Elderly Abuse and Neglect – What Should You Do?

As your parents needs grow more demanding as they age, it is not always possible for you to care for them at home; often times they can get the best care in an assisted living center or other type of elderly care facility. Unfortunately, even though these places are full of very giving and caring individuals who work there, every once in a while there is an exception and one of your elderly loved ones may have been the victim of an abusive situation. When this happens there are some courses … [Read more...]

World Elder Abuse Day, June 15

Please Join Us In Commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is recognized annually on or around the 15th of June. Since its inception in 2006, communities throughout the country and around the world have used this day to raise the visibility of elder abuse by sharing information about abuse, neglect, and exploitation in later life and promoting the resources and services that work to increase victim safety and improve offender … [Read more...]

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