Do YOU Believe? … [Read more...]
Inspiration of the Day ~ Who Am I ?
Pay close attention God and the angels are trying to speak to you. Divine Guidance: If you could see yourself as spirit sees you, there would be no doubt about the importance of this life. You would understand why it's so vital that you wake up fully and walk the Earth like the Divine being you truly are. Your angels are inspiring you make your best efforts to create a life worthy of remembering. You know the potency of using your next present moments to masterfully create a new … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Does ‘Everything Happens for a Reason?’
WOMEN in RECOVERY : Dr. Peggy L. Ferguson Phd. – ‘Finding LOVE in Recovery’
LOVE in RECOVERY.... You Will Find at the Right Time. Sometimes in early recovery, when you know that you are "working a good program", you may feel like something is still missing. You're still clean and sober. You are going to meetings. You are showing up for work everyday. You are starting to get your bills caught up. The important people in your life are remarking about how well you are doing. Yet, there still seems to be an absence of something important. We may not be developing … [Read more...]
DESPAIR surrendered to FAITH – Madison Ellis
DESPAIR surrendered to FAITH.... Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO – Destiny of our World
Enlightenment is available to every soul on this planet....owning it is a Choice that One makes. The time has come, with instant information that each and every person in our world Take Action to find the balance in our world that can eliminate the hate, the fear, the lack and all the lost due to misdirection and misguidance. There are no more excuses for false judgement, as we are all equal and all deserve the Right to Dignity, the Right to Hope, the Right to Life, the Right to Laugh, the … [Read more...]
Resilience in Women – WOMEN in RECOVERY
Resilience in Women Sustainable Self-Esteem One of the terms that is often used when considering how we cope collectively with the triple challenges of peak oil, climate change and economic meltdown is “resilience”. It seems we would benefit from cultivating this collectively at the levels of local community, at a national level and globally.Whenever we attempt to establish resilience at a community level (any sort of community, whether this is your household, the town … [Read more...]
What is MS ("Multiple Sclerosis")? – HEALTH for WOMEN
What is MS? Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system which is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The disease attacks the myelin which is a protective covering wrapped around the nerves of the central nervous system.Multiple sclerosis is a complex disease and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is here to help. No one needs to face MS alone. In communities across Canada, our volunteers and staff provide information, … [Read more...]
Cindy Ashton is Taking Action ~ Inspirational Video !
BUTTERFLY @ Cindy Ashton Take Action in Faith Cindy Ashton is a consummate singer, entertainer, MC and speaker who inspires and uplifts her audiences through performance. After surviving 15 years of life threatening illness, she is now living her dream to perform and has been delighting audiences across US and Canada for over 10 years. Her passion to give back has resulted in receiving President Obama’s “Call to Service” award for her outstanding contribution to her … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Psychic Toxins
Work to heal the challenges that life presents and help balance your body, establish healthy habits, release any worries, protect you in your travels, and arrange happy encounters. By removing unhealthy psychic toxins, this allows you to receive intuitive insights. You cannot control 'what' comes to mind. You can control 'how long' the mind holds the thought. This is an important aspect of connecting with a Higher Power. When you are overwhelmed, take shallow breaths. It is … [Read more...]