How to Protect Your Jewelry For The Future

Your jewelry has sentimental and monetary worth. If you want to ensure they stay in perfect condition for years to come, it's crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard your priceless items. This article covers five important topics to assist you in protecting your jewelry going forward. 1. Proper Storage Maintaining the durability and quality of your jewelry pieces requires proper storage. Purchasing high-quality storage options, such as organizers, jewelry boxes, or soft … [Read more...]

Gift Ideas for Children’s Christenings

Christenings are seen as cheerful events which bring together close family members and friends so that they can share in the special moment of a child’s life. The service is usually followed by a reception to allow everyone to catch up, reminisce, and more importantly, celebrate together a prominent day in a child’s life. While this is all fairly straightforward, if you have an upcoming christening to attend, one aspect which you might be struggling with is what to gift to give to the child and … [Read more...]

Why More Women Are Choosing Their Own Engagement Rings

Traditionally, buying an engagement ring has always been the job of the male partner in a relationship. But recently, more and more women are taking to selecting their own engagement rings, with some even going so far as to pay half towards the cost of this milestone jewelry piece. Whilst being surprised with an engagement ring by your partner can certainly be a lovely moment, more and more women are realizing that selecting their own engagement ring can definitely be an easier and more … [Read more...]

ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Elder Abuse

    ADELE BUTLER - Women of Spirit: Elder Abuse     Elder Abuse Victims Act of 2009 (House Resolution 448)   “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God.  I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:32, NI)   Last month we celebrated my mother’s 80th birthday. I was thrilled that my fiancé and her only grandchild were there for the momentous occasion. As I looked at her I couldn’t help but feel happy that she is still around. She and I used to live together until I … [Read more...]

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