Canadian Women’s Foundation, Beverley Wybrow CEO

RELENTLESS BODY SHAMING PUTS MORE THAN ONE QUARTER OF CANADIAN GIRLS AT RISK   From the overt body shaming of Hollywood actors like Jennifer Lawrence and Lena Dunham, to the impossible standards set by photoshopped images in magazines, the pressure for perfection is undeniable. A new study from the Canadian Women's Foundation reveals that Canadian girls are the latest casualties of a culture that continues to erode the female gender's self-esteem by promoting an image of beauty that is … [Read more...]

Parenting, 10 Reasons Spanking Your Kids is a Bad Idea

While spanking kids is still a practice adhered to by some North American parents, it’s one that is met with its share of controversy and opposition. In fact, according to the Global Initiative to End Corporal Punishment of Children, 33 countries around the world have enacted laws that protect kids from being struck in any form or fashion by adult authority figures. Spanking is somewhat ingrained in the cultural fabric of many American families, but that doesn’t make it any less damaging to … [Read more...]

The 4 Top Natural Beauty Tips To Make You Glow On Busy Mornings

Maintaining radiant skin doesn't have to be an arduous morning routine filled with expensive beauty products. According to Dr. Willem Marsman of the International Food Safety Consultancy, the shelf life on most skincare products is only 3-12 months. Now is the perfect time to ditch expired products and replace them with these natural staples and easy beauty practices that are free of potentially harmful chemicals. 1. Sleep Let’s face it, a few sleepless nights can leave your face … [Read more...] – Cheryl Ries, Guest Author – Focus!

Focus! Cheryl Ries, Guest Author If you haven't felt joy, contentment, the presence of beauty or peacefulness in the world - perhaps you're looking for those things in the wrong way! All of your happiness, contentment and perspective comes from within. When you maintain a calm demeanor, a peaceful spirit and your soul is at rest, all of those things are evident to you because they are within you. The world might, and often times make it seem impossible to be at peace or to feel … [Read more...]

“Do I FEEL or AM I actually stuck and powerless?”

How many times have you felt stuck in your recovery or in other areas of your life? Have you ever felt powerless against your eating disorder or powerless in areas of your life making you want your eating disorder even more? These two states of being are extremely powerful forces in one’s recovery, and in life as a whole. You can either allow them to debilitate you, or help move you to a better place. In the past month or so, I have felt these two states of being particularly … [Read more...]

Who Do You Love the Most?‏

"If you had a friend or love one who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend or in your life? The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. You must love who you are or no one else will." ~ Joshua Miller “You can’t expect to draw people into your life who are kind, confident, and generous if you’re thinking and acting in cruel, weak, and selfish ways. You must be what it is that you’re seeking - that … [Read more...]

New Moon (AUG 6) – Message from Joni Ross Astrologer‏

Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 5:51 PM EDT   With the Moon in Leo there is a strong urge to express oneself. Leo is associated with the Sun. Healthy Leo, healthy ego. More than any other sign, Leo rules creative actualization of the self. The ego in a healthy state is the sun-4[1]champion of the greater self. The more we know about who we are and the great potential we have as a human being the more we become adept at dealing with the wide range of experiences in life without needing an … [Read more...]

You Date Who You Are!

We date at the level of our self-esteem. Your relationship is a direct reflection of your own self-love and self-worth. A lot of TDL ( Seekers have written in saying that they are in a relationship (dating, marriage, etc.) with someone who they really are into, but they are not getting their needs met. They keep asking me how they have to change to keep the relationship going. Let me be clear - the only way we should have to change is to be more authentically ourselves. … [Read more...]

How to Love That Woman in the Mirror

Illustration: ILoveDust How to Love That Woman in the Mirror The amount of misery we suffer just from the heft of our thighs, not to mention the misbehavior of our skin, just might—if you could quantify it—inspire a global initiative. The topic has certainly intrigued Nancy Etcoff, PhD, author of Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, and a Harvard Medical School psychologist whose research concentrates on appearance and happiness. Three years ago she founded the Program in … [Read more...]

How to Talk to Pre-Teens About Having a Healthy Body Image

How to Talk to Pre-Teens About Having a Healthy Body Image During the preteen years, your child’s body is growing and changing in ways that can make her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Puberty can leave kids a bit heavier than they were before and can wreak havoc with their already-delicate self-esteem until their body image is skewed to an unhealthy point. Talking to your preteen about anything can be a bit difficult, as she is learning to navigate the world of adult social interactions … [Read more...]

Life’s Tough Decisions made Easy, 30 of the Best Blogs

There’s nothing like the prospect of having to make a tough decision to cause a sudden case of the procrastination. If you have suffered from this terrible affliction, fear not, for you are not alone. Tough decisions, by their very nature, usually have the potential to cause unavoidable heartache or loss, so it’s understandable if you are reluctant to take the plunge. To help you in your quest to develop a more assertive attitude towards the challenges in life, here are 30 blogs with … [Read more...]

Global Awakening Institute, 2-Day Retreat – Relationship Magic @ July 6/7

It seems that for all the talk about oneness, unity and peace, there is still a lot of distrust, dissent and resentment wherever we look. One of the ways humanity as a whole has been disempowered is through the amplification of our primitive and ignorant suspicion and distrust of anything that is not just like we are. As each of us is unique on the surface, this condition runs pretty deep. What humanity hasn’t figured out yet is that, while we are unique on the surface, we are all fundamentally … [Read more...]

Women! Live Your Sun: It’s Your Life Force‏

Many years ago, I coined a phrase: "Live your sun, satisfy your moon."   If you can manage these two things, you'll be well on your way towards enjoying a fulfilling life Your sun represents your vital life energy. It seems it would be automatically expressed, but this is not always the case. I want to cover this today. Your sun has to do with your vocation in life. It shows how your vital life energy is best expressed. People think they live their sun, but that's not … [Read more...]

10 Steps to Self Esteem, excerpt from Power of Intention

  Ten Steps to Self-Respect   Excerpt from Power of Intention Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Step 1: Look into a mirror, make eye connection with yourself, and say "I love me" as many times as possible during your day. I love me: These three magic words help you maintain your self‑respect. Now, be aware that saying these words may be difficult at first because of the conditions you've been exposed to over a lifetime, and because the words may bring to the surface remnants of disrespect … [Read more...]

Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this powerful woman, one that has risen above her own challenges, hardships; and like the phoenix has soared into the stratosphere out of the ashes transformed, stronger than ever before. Today, sharing her life experience, she devotes her time to bettering the lives of all Women in her community, offering them a 'hand up' and not a 'hand out'. Domestic and sexual abuse is a dark passage to go through, and 7 - 10 women will … [Read more...]

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