Free Will: Fact, Faith or Philosophy?

Free will is the ability of agents to make choices unimpeded. Factors that might impede choice include metaphysical constraints (particularly forms of determinism such as logical, physical, biological, social or theological determinism), physical constraints (such as the requirements of the laws of science), social constraints (such as threat of punishment, censure, or imprisonment), and mental constraints (such as compulsions or phobias, neurological disorders, or genetic predispositions). … [Read more...]

Shannon Smith, Premiere Image Intl. – WOMAN of ACTION™

A Celebration of Women™ is elated today to Celebrate the Life of yet another powerhouse of a woman. This woman has risen above incredible adversity throughout her life, maintained Grace throughout and Took Action. Instead of succumbing to her challenges and experiences in her early life, this WOMAN of ACTION took the lead in her own life, created the changes that were necessary to succeed and live the lifestlye that she knew was the only one for her! Today, this powerhouse of a woman … [Read more...]

Adele Butler is Taking Action!

The War Against Womanhood 'Breast ironing' is not only a term, it is really a hot iron used thinking the breast will flatten ...Stones are heated on scorching flames and are massaged rigorously to limp a girl's firm nipples and flatten her breasts. Other common tools include bananas, coconut shells, spatulas and hammers heated over a blistering fire. Just recently I read about a practice in Cameroon which deeply disturbed me. In the privacy of their homes and behind closed doors, … [Read more...]

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