Celiac Awareness Month – May 2024

Celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy is an inherited condition triggered by the consumption of cereal grains containing "gluten". Simply put, the immune system of a celiac reacts negatively to the presence of gluten in the diet causing damage to the inner lining of the small bowel which reduces the person's ablility to absorb nutrients including: iron, folate, calcium, Vitamin D, protein, fat and other food compounds. The grains considered to be capable of producing negative effects in … [Read more...]

How CBD Supplements Can Help Improve Your Skin

Gone are the days when the psychoactive plant called marijuana was classified as a Schedule 1 drug. There are so many benefits that are being derived from the various chemicals present in this plant that it has become a best-seller ingredient in almost all the industries out there. CBD or cannabidiol is one ingredient that has been at the top in the skincare industry. It does not have any psychoactive ingredients such as THC, but you can derive all benefits from it. Apart from being … [Read more...]

Maternal Health Education must be Prioritized Globally

What is Maternal Health Education? The WHO states "Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period." Each stage should be a positive experience, ensuring women and their babies reach their full potential for health and well-being." Although important progress has been made in the last two decades, in 2020, the global maternal mortality ratio was 152 deaths per 100,000 live births; this number is unacceptably high. Every pregnancy and … [Read more...]

Teen Suicide: The Topic Nobody Wants to Talk About

Suicide (i.e., taking one's own life) is a serious public health problem that affects even young people. For youth between the ages of 10 and 24, suicide is the third leading cause of death. It results in approximately 4600 lives lost each year. The top three methods used in suicides of young people include firearm (45%), suffocation (40%), and poisoning (8%). Deaths from youth suicide are only part of the problem. More young people survive suicide attempts than actually die. A nationwide … [Read more...]

JAN 12, National Youth Day celebrates Swami Vivekananda

The National Youth Day 2022 is about to be on the 12 of January 2022. Well, this is the day by which people of India are connected emotionally. This is the day when the Swami Vivekananda has born and this is celebrated as National Youth Day India. National Youth Day is celebrated in all schools, Colleges, Educational institutes in India Every year. The logic behind the celebration is to update the youths regarding the lifestyle of the Swami Vivekananda. The Indian Government declared this as … [Read more...]

5 Of The Best Things a Mother Can Do for Her Children

Being a mother is definitely one of the best jobs on the planet. From the first second that your child enters your life, you’ll experience love like no other and a need to protect like you’ve never felt before. Becoming and being a mother is a very emotional experience that nobody can prepare you for. Many people panic before welcoming their first child, thinking that they won’t be able to provide it with all of the care and knowledge that it will need. In reality, as soon as the child arrives … [Read more...]

The Extent of Fatherlessness

More than 20 million children live in a home without the physical presence of a father. Millions more have dads who are physically present, but emotionally absent. If it were classified as a disease, fatherlessness would be an epidemic worthy of attention as a national emergency. The impact of fatherlessness can be seen in our homes, schools, hospitals and prisons, as reflected in the above clip from the documentary film, Irreplaceable. In short, fatherlessness is associated with almost every … [Read more...]

Back to School Anxiety, By Dr. Joan Simeo Munson

Empowering Parents says: "As the start of the school year approaches, have you seen your first grader go into meltdown mode at the mention of school, or watched your soon-to-be kindergarten student regress back to baby talking and thumb sucking? Rest assured that you’re not alone. Each fall, millions of parents deal with their children’s beginning-of-the-year anxiety. For younger children starting school—whether it’s pre-school, kindergarten, or a transition into the first or second … [Read more...]

Certain Risk Factors Make Females Vulnerable to Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is an issue that people suffer with all over the world, but did you know that there are certain risk factors that make women more vulnerable to drug abuse than men? In order to help yourself or someone you love, continue reading to learn more about what these risk factors are, as well as what you can do to avoid them and avoid falling victim to drugs. Different Factors for Females Than Males During a study conducted involving young girls and women ranging from the ages of 8 to … [Read more...]

International Children’s Day, celebrated JUNE 1

International Children's Day is observed on June 01, 2015. The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland, proclaimed June 1 to be International Children's Day in 1925. After the conference, different governments around the world decided to declare a day as Children's Day to draw attention to children's issues. Many countries chose June 1, so this is the reason, why International Children's Day take place an June 1. Children's Day is recognized on various days in … [Read more...]

Amnesty International Day, celebrated May 28

Amnesty International was founded in London in 1961, following the publication of the article "The Forgotten Prisoners" in The Observer 28 May 1961, by the lawyer Peter Benenson. Citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articles 18 and 19, it announced a campaign on "Appeal for Amnesty, 1961" and called for "common action". Amnesty International is a non-governmental organisation focused on human rights with over 3 million members and supporters around the world. The objective of the … [Read more...]

SEXUAL ASSAULT, What is Consent?

Globally, the term "sexual assault" covers behavior from unwanted touching to rape. Each state has its own legal definition and criminal code, and thus definitions of acts that constitute sexual assault vary. These definitions are gender neutral because sexual assault happens to both females and males, although the vast majority of sexual assault victims are females. If you've been falsely accused of sexual assault then you should contact a criminal attorney at your earliest possible … [Read more...]

WAF, “Do women still need feminism?”

Do Women still need feminism? A controversial social media movement called Women Against Feminism features women explaining — mostly in “selfies” with handwritten signs — why they do not. Feminist responses have ranged from bafflement to vitriol or mockery to arguments that these women don’t know what feminism is. But while this new movement has its silly aspects, it raises some much-needed questions about feminism’s present and future state — and, in the weeks since it first attracted … [Read more...]

Self Injury Awareness Day, MAR 1

Will you see the emotional scars? Self Injury Awareness Day - Self-injury or self harming is when a person deliberately hurts themselves physically to deal with the emotional pain they are suffering. Self-injury is any deliberate, non suicidal behaviour that inflicts physical harm on your body and is aimed at relieving emotional distress. Photo courtesy of Piotr Kozikowski Physical pain is often easier to deal with than emotional pain, because it causes ‘real’ feelings. Injuries can … [Read more...]

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