Where is Gender Equality in 2024?

Life on planet Earth has digressed for all women globally in this last decade or so. The effects of this last pandemic and current wars, women are the gender that seem to lose and suffer the most. In war zones women are victim to severe violence, in the boardroom women are waning at the table and even online our young women are victim to a growing exposure to misogyny and sexism. The Independent UK writes: "Influencers are fueling a “toxic” environment for young girls and the scale of … [Read more...]

March: Celebrating Women’s History Month

Women's History Month is a celebration of women's contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. This honored month provides an opportunity to honor the generations of trailblazing women and girls who have built our Nation, shaped our progress, and strengthened our character as a people. International Women's Day on March 8 received formal recognition internationally started in 1910, when a women by the name of … [Read more...]

4 Ways to Bridge the Gender Divide in a Male-Dominated Society

From a young age, gender role stereotypes are ingrained into children and their perceptions of the world, from the clothes they wear to the toys they are given to play with. Even as they get older, children are still being dictated to regarding where their interests should lie, and the industries they should aim to get involved in, both from a professional standpoint, and a recreational one. It is considered the norm for women to wear skirts, like bright pastel colors, and want to be nurses … [Read more...]

Gender Holds a Fundamental Role in Human Integration

Gender integration is the process of assessing the implications for women, men and people with diverse gender identities of any planned action—including legislation, policies or programs—in all areas and at all levels. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality. Women share with men the physical, as well as the spiritual roles of life in the process of human integration. Both men and women give much of their capabilities to the movement of existence, the vitality of love, the … [Read more...]

Global Gender Equality Goals Review in 2021

Progress towards gender equality is looking bleak. But it doesn’t need to. A new global analysis of progress on gender equality and women’s rights shows women and girls remain disproportionately affected by the socioeconomic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, struggling with disproportionately high job and livelihood losses, education disruptions and increased burdens of unpaid care work. Women’s health services, poorly funded even before the pandemic, faced major disruptions, … [Read more...]

Top Issues Women Still Face at Work (How to Deal with Them)

Despite the recent changes and developments in gender equality, women still face many issues at work. Equal pay is still a problem in many companies, even with so many movements and real efforts being made to close the gap. We’re still a long way from equal pay, but the increasing awareness is helping women to get fair compensation for their expertise. Unfortunately, there are other issues that working women face regularly. Knowing more about these issues and how to deal with them are the … [Read more...]

Gender Trainers Webinar, NOV 3

Don't miss the UN Women Training Center Webinar on Professionalization of Gender Trainers! The growing popularity of training for gender equality is driving a rising demand for expert trainers. Since the 1995 Beijing Conference, ever greater numbers of “gender trainers” have delivered training for a range of actors – international organisations, governments, NGOs and businesses – to ensure that their programs and policies mainstream gender equality. Yet, there is little agreement about what … [Read more...]

Tracking gender statistics in pursuit of SDG 5

To deepen the understanding of the different challenges women and men face in today’s world, statisticians use disaggregated data and gender statistics to allow for a unique insight into gender issues. The 6th Global Forum on Gender Statistics, organized by UN DESA’s Statistics Division and Statistics Finland, focused on data and statistical methods for the follow-up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was an opportunity to take stock of progress towards the … [Read more...]

Virtual Dialogue: Gender Equality Panel – 24 Oct to 11 Nov, 2016

This Virtual Dialogue will take place online from 24 October to 11 November, 2016 within the UN Women Training Centre Gender Equality Community of Practice (CoP), aimeing to reflect on how trainers are currently trained, developed or "made"; what qualifications they should have; what criteria and credentials they should meet; what kinds of professional ethics and standards they should aspire to uphold; how this should be decided and by whom; and what the opportunities and limitations of such … [Read more...]

WAF, “Do women still need feminism?”

Do Women still need feminism? A controversial social media movement called Women Against Feminism features women explaining — mostly in “selfies” with handwritten signs — why they do not. Feminist responses have ranged from bafflement to vitriol or mockery to arguments that these women don’t know what feminism is. But while this new movement has its silly aspects, it raises some much-needed questions about feminism’s present and future state — and, in the weeks since it first attracted … [Read more...]

Awareness: Gender and Social Justice

Awareness leads to Action: Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as a human's or an animal's perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. Awareness is a … [Read more...]

WOMEN and LEADERSHIP, does still Gender Matter?

International Women's Day 2015 was celebrated just last Sunday, and thousands of women's groups around the world created events to celebrate the positive steps taken this last year globally for all women. Some focused on gender equality, some on positive action and others chose independent themes that affect a woman's life in specific areas. Regardless of topic, all areas of a woman's life is important to the positive change this planet needs, in these critical times of change. The primary … [Read more...]

UN Women, What are women’s human rights?

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UN Women National Committee Canada celebrates HeForShe

Dear supporters of UN Women and UN Women National Committee Canada I am pleased to announce the launch of the global HeForShe campaign, a movement that transcends class, race or gender. The HeForShe Campaign is a solidarity movement for gender equality developed by UN Women to engage men and boys as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women's rights. The campaign encourages them to speak out and take action against inequalities faced by women and girls. … [Read more...]

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