The Courage to Speak® Foundation Newsletter May 2011 Welcome to our May Issue! Courage to Speak - Courageous Parenting 101® Available in Spanish In The News - Letter to the Editor, by Ginger Katz 7th Annual Courage to Speak Empowering Youth to be Drug Free Family Night on Neighborhood Journal as Shown on Cablevision of CT Save the Date - 13th Annual Ian James Eaccarino Memorial 9-Mile Race & 5K Health Walk - August 6, 2011 @ 8 am Upcoming Presentations - May/June 2011 … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL PHOTO – St. Patrick's Sunset
St. Patrick's Sunset AWESOME ST. PATRICK DAY PHOTOS: … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL PHOTO – St. Patrick’s Sunset
St. Patrick's Sunset AWESOME ST. PATRICK DAY PHOTOS: … [Read more...]
Shelter Box assisting in JAPAN – Take Action!
A Celebration of Women You've seen the news - Japan is in trouble. March 11, 2011 is a day, we all will never forget, above Earth 8 shows how it hits Japan. Here is an excerpt from Japan's Prime Minister, Naoto Kan: "The ongoing nuclear incidents are compounding the effects fo the eathquake and tsunami. Families being evacuated from the exclusion zones are going to have to be sheltered somewhere. We'll have a much clearer picture of the situation tomorrow when we reach the … [Read more...]
IFAW: Our Hearts go out to JAPAN
Our hearts go out to the people of Japan. The magnitude 8.9 earthquake that struck near Japan’s east coast spawned a ferocious tsunami that swept away buildings and vehicles, sparked numerous fires, and inundated vast swaths of cropland. The human tragedy is profound: hundreds of people have already perished and that number could quickly rise as rescue efforts continue. Scores of homes were destroyed and much of the impact area will likely be without power for some time. Of course, … [Read more...]
SHIRLEE HALL – Spiritual Healer, Poet, Author: EXORCISM
SHIRLEE HALL - Spiritual Healer, Poet, Author HAVE YOU EVER OBSERVED AN EXORCISM? A few years ago, a man came to me for healing help on his hip. Moving my hands over his body, a rather startling thing occurred. Seven of us had just finished our group meditation and the idea of an earth bound entity speaking to us was the last thing we expected. My 'patient' began to address me in a very gruff and condescending voice. The strange voice announced that he was a pawn of … [Read more...]
Rev. Nina roe – Healing the Heart
Healing the Heart A Global Prayer Event We will be offering prayers for all with the intention of healing the body & spirit of the heart on a personal & global vibrational level. We will read as many written prayers out loud as we have time in our hour together. I invite you to join us! This offering is open to the public and registration is not required. To submit your prayer, please use the webcast link below. Whether you wish to join us live, … [Read more...]
Recovery: Definition & Components Since the mid-1980s, a great deal has been written about mental health recovery from the perspective of the consumer (client), family member and mental health professional. The amount of research of various aspects of recovery continues to grow. Early research by Courtney Harding (1987) and others challenged the belief that severe mental illness is chronic and that stability is the best one could hope for. They discovered there are multiple … [Read more...]
ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Keep Hope Alive!
Yes, we shall overcome—someday. I am thankful that I wasn’t living in the US while segregation and blatant racism were the norm. I cannot imagine not being able to sit wherever I wanted to on the bus or drink from any water fountain or have to go to areas that said, “For Coloreds Only”. I don’t know how I would have fared during those times. Would I have turned the other cheek or would I have stood up for my rights? I would like to think that I would have done the latter. When Jesus … [Read more...]
Ginger Katz, Courage to Speak Foundation is Taking Action!
A Celebration of Women strongly suggests that every parent, teen and child read this Story, as this little 'Anti-Drug Bible' for Adolesence/Children/Parents, as we refer to this parable told through the eyes of the family pet beagle named Sunny, just may SAVE YOUR LIFE! Ginger Katz - WOMAN of ACTION Sunny’s Lasting Message…… I remember the day a beagle puppy named Sunny came into our lives. He quickly became my 7 year-old son Ian’s best friend. Sunny would follow Ian from … [Read more...]
DESPAIR surrendered to FAITH – Madison Ellis
DESPAIR surrendered to FAITH.... Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready for … [Read more...]