Celiac Awareness Month – May 2024

Celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy is an inherited condition triggered by the consumption of cereal grains containing "gluten". Simply put, the immune system of a celiac reacts negatively to the presence of gluten in the diet causing damage to the inner lining of the small bowel which reduces the person's ablility to absorb nutrients including: iron, folate, calcium, Vitamin D, protein, fat and other food compounds. The grains considered to be capable of producing negative effects in … [Read more...]

Sisters Under Siege, Women ~ Your Support Required!

The Women and Children of Iraq Are Under Siege "I am against war, since war means destruction, hurt and ruin. Nobody should like war especially when all the great powers of the world gang up against one country in an unequal war and try to destroy all signs of progress and make the country go back to the middle ages. People are starving to death and inflation is murder. Missiles and bombs do not think, they hit and explode-whether you are military or civilian, sick or well, old or young, men … [Read more...]

Celebrating “National Popcorn Day” – JAN 19

National Popcorn Day aims to draw awareness to popcorn and the never-ending amount of fun you can have with it! When's the last time you tried cheesy jalapeno popcorn? Or you opened up an oriental takeaway box and found spicy popcorn instead? Probably never, but now is your chance! So why do we love popcorn? Well the obvious answer because it's so tasty! But we also relate it to watching a great film and having a relaxing time with our friends or family. It even made an … [Read more...]

The 4 Top Natural Beauty Tips To Make You Glow On Busy Mornings

Maintaining radiant skin doesn't have to be an arduous morning routine filled with expensive beauty products. According to Dr. Willem Marsman of the International Food Safety Consultancy, the shelf life on most skincare products is only 3-12 months. Now is the perfect time to ditch expired products and replace them with these natural staples and easy beauty practices that are free of potentially harmful chemicals. 1. Sleep Let’s face it, a few sleepless nights can leave your face … [Read more...]

CANADA, further support to those affected by the violence in Syria

PM announces further support to those affected by the violence in Syria September 6, 2013 St. Petersburg, Russia Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced further Canadian support to help address the worsening humanitarian situation in Syria. “The Government of Canada stands with the people of Syria as they continue to face unfathomable hardships at the hands of the Assad regime,” said Prime Minister Harper. “Canada’s support, together with that of its allies, will help … [Read more...]

Canada, Rent or Food? We Shouldn’t Have to Choose!‏

Hunger and affordable housing issues go hand-in-hand for Canadians with low incomes. But we shouldn't have to choose between affording food and paying rent! Rising housing costs often leave families without enough income to cover necessities like food, driving them to food banks for the most basic form of assistance. A quarter of all Canadians spend more than 30% of their income on housing, pushing these costs of out of the threshold of affordability. Tell the government that … [Read more...]

How Food Is Empowering Women In Afghanistan

How Food Is Empowering Women In Afghanistan A series of food assistance projects in northeastern Afghanistan are helping to teach women how to read and write as well as grow fresh vegetables they can sell on the local market. As an extra incentive to take part in the project, the women are provided food rations by WFP. WFP - VIDEO ARCHIVE … [Read more...]

SRI LANKA: WFP eyes cash/voucher expansion

JAFFNA, December 2012 (IRIN) - The World Food Programme (WFP) hopes to expand its ongoing cash/voucher (C/V) programme across northern Sri Lanka, allowing thousands of recent returnees to diversify their diets. “More than 15,000 men, women and children have so far benefited from the programme in Jaffna,” Mads Lofvall, WFP acting country representative, told IRIN. “With the expansion we hope to reach more than the currently planned beneficiary caseload - 45,000 over the next two … [Read more...]

Honduras: Women Run a Nursery, Learn About Climate Change

Doña Esperanza waters some of the 28 species of plantlets grown in El Pacifico Nursery. (Copyright: WFP/Hetze Tosta) Single Honduran mothers receive assistance from the Honduran authorities and the WFP to maintain this nursery that they have as a result to generate the economic resources to maintain their families and protect the environment. “We are pleased with this project because it will improve the lives of our families and communities,” says Neptali Amador, Marcovia City Council … [Read more...]

Holiday Brunch, How to Plan

Perhaps it’s your turn to host your family’s annual Christmas brunch, or maybe you’re interested in starting a new holiday tradition with your own family and friends. Maybe you’ve always wanted to host a holiday brunch, but haven’t been confident that you could pull it off. Well now there are no more excuses. You can follow this easy plan on how to host your own holiday brunch and guarantee brunch success. Guest list First things first, you’ll need to determine who you want on your guest … [Read more...]

Cooperatives: Empowering women farmers, improving food security

Cooperatives: Empowering women farmers, improving food security Rural cooperatives and farmers’ organizations play a crucial role in the eradication of hunger and poverty. One of the ways they achieve this is through their vocation to empower small agricultural producers, and in particular women farmers. Empowering women farmers improves food security for all Women comprise on average 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing countries and produce the bulk of the world’s food … [Read more...]

Andes Woman, Professor Luz Gomez Pando is Taking Action

For centuries, quinoa and amaranth have been cultivated in the High Andes of Peru. These highly nutritious cereals were even consumed by the Incas. Today, demand for these products is on the increase in places like North America, Japan and in European countries. Plant breeder, Professor Luz Gomez Pando, is trying to develop new varieties of quinoa and amaranth that have a higher yield and are more nutritious. She is using a nuclear technique in her work, which uses radiation to … [Read more...]

PARENTS, How to Save Money by Making Your Own Mixes in Bulk

Nearly everyone accepts a little help from the store when it comes to seasoning mixes, baking mixes and even cake mixes. Take a look at the ingredients of those mixes. Many times they are full of salt and other preservatives that are just not all that good for you and your family. To avoid getting all of the bad stuff, but still having these convenient mixes, you can make your own. Since you are doing the work you are also saving money over buying the mixes from the store. Check out some of … [Read more...]

Kid’s State Dinner – The Whitehouse on August 20, 2012

Hello -- Tomorrow is going to be a special day at the White House, and I wanted to make sure you got a chance to be a part of it. At lunchtime, 54 kids from all over the United States will join me in the East Room for the first-ever Kids'State Dinner. Each of these young people worked with their parents to create an original lunch recipe. We asked them to design a dish that was healthy, affordable, and tasty -- and which met the nutritional guidelines set up by the U.S. Department of … [Read more...]

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