World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day? Each year, hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited. In addition, elders throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation, funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care. Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs in every demographic, and can happen to … [Read more...]

Celebrating the Good Things in Later Life

No-one wants to get older, but unfortunately, there’s no way of preventing the march of time – at least not yet; you never know what science will come up with in the future! But for now, aging is inevitable. Rather than feeling depressed at leaving your youth behind, it makes sense to look at the second half of your life as a new beginning, an opportunity to achieve great things and enjoy yourself, and celebrate the many ways in which life is so much better now for older women. Getting older is … [Read more...]

How to Spot Elder Abuse and Stop It

Watching an elderly relative’s health deteriorate is never easy; however, it can be utterly heartbreaking to believe they are the victim of elder abuse, which could be emotional, physical, or financial abuse. Sadly, one in ten people over the age of 60 experience abuse or exploitation. This abuse can be at the hands of family members, caregivers, or in their nursing home. If you believe a loved one is a victim of elder abuse, here is what you should do. Look for Signs of Financial … [Read more...]

How To Look After Your Back As You Get Older

Despite the importance that your spine plays throughout your life, many people tend to ignore it until something goes wrong. When you’re young, you never think that your body will let you down, so you lift incorrectly or do something that puts a strain on your back without thinking. However, as you grow older, your back can start to suffer because of these incidents. So, how can you look after your back as you get older? Why Is Spinal Health So Important? Apart from the fact that your … [Read more...]

4 Health Tips Meant Exclusively For Senior Women

No matter how old we get, staying healthy seems to always be at the forefront of our minds. Eating right and exercising is important for every person, no matter what their age, but for many women age 65 and older, those generic health and fitness tips you find online simply aren’t practical anymore. Life after 65 and post-menopause means a great deal of change for the average woman’s body, which means there needs to be a change in the way women this age approach their healthy diet and exercise … [Read more...]

World Elder Abuse Day, June 15

Please Join Us In Commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is recognized annually on or around the 15th of June. Since its inception in 2006, communities throughout the country and around the world have used this day to raise the visibility of elder abuse by sharing information about abuse, neglect, and exploitation in later life and promoting the resources and services that work to increase victim safety and improve offender … [Read more...]

Critical Skills for Powerful Change Agents‏

Dear Friends, In every age, there are those who are inspired to imagine and initiate improvements to their world that change the course of history. They are not just the popular heroes and heroines who we are taught about in school, but they are the quiet ones who had the calling, the courage and vision to offer their ideas and efforts in meaningful ways. Perhaps you are one of these people. The swiftly changing social and environmental situations are hoping that if you are, you will … [Read more...]

International Widow’s Day celebrated JUNE 23

Absent in statistics, unnoticed by researchers, neglected by national and local authorities and mostly overlooked by civil society organizations – the situation of widows is, in effect, invisible. Yet abuse of widows and their children constitutes one of the most serious violations of human rights and obstacles to development today. Millions of the world’s widows endure extreme poverty, ostracism, violence, homelessness, ill health and discrimination in law and custom. To give special … [Read more...]

11th Council Gathering, July 26th – 29th, 2012, Lame Deer, Montana‏

11th Council Gathering July 26-29, 2012 Northern Cheyenne reservation, Lame Deer, Montana "Gratitude Brings Freedom"   This is my gratitude to my spiritual ancestors for the expression of freedom to come home. Gratitude is the most direct way to spiritual growth. - Grandmother Margaret Behan Honoring Grandmother Margaret Behan "Red Spider Woman" And the CHEYENNE-ARAPAHO PEOPLE   With a prayer of hope, The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers are … [Read more...]

JAPAN: 'Keiro' Rojin no hi – September 20

JAPAN:  'Keiro' Rojin no hi   September 20   This national holiday was established in 1966 as a day to respect the elderly and celebrate long life.   Originally held on September 15, it originated as a renaming of Old Folks' Day (Rojin no hi).     In 2003, it was changed to the third Monday of September,  in accordance with the Happy Monday!     Japanese people traditionally wear red on their 60th birthday because 60 years is one cycle on the Chinese calendar and after 60, it is said … [Read more...]

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