Cheryl Ries, Guest Author
If you haven’t felt joy, contentment, the presence of beauty or peacefulness in the world – perhaps you’re looking for those things in the wrong way!
All of your happiness, contentment and perspective comes from within. When you maintain a calm demeanor, a peaceful spirit and your soul is at rest, all of those things are evident to you because they are within you. The world might, and often times make it seem impossible to be at peace or to feel contentment, but your choice to feel that way and to remain calm no matter is in your control.
You’re only helplessly adrift in this world if that is how you choose to see things. You are able to shift internally to make even the biggest rogue swells and the roughest waters seem less so. You are truly the captain, sailing your vessel, guiding your course and responding as you go.
The moment you stop viewing life that way is the moment you will start to feel you are merely able to react. That is a lie you have told yourself which really only causes you to feel fearful, taking your peace and contentment.
When you center yourself first, believing you are in control of your emotions and your perceptions, then you can become proactive and less reactive. You will see more of the beauty around you while you are in the peaceful state of contentment and calm. Things may be going on – maddeningly so – all around you, but you don’t have to cede your emotions to taking that ride!
Life is short, why live it with an attitude of seeming helplessness and uncertainty? Live it knowing that no matter what happens, you can maneuver and alter as is best for you.
See first with eyes focused on your own contentment and the world won’t seem so out of focus.
Copyright © 2013 – Cheryl Ries. Cheryl Ries is a friend who is in the process of writing her first book. This is a preview of things to come.
She likes to take a bite out of life’s big juicy apple… and believes that richness is measured in friendships, family, love and what you give away. Visit Cheryl’s Facebook page.
Larry James is a professional speaker, author, relationship coach and an award winning nondenominational Wedding Officiant. He performs the most “Romantic” wedding ceremony you will find anywhere. Something NEW about relationships is posted every 4th day on this Relationships BLOG. – Cheryl Ries, Guest Author – Focus!
October 5, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CONTRIBUTORS, RELATIONSHIPS, Uncategorized Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, - Cheryl Ries, CHERYL RIES, focus, Guest Author - Focus!, how to, inspirational., Larry James, motivational, relationships, self betterment, self control, self-esteem, Take Action, women authors, women taking action, women writers
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