Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) December Is Seasonal Depression Awareness Month Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, winter blues, summer depression, summer blues, or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or summer, spring or autumn year after year. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), SAD is not a … [Read more...]
Different Approaches You Can Take to Self-Care
Self-care is something that's very important in life, but it can also feel very elusive at times. Knowing the best way to practice it isn't always obvious, but that might be because there are so many different approaches that you can take. You might be efficient in taking care of yourself in one way, but potentially lacking in another one. This means is that you could look at doing some research and figuring out what you're lacking before taking the necessary measures to improve in this area. … [Read more...]
Using Gadgets To Maintain Good Health
If you are determined to maintain good health, it is important that you have everything working in your favor. You need to be on the lookout for opportunities to make your life easier, not harder. In order to achieve this, it is vital that you are open to the many benefits of bringing gadgets into your life. If you're not sure which gadgets to buy, check out this great gadget guide. Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a technical genius to make this work. Simply take on board the following ten … [Read more...]
Best Wellness Tips For Women
As women, we all need our time out to rest and recoup from everyday life. However, in the vast majority of women, time is spent more on taking care of others with very little recovery time for ourselves. As women, we are naturally persistent and driven, but who claims that power women should not relax? Apart from appointments, meetings, family, and career we often forget one thing: a little bit of me-time. Just switch off and enjoy the little wellness moments of everyday life. Here are some … [Read more...]
10 Tips, Creating Abundance in 2015
Abundance will be a major theme in 2015. This is not just about money, although most of us would like to have more money. This is about abundance in all forms; money, joy, opportunities, synchronicity, love, insights, etc. Yet one of the most common ailments of our society is a consciousness of lack. We tend to focus on what we don’t have or what’s not happening in our lives rather than expressing appreciation for what we do have. Millions of people are discovering that they have a Higher … [Read more...]
Intuition, a natural ability of ‘knowing’, Lauren Jawno
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “in·tu·i·tion (noun)ˌ is a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why; something that is known or understood without proof or evidence.” This is an incredible ability we have all been gifted with. We all have this within us, it’s the real you, it’s your soul consciousness, the true authentic you. But … [Read more...]
GLOBAL Meditation, in Support of The Yazidi People, NOV 15
The Yazidi People An Ancient Culture on the Move Art of Living and The Association of Human Values reached out to UNIFY yesterday to support a global meditation and action campaign led by Sri Sri Ravishankar. The campaign is focused on the Yazidi People who are going through a massive transition as ISIS threatens their complete extinction. Can enough of us come together as a spiritual force to meditate, create awareness, and take action to support of the Yazidi People? Sri Sri … [Read more...]
Learn to Meditate in 1 Minute, Charlie Knoles
At our revitalize summit, MindBodyGreen CEO and Founder Jason Wachob dared meditation teacher Charlie Knoles to teach everyone in the audience how to meditate in just one minute. Here's what he did! … [Read more...]
There are Energy Steal-ers, everywhere, Beware!
Energy steal-ers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is a Psychic Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case the vampire is sucking our vital energy, depleting us and causing us to become unhealthy emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Spiritual purification and cord cutting are some tools that can keep the vampires away! What does the term ‘Psychic Vampire’ … [Read more...]