“Me time” is something that’s incredibly hard to come by, regardless of whether you’ve been a mom for six months or six years. What used to be a sort of “no big deal” outing now requires painstaking preparation. Even something as simple as going to the movies requires you to align your schedules, mark your calendar and As such, you need to make the absolute most of the times that you do get to spend on your own. And don’t think of “me time” as neglecting the responsibilities of your child … [Read more...]
Indy Mom Looking for Some Serious “Me Time?” Three Fabulous Ideas to Treat Yourself
How To Get The Most From Your Summer Travel
The countdown has begun, and it’s almost time to pack your suitcases and head off on the holiday of a lifetime. No matter where you’re planning to go for your summer jaunt, there are always challenges to face, and the best way to overcome them is by doing a little preparation beforehand. Whether it’s your first time to your holiday destination or you're a repeat visitor that loves the locale, there are always new and unique experiences on offer that can be improved with a little planning and … [Read more...]
How To Make Meal Prep Easier
Whether you are a busy parent that has children to feed, or you are so tied up with work and other commitments that you don’t have time to eat properly, you may find cooking nearly impossible. Trying to eat healthily sometimes doesn’t work well when you have little time to prepare anything. It can mean that you rely on foods that might not be as healthy as you wish them to be. However, there are some tips to help you plan and prepare your meals in advance. Planning The first thing you need to … [Read more...]
Top summer health hacks
Summer is finally on the way! Now that the weather is getting warmer, and the nights are slowly getting longer, what better time to make good use of the season to help you get fitter and in shape. From checking your portion sizes and ditching the creamy, oil-covered sides for salads and pulses, to making the most of the sun and getting up and active, you only need to make a few small changes to feel better and full of energy while you enjoy the summer months. Use these health hacks to help you … [Read more...]
How To Get Beach Body Ready
Do you dream of having a beach body in time for summer? Perhaps you always try to get more toned and slim ready for your next vacation? Or perhaps you are looking to work towards a long-term fitness goal so that you can enjoy yourself and feel less self-conscious when you next hit the beach? If you are looking to get beach body ready, then you need to make sure that you shake up both your diet and exercise routine and get ready to work your ass off to get results. If you are dead serious about … [Read more...]
Four Tips For Embracing The Way You Look
One challenge to being a woman is that you’re always being judged on your appearance and the way you look. While it’s fun to get dressed up and show off your best features once in a while, it’s unlikely this is your main focus each day when you get up. You want to feel comfortable in your own skin on a daily basis and stop picking on yourself about what you don’t like. What you need are tips for embracing the way you look and getting to a better place mentally, physically and spiritually. … [Read more...]
How to Keep Your Feet in Top Condition
Your feet go through a lot each day, they take all the stress and strain from walking, running or standing during the day, and they do it all covered in shoes most of the time. It means that your feet can be subjected to many things that can cause you pain or discomfort if you don’t look after them properly. Here are some tips that you can use to keep your feet in good condition. Wash and Dry Them Properly When you have a shower, you might not always wash your feet properly. Simply letting … [Read more...]
How to Treat Cuts and Scrapes in Children
If there is one thing that all children seem to excel at, it is finding new and creative ways to injure themselves. Some children seem to have made it a personal mission to inflict needless pain and injury on themselves, other children merely seem to be setting themselves up for a life of playing extreme sports. Regardless of your background, or how well you try and raise your children, there are always going to be some injuries and accidents. Thankfully, these are usually not severe, but it … [Read more...]
We all want healthy, good-looking skin. We abide by all the rules for smooth, glowing skin; drink plenty of water, exfoliate and cleanse regularly, but somehow we still fall short of having that silky we so much long for. Unwanted hair growth, if let loose, can make our skin rough and bumpy, however, one needs to be careful when getting rid of unwanted body hair so they don’t damage their skin. There are a number of hair removal options, each with its own pros and cons and suitable for … [Read more...]
A Guide For Keeping Busy And Staying Healthy During Summer Vacation
You’re most likely already looking forward to enjoying the time off from work, and spending your days in the sun with your friends and family. However, a long vacation can leave you feeling unmotivated to get back to work since you’ve enjoyed a different, and let’s face it, more fun way of living. It’s important not to lose touch with what matters and what is important to your health over the summer, so ensure that you’re keeping both your brain and your body engaged and active. The warm sun and … [Read more...]
Seven Ideas For New Additions To Your Diet
When you are making your own confectionary, it is easy to go down the traditional route of filling your treats with as much sugar and colorings as to get the tastiest food. However, this can lead to health problems if you are always consuming and selling products which have such unhealthy foods in them. Although everything is good in moderation, health fanatics have been calling for healthy snacks to eat, which don’t impact their health negatively. Often, this means compromising on the taste, … [Read more...]