can sell your products or your services to your local area, and to people around the world. The only problem with having a business online is that though you have access to the world’s population, you are competing within a global marketplace. How you compete against these businesses will determine your short term and long-term success. Thankfully, there are many avenues you can choose from, and it is much easier than ever before to build brand … [Read more...]

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

In life, it is important to have goals and aspirations. Instead of settling for less, you should always be striving for more. If you are wondering what goals you should focus on, why not start with becoming the best version of yourself? This covers all areas of your life and will help you to make improvements across the board. Don’t worry, transforming your lifestyle doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. Below are five steps that will guide you through the process. Identify areas for … [Read more...]

How To Make Meal Prep Easier

Whether you are a busy parent that has children to feed, or you are so tied up with work and other commitments that you don’t have time to eat properly, you may find cooking nearly impossible. Trying to eat healthily sometimes doesn’t work well when you have little time to prepare anything. It can mean that you rely on foods that might not be as healthy as you wish them to be. However, there are some tips to help you plan and prepare your meals in advance. Planning The first thing you need to … [Read more...]

How To Get Beach Body Ready

Do you dream of having a beach body in time for summer? Perhaps you always try to get more toned and slim ready for your next vacation? Or perhaps you are looking to work towards a long-term fitness goal so that you can enjoy yourself and feel less self-conscious when you next hit the beach? If you are looking to get beach body ready, then you need to make sure that you shake up both your diet and exercise routine and get ready to work your ass off to get results. If you are dead serious about … [Read more...]

Anxiety and Stress Reduction through Writing Diaries or Journals

Most people are affected by stress and anxiety to an extent that their health deteriorates. However, some methods can be used to deal with the situation before it becomes a problem. These methods range from exercising to expressing the emotions through writing. According to research, those who write Cartas de amor to their partners and friends have a better chance of relieving any stress that is within them. On the other hand, writing diaries and journals has also been considered one of the best … [Read more...]

5 Things Every Woman Should do At Least Once in Her Lifetime

The saying goes that ‘life is but a twinkling of an eye’ and for this reason, it’s important that you live it the best way that you can. You can become so busy working, trying to pay bills, and striving to make a difference that you often forget to take the time out to live a little. Living could mean seeking new experiences, visiting new places or challenging yourself to do things that are out-of-the-box. Since you only have one life to live, you should consider doing a few unconventional … [Read more...]

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