History of Mother’s Day Celebration

What Is Mother’s Day? Celebration of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Once a major tradition in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, this celebration fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent and was originally seen as a time when the faithful would return to their “mother … [Read more...]

How to Teach your Kids about Gratitude

Children learn all behavior from their parents, so if Mom and Dad feel frustrated and irritated, then the chances are that your kids will pick up on this and reflect it. So, if you want to prevent temper tantrums and tears this festive period, then its important that you begin teaching your kids how to be grateful for all the things in life that don’t have an expensive price tag. Say Thank You Learning how to say thank you, and be grateful for what you already have or have just received … [Read more...]

3 Important Symptoms of Childhood Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. These blood cells and platelets are produced within the bone marrow. When a child is suffering from leukemia, white blood cells may not be able to form properly and stay immature. These immature cells then continue to reproduce rapidly, pushing out the healthy, fully grown white blood cells and producing a variety of symptoms. Leukemia is the most common form of pediatric cancer affecting around 4,000 children in the United States every year, meaning … [Read more...]

Benzos: A Whole New Generation of Dangerous ‘Mother’s Little Helpers’

Way back in the 1960s, the Rolling Stones did a song about an already epidemic problem, addiction to tranquilizers. The song is entitled Mother’s Little Helper. While many people thought it was about all kinds of tranquilizers, in reality they were referring to a specific pharmaceutical that gained prominence among physicians during the 1950s. The name of the drug was Miltown and it was used for everything from anxiety to detox from alcohol. Unfortunately, Miltown also led to addiction of … [Read more...]

Tips for Moms Facing the Consequences of Addiction

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes but there is one thing that is always for sure, there are going to be consequences for addiction to mind or mood altering substances. Whether you are impaired because of the addiction may be up to dispute but if that addiction can potentially lead to mishaps and injuries, there is a real problem. Mothers in the 21st Century are still becoming addicted to legally prescribed medications and as a result, are facing consequences that they never foresaw. If you … [Read more...]

Returning to the Workforce as a Mother

Returning to the Workforce as a Mother – Would Getting Your MBA First Create a Better Future for You and Your Family? If you decided to take a break from your career while your child was very young, but are planning to return to work once he or she is a little older and in school, it can be a bit of a daunting prospect. If you had a promising career you would like to go back to, you may be concerned that in the time you were not working, you may have become a less attractive prospect to … [Read more...]

Celebrating Mother’s Day 2015 – May 10

Background Early Mother's Day celebrations can be dated back to the spring celebrations to honor Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, in ancient Greek civilization, according to some sources. Later, Mothering Sunday in the United Kingdom was traditionally a day for people to visit the church where they were baptized, although it now also celebrates motherhood in modern times. The modern-day origins of Mother's Day can be attributed to two women – Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, who were … [Read more...]

JOIN Dr. Jill Biden Online FREE, January 9, 11:00 a.m

Dear friends, Happy New Year! As part of our healthy start to 2015, we would like to invite you to a very special call. Join Dr. Jill Biden for a conference call on Friday, January 9, at 11:00 a.m. ET to discuss the benefits available to women through the Affordable Care Act. In light of the Women's Week of Action this week, Dr. Biden will also highlight the important work that organizations are doing to reach women and moms during this open enrollment period. Jill Biden, wife of … [Read more...]

3 Keys for Parenting a Peaceful Generation

Being a mom of three little Angels who are completely different to the child I used to be led my path to a wonderful discovery of the new generations who are now living among us. World is changing really fast and we all can notice that on how technology changes every day, on the new education systems emerging, and on many other things that are part of our daily lives. While being in the spiritual path I have met many different people who are living experiences that have brought big lessons … [Read more...]

Motherhood and Spirituality

Motherhood and Spirituality "amen! ah, the spirituality of sweeping. what encounters of the everyday connect you to the presence of God, the Holy, or the Creative Spirit?" life in motherhood Motherhood is a complex responsibility, with huge emotional shifts and challenges all along the way. Even the most empowered women must face gender inequality as well as myriad other complexities within the covers of every perfect life. Joy, unconditional love, and immersion into the positive must … [Read more...]


Whether you are a new mom just heading back to the work force or a mom that has been back for years, you probably have found that it’s difficult to balance your work and home life. Finding ways to fit in all the things you have to do while still being able to enjoy all the things you want to do isn’t easy. However, there are ways you can reduce the time you spend tackling things on your to-do list. With the help of these 80 blogs you’ll find you have more time during the evenings, you’re … [Read more...]

Menu Planning Tips for Busy Moms

Between taking care of the house, the kids, and all of the other tasks that fall to mom, sometimes there’s just not enough energy left to fix dinner. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You can avoid those last minute trips through the drive-thru by using a few of the tips in these 25 blogs, which cover everything from where to start menu planning to how to create the perfect grocery list and everything in between. Check the Weekly Grocery Store Ads Planning menus can be … [Read more...]


Just like the rest of your infant or toddler’s body, her ears are sensitive to sounds and environmental noise in a way that yours may not be. Loud sounds that you’re able to process without much trouble can be difficult for a small child to deal with, and can even be potentially damaging to their ears due to her smaller ear canal. Protecting your child’s ears during loud events and in noisy spaces is not only helping to keep her more comfortable, it’s also helping to prevent possible hearing … [Read more...]

10 Reasons to Reconsider Naming Your Kid Something Awkward

When you bring a new life into the world, you’re charged with a host of very serious responsibilities that will impact the happiness and well-being of that child well into the future. One of the first and arguably most important of those tasks in the earliest moments of your little one’s life is the choosing of her name. You’ll want something that’s unique enough to allow her to be an individual, but common enough that she won’t be forced to answer a laundry list of questions about the origin … [Read more...]

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