Top Reasons to Consider Moving to a Residential Care Home

As people age, they often face the decision of whether transitioning to a residential care home is the right choice for them. While this decision can bring about significant changes, there are several compelling reasons why many seniors find this transition beneficial and enriching. Here are some of the top reasons why moving to a residential care home might be the best decision. 1. Safety and Security One of the foremost concerns for seniors is safety, particularly if they live alone or … [Read more...]

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day? Each year, hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited. In addition, elders throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation, funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care. Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs in every demographic, and can happen to … [Read more...]

It’s Your Turn Now – Practical Guidance When Caring for Aging Mom

When you look back at your life, the one thing you may wonder about is how your mother cared for you through so many trials and tribulations while you were still at home. From around-the-clock feedings as an infant to the terrible twos and those rebellious teen years, your mother was a pillar of strength guiding you and helping you to become the woman you are today. Now it’s your turn to take care of mom as she ages, and this is something for which few of us are prepared. It’s mom who’s … [Read more...]

How To Look After Your Back As You Get Older

Despite the importance that your spine plays throughout your life, many people tend to ignore it until something goes wrong. When you’re young, you never think that your body will let you down, so you lift incorrectly or do something that puts a strain on your back without thinking. However, as you grow older, your back can start to suffer because of these incidents. So, how can you look after your back as you get older? Why Is Spinal Health So Important? Apart from the fact that your … [Read more...]

Retirement is a New Beginning

Many women have mixed feelings about retirement. For some, it’s the promise of a life of leisure that keeps them going, the goal towards which they aspire. For others, it can feel like the end of their useful life, particularly if they’ve had a career that was a passion or vocation around which the rest of their day revolved. However you view the prospect of retirement, there are steps you can take to ensure it is the beginning of a new chapter in your life rather than the closing of a book, and … [Read more...]

4 Health Tips Meant Exclusively For Senior Women

No matter how old we get, staying healthy seems to always be at the forefront of our minds. Eating right and exercising is important for every person, no matter what their age, but for many women age 65 and older, those generic health and fitness tips you find online simply aren’t practical anymore. Life after 65 and post-menopause means a great deal of change for the average woman’s body, which means there needs to be a change in the way women this age approach their healthy diet and exercise … [Read more...]

Elderly Abuse and Neglect – What Should You Do?

As your parents needs grow more demanding as they age, it is not always possible for you to care for them at home; often times they can get the best care in an assisted living center or other type of elderly care facility. Unfortunately, even though these places are full of very giving and caring individuals who work there, every once in a while there is an exception and one of your elderly loved ones may have been the victim of an abusive situation. When this happens there are some courses … [Read more...]

National Mentoring Month celebrated JAN 2014

National Mentoring Month is a campaign held each January to promote youth mentoring in the United States. It was inaugurated in 2002, and is spearheaded by the Harvard School of Public Health, MENTOR, and the Corporation for National and Community Service. Each year since 2002, President George W. Bush has endorsed the campaign by proclaiming January as National Mentoring Month. The declaration has been endorsed by both chambers of the United States Congress. The campaign's media partners … [Read more...]

Caregiver Awareness Month – NOV 2013

November is National Family Caregivers Awareness Month "This month and throughout the year, let the quiet perseverance of our family caregiversremind us of the decency and kindnessto which we can all aspire." -President Barack Obama, 2011 Proclamation National Family Caregivers Month is a nationally recognized month observed every November to draw attention to the many challenges facing family caregivers, advocate for stronger public policy to address family caregiving issues, and raise … [Read more...]

International Widow’s Day celebrated JUNE 23

Absent in statistics, unnoticed by researchers, neglected by national and local authorities and mostly overlooked by civil society organizations – the situation of widows is, in effect, invisible. Yet abuse of widows and their children constitutes one of the most serious violations of human rights and obstacles to development today. Millions of the world’s widows endure extreme poverty, ostracism, violence, homelessness, ill health and discrimination in law and custom. To give special … [Read more...]

MAY = Older Americans Month, Women Take Action!

May is designated as national Older Americans Month to encourage support for America's seniors. However, the challenges of aging are more pronounced for women. Compared with men, older women (age 65 and over) are more likely to be widowed or living alone, spend more years requiring long term care services and are more likely to live in poverty. "We are proud to be working in partnership with the Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) to help women better plan for their … [Read more...]

Difficult people, sometimes you don’t have a choice?

No one wants to encounter people who are hard to get along with in their daily life, whether it’s a coworker, your neighbor, someone at the school or a member of your own family.   However, sometimes you don’t have a choice?   Here are 30 awesome blogs posts stocked with 'tips and tricks' to help you handle these difficult people. At Work Day in and day out you go to work knowing that you have to deal with the same nasty person. While you may wonder what you ever did to her, … [Read more...]

National Alzheimer’s Plan, Canadian National demographics show

Right now, over 500,000 Canadians have Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. That number is expected to double by 2038. We are asking the Canadian government to create a plan to respond to the dementia crisis. Within two decades, it's estimated that more than 1 million Canadians will be living with dementia, yet Canada still has no national, strategic plans to make sure every one of these people -- and their families -- get the treatment and support they need. Tell Prime Minister … [Read more...]

Caregivers need Care, too! – WOMEN in RECOVERY

If you’re a family member caring for a loved one with a brain injury, a senior parent or a dependent adult child, you likely feel you fill a role that no one else can. You provide assistance, support and encouragement not because you are being paid to, but out of love and concern for the survivor. This type of commitment is commendable, but many people remark that they don’t feel as if it is a choice, it is simply what is required of the situation. And so, they carry on. But through their … [Read more...]

Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge

Rapidly and surely the world is getting older. In 2000, for the first time in history, there were more people over age 60 than children below age 5. The number and proportion of older persons is growing faster than any other age group, and will surpass 1 billion people in less the 10 years. Ageing is now occurring fastest in the developing world, which has limited resources and plans to deal with this unprecedented demographic trend. The older generation -- which includes caregivers, … [Read more...]

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