Teen’s story of depression goes viral

For years Kevin Breel hid his depression behind jokes and laughter. The aspiring stand-up comedian couldn’t talk to anyone about his pain until it got so bad he considered taking his life. What kept him from sharing his struggle and looking for help was the stigma surrounding the mental illness, he says in a new TED video that’s gone viral. “ [I] was one of the lucky ones, one of the people who gets to step out onto the ledge and look down but not jump,” he says on the video. Breel spoke … [Read more...]

Spina Bifida Awareness Month 2013 is celebrated in October!

Spina Bifida Awareness Month 2013 is October. Spina bifida occurs when there is a fault in the development of a person’s spine spine (and spinal cord). This fault leaves a gap in their spine. Of course this means that there is a problem with the brain communicating with the rest of the body because the brain uses the spinal cord as the connection. Spina bifida is a fault in the development of the spine and spinal cord which leaves a gap in the spine. The spinal cord connects all parts … [Read more...]

OCTOBER is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

CANCER Breast cancer is a complex disease that will affect 1 in 9 Canadian women during their lifetime. Breast cancer is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. Breast Cancer is a complex disease with no known single cause. In 2013, it is estimated … [Read more...]

Lost a Loved One to Breast Cancer?

How to Support a Friend Who Lost a Loved One to Breast Cancer After learning about a friend or co-worker who has lost someone from breast cancer, it's natural to feel emotionally paralyzed. You're unsure about what to say, how to react, or whether or not you should even offer help for the family. Find your role in the process in the following ways. Grieving & Mourning If you've never had to face the death of a loved one who suffered from a prolonged illness, you may not … [Read more...]

Celebration House™: Education & Event Center

A Celebration of Women™  is opening her doors this FALL 2013 of our flagship "Celebration House™: Education & Event Center" located at: 2696 St. Clair Ave. West, TORONTO, ON M6N 1M2 Team Celebration is already referring to our center as the: EEC Our Business Model: "WIN WIN WIN", philanthropy that works! We are presently taking application for educators, presenters, dance teachers, music teachers, and events. We offer facility with office, complete wifi, computer lab, small … [Read more...]

“Twelve Core Problems – 12 Steps of Recovery”

  Restore me to balance in body, mind, and spirit. Remove everything from my consciousness and body that is not in perfect alignment with your loving plan for me.   Here is a Summary of the Dynamics: 1) Resisting feeling things fully This dynamic is based on experiences of having been overwhelmed by intense feelings when we were very young. To avoid the experience of overwhelm, we make the inner decision to resist feeling things fully. This dynamic is based on the illusion … [Read more...]

“Every woman is beautiful.”

"In A Celebration of Womankind Worldwide I would like to share with all of you this beautiful story close to my heart, as it often occurs to my mind that we do need to celebrate and honor women in all spheres of life every single day!" ~ Meetika Srivastava A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman”, she told him. “I don’t understand”, he said. His mum just hugged him and said, “And you never will’’. Later the little boy asked his father, “Why … [Read more...]

Women’s Health, 15 Blogs Extolling the Virtues of Reflexology

Reflexology, an ancient holistic treatment originating in the East, came to the Western hemisphere in 1890 and was introduced as an actual form of treatment in 1930.  This treatment applies pressure to specific points on the foot, hand or ear that correlate to a specific part of the body. As in acupuncture, the belief is that when the body’s chi is blocked it causes health problems. Reflexology is said to be able to get rid of these blocks. Most people find reflexology sessions very … [Read more...]

Doris Buffett, ‘Learning by Giving’ {philanthropy online course}

'Learning by Giving', founder Doris Buffett This accredited philanthropy online course launches this July 2013 FORTUNE -- The name Buffett is in the news, but the first name is Doris, not Warren. His older sister by three years -- that makes her 85, him 82 -- she is pursuing a decade-long interest by sponsoring a new, free, online course about philanthropy. The goal of the program, called Giving With Purpose is to teach college students -- and anyone else who cares to register -- … [Read more...]

Free Call with Marianne‏ Williamson – July 16

Dear Friends, My 4-week online course, The Divine Alignment of Body & Soul begins on July 24th. The course will focus on the role of the body in our spiritual journey, and how an enlightened perspective can help free us from dysfunctional thoughts and behavior regarding food, body image and physical intimacy. I will be doing a FREE CALL about the course on Tuesday, July 16, at 6PM Pacific Time / 9PM Eastern Time. Join in to get a sense of what the online course is about, and decide … [Read more...]

”Most Weird Addictions Around The World”

People have some strange and weird addictions. The term addiction basically indicates a habit which becomes compulsive for a person and is very difficult to give up. Smoking, drinking and doing drugs are some of the common and easily found addictions but there are certain addictions which are absolutely bizarre and might sound very rare and even unheard of. The reason for these strange addictions could be many. While some addictions take birth from chronic disease, some result due to memory and … [Read more...]

Life’s Tough Decisions made Easy, 30 of the Best Blogs

There’s nothing like the prospect of having to make a tough decision to cause a sudden case of the procrastination. If you have suffered from this terrible affliction, fear not, for you are not alone. Tough decisions, by their very nature, usually have the potential to cause unavoidable heartache or loss, so it’s understandable if you are reluctant to take the plunge. To help you in your quest to develop a more assertive attitude towards the challenges in life, here are 30 blogs with … [Read more...]

Anger is a Habit

It's easy to imagine habits like a scotch after dinner, biting your nails or saying, "you know" after every sentence. An event or a time of day triggers us, and we go with the habit. It's easier than exploring new territory - it's merely a thoughtless response to an incoming trigger. But emotions can become habits as well. Distrustful is a habit. Lonely is a habit. Generous is a habit. When that stranger doesn't do what you expect, is your response to assume that … [Read more...]

Age-Appropriate Ways Kids Can Show Support !

Age-Appropriate Ways Kids Can Show Support to a Sick Relative Any time a member of your family is struggling with an extended illness that forces the adults to come together to offer their support, kids can feel a bit left out in the cold. When faced with the necessity of sharing some of your attention and what seems to be no real way to contribute, kids can be confused and scared about what will happen to someone they love. One of the most effective ways of helping a child to cope with … [Read more...]


18 BLOGS EXTOLLING THE VIRTUES OF LAUGHTER FOR YOUR HEALTH LOL, everyone knows that stands for “Laugh out loud”. Hopefully when you type lol you really are laughing out loud because the benefits of laughter are far reaching. Laughter comes easily to children and they tend to laugh at least 20 times more than adults do every day. As an adult you need to make yourself laugh more to benefit your health and well-being. It doesn’t matter if the laughter is real or fake, the body doesn’t know … [Read more...]

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