How Can Online Therapy Help Me Get Through a Breakup?

A breakup can be challenging to go through, regardless of how long you’ve been together. If you’ve been together with your partner for years, the sudden life change is not only tough to deal with, but when combined with other emotions you’re feeling, it can be debilitating. Even if your relationship just lasted a few weeks, there are circumstances where it can be difficult to cope with. For example, if the relationship was your first in a long time, or ever, it can be a blow to your … [Read more...]

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

In life, it is important to have goals and aspirations. Instead of settling for less, you should always be striving for more. If you are wondering what goals you should focus on, why not start with becoming the best version of yourself? This covers all areas of your life and will help you to make improvements across the board. Don’t worry, transforming your lifestyle doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. Below are five steps that will guide you through the process. Identify areas for … [Read more...]

10 Reasons Kids Should do Volunteer Work

Volunteering as a family, whether on a local or even an international level, has many benefits for both you and your children. There is an astonishing array of programs out there designed specifically to help kids get involved along with their parents, fostering positive self-growth and other valuable attributes that your children will carry with them throughout their adult lives. Here are 'ten of the reasons' why you might want to consider volunteering programs with your children, and … [Read more...]

VERONICA – You Are Valuable

  A New Message From VERONICA You Are Valuable "Often in the physical the value of the incarnation is dismissed by the linear person involved. It is imperative to understand that you as an energy having a human life is valuable to the soul. The physical is not a smooth environment. It is easy to become over involved with the dramas, forgetting the relationship with one's own soul. Poor choices, difficult times, and inadequate participation can contribute to the low esteem … [Read more...]

Embrace the Strong, Fearless side of Your Personality

Roar! Embrace the Strong, Fearless side of Your Personality... ... that you may have forgotten about. Perhaps, it's time to join a group or take a class in which you might meet someone with similar interests. If you are Doing Something you love to do, if you are engaged and passionate, it is like a Giant Beacon. Follow this Guidance ... You will discover the YOU, you are Seeking. Om Shanti For Women (and Men) all over, in appreciation and … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Self Confidence

Here are some self confidence tips which can be developed into unconscious characteristics of your personality. The most effective use of these self confidence tips is done through repetition and reinforcement. The use of the self confidence tips described here must be done on a daily basis and with a conscious effort on your part to retrain the way your mind works. Again, self confidence is a learned skill, and all learned skills must be improved upon regularly. 1. Develop the … [Read more...]

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