Simple Ways to Lower Your Daily Stress Levels

It is so easy to become stressed out in the fast-paced and busy environment of our everyday lives. Balancing work, family, friends, and everything else can very quickly start to overwhelm us, and serve as a serious drain on our mental health and wellbeing. While it might, in our very darkest times, be tempting to drop all our responsibilities and go live a simpler life in a secluded cabin out in the forest, there are simpler methods of reducing stress levels you might want to consider … [Read more...]

OPRAH says: Your Partner is Secretly Unhappy, 6 Signs

6 Signs Your Partner Is Secretly Unhappy There've been no late-night texts from mysterious numbers, no blow-out fights, but you still can't shake the feeling something's off. Find out what some of those weird things might actually mean. ~ By Amy Shearn 1. He's Obsessively Acquiring Electronics As the novelist and essayist Charles Baxter put it in his book Burning Down the House, "People in a traumatized state tend to love their furniture." It's almost as if we're gathering things to … [Read more...]

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