The world at large is making great strides at reducing poverty. India, for example, cut the number of its citizens living in poverty in half from 1994 to 2012. In a country that size, the impact is enormous: at least 133 million people crossed above the poverty line in less than two decades, according to the World Bank.
The trend is similar in places like China, Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, Botswana, and Tanzania. But there is of course much work left to be done. While many countries and international organizations are leading the charge, a series of global companies are also making a big difference.
The following list breaks down three of the ways that influential brands are doing their part.
Starbucks is a major buyer of Colombian coffee, and it has taken a bigger and bigger role in recent years to help rural, low-income farmers increase their harvest yields. The South American nation’s conflict-ravaged past has disrupted markets there and made life difficult in many rural zones, something Starbucks is looking to ease by providing agriculture and climate resiliency education as well as new technology to improve farm operations.
The program, which was launched in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is expected to help approximately 1,000 Colombian farmers and is complementing a separate initiative that is investing $4 million, along with the Inter-American Developmental Bank (IDB), to help support up to 2,000 women farmers.
Amway may have gotten its start in Michigan but it has expanded far and wide, making inroads into more than 100 markets across the world, with an especially strong presence in Asia. Its business model has been successful in empowering people from struggling communities, including areas of Thailand, to make either an independent living or extra income in the formal sector beyond their primary career.
In celebrating its 30th anniversary in Thailand (2018), the organization recently recognized its local Amway Business Owners. Kittawat Ritteerawee, managing director of Amway Thailand, said the company’s direct-selling consultants have made Amway “a second career that fits perfectly into their lifestyles” to provide for their families. Through its Bikes for Kids campaign in 2017, the company also provided 3,000 bicycles to make it easier for Thai children in remote areas to get to and from school.
The Clorox Corporation, best known as a bleach-maker, has made the Clorox Safe Water Project one of its flagship efforts to support poor communities. It has made a particularly big impact in Peru, where more than 25,000 people in the north of the country have benefited from the company’s efforts to safely disinfect drinking water with diluted bleach.
In partnership with Peruvian nonprofit PRISMA, what started as a pilot program has continued to expand, allowing those in these rural communities to improve their health and stop worrying about life’s most essential need in favor of higher pursuits.
Work to Be Done
The companies above highlight some of the best ways companies can help around the world: providing specialized training, launching programs that support women, bringing business opportunities to under-served populations, and investing in critical infrastructure needs.
Dollar for dollar, efforts in these areas can be some of the most impactful. Anyone looking to increase their organizations’ reach would be wise to follow suit and look to partner with charitable NGOs or global institutions like the World Bank or United Nations. That may be a big step for smaller firms, but there are always ways to get involved with the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and others already engaged in certain communities.
Ultimately, even a small start is a good start. With the right mindset, any company can help reduce poverty by combining its business goals with global goals.
Thanks to Fatima
3 Global Companies Fighting to Help Communities Out of Poverty
April 25, 2018 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AFRICA, ASIA, CARIBBEAN, CENTRAL AMERICA, EURASIA, EUROPE, FEATURED, FEATURED, FORMER SOVIET UNION, GLOBAL EVENTS, MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AMERICA, OCEANIA, SOUTH AMERICA, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World!, WORLD EVENTS, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: 3 Global Companies, 3 Global Companies Fighting to Help Communities Out of Poverty, Africa, corporations, Fighting to Help Communities Out of Poverty, healing, health, men, poverty, recovery, Woman of Action, women taking action
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