Tips for Women’s Winter Health

Yes, it might be the season for parties, making merry and cozy nights snuggled up in front of the fire, but winter also means you are more prone to colds, tiredness and craving bowls of carb-laden pasta or bakes. As the cold days and long nights roll in, the winter can have major physical and psychological effects on your body. So rather than fighting against the winter season, how about learning to embrace these effects and seasonal stresses, and use them to your advantage, so that you can have … [Read more...]

Social Media for the National HIV Prevention Conference

  As part of the planning and preparation for CDC’s 2011 National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC), we reached out to the staff of our CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) project to lend their expertise with social media outreach. Through our social media channels and activities we promoted the conference, informed followers of key deadlines, and assisted with networking for attendees and non-attendees.Using social media also facilitated our sharing of resources and … [Read more...]

Engaging Businesses in Support of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Successfully achieving the National HIV/AIDS Strategy’s aggressive goals depends not only on Federal leadership, but also on new investments and new partnerships from all parts society, including the private sector. As my colleague Melody Barnes, the President’s Domestic Policy Adviser, noted in a prior post, we know that some of our biggest successes in fighting HIV/AIDS have come about because of private sector initiatives, so we have called on businesses and foundations to provide … [Read more...]

Housing — Our Response to HIV

Housing — Our Response to HIV By David Vos, Director, Office of HIV/AIDS Housing, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (Cross-posted from The HUDdle - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Official Blog) June 5th, 2011 will mark 30 years since the first reports of persons infected with HIV. Today, even with the incredible strides in medication, care and understanding, much remains to be done. From our special vantage at HUD, housing that is decent safe and … [Read more...]

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