Passion, Peace and Productivity, 10 celebrated Tweak Tips!

There are moments in life we all ask ourselves, "If I only had more energy, I could ...?" Well, there are tiny tweaks to your daily habits can make all the change in the world, for you to fulfill your day with calm energetic flow. If you are willing to 'change' a degree or two your regular habits, and try something new - you just may be amazed at the results. The following 10 Tweak Tips may just be the answer to your repeated longing for more energy, less anxiety and a newfound sense of … [Read more...]

Difficult people, sometimes you don’t have a choice?

No one wants to encounter people who are hard to get along with in their daily life, whether it’s a coworker, your neighbor, someone at the school or a member of your own family.   However, sometimes you don’t have a choice?   Here are 30 awesome blogs posts stocked with 'tips and tricks' to help you handle these difficult people. At Work Day in and day out you go to work knowing that you have to deal with the same nasty person. While you may wonder what you ever did to her, … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Renewal of Spirit: Traditional Chinese Medicine

         The Spirit of Renewal: Spring and Traditional Chinese Medicine         By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM Spring: It is the long-awaited change of winter to spring. Seeds sprout, flowers bloom, and the sun warms the earth. There is a sense of renewal and new life all around. While winter was a time to conserve energy and reduce activity, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit.      The Principle of the Five Elements The five … [Read more...]


THREE SIMPLE SECRETS FOR A HAPPY LIFE! A couple of weeks ago, I was with a wonderful woman who lives on the Sunshine Coast – Roslyn Uttleymore. She and her husband run a raw food health school and it’s well worth visiting their site to see some REALLY yummy recipes of food that you would NEVER believe was raw! I have made many of the delicious things that she so generously shares and am even converting my husband! LOL I learned something very simple but very … [Read more...]

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