Intuition, a natural ability of ‘knowing’, Lauren Jawno

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “in·tu·i·tion (noun)ˌ is a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why; something that is known or understood without proof or evidence.” This is an incredible ability we have all been gifted with. We all have this within us, it’s the real you, it’s your soul consciousness, the true authentic you. But … [Read more...]

Leonie Dawson, Life and Business 2014 Planning

CREATE YOUR OWN AMAZING LIFE + BUSINESS Join 40,000 women & learn How to build a thriving biz from your passions How to get 40,000+ fans Free weekly tips for an Incredible Biz & Life! G’day gorgeous ones, Are you a social worker or a part of a non profit organization? Does your organization work with underprivileged or disadvantaged women? Or do you know someone who is? We’d love to donate 2014 Create Your Amazing Year workbooks to you for using with your … [Read more...]

Pearl Seigel: 10 Common Mistakes Start-up Businesses Make

10 Common Mistakes Start-up Businesses “Femmepreneur” An increasing number of entrepreneurs are entering the challenging new world of running one’s own business. Pearl Seigel addresses some of the common pitfalls: Lack of planning - Businesses that do not have a plan often lack direction and focus. The purpose of developing a business plan is not just to raise capital but to direct the process of starting a new business. That said it is always important to change the … [Read more...]

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