FREE Hangouts, Women’s Empowerment Experts, DEC 1-5

Join Us for a Week of FREE Presentations from leading Women’s Empowerment Experts from across North America! December 1 – 5, 2014 Do you want to feel confident and empowered in every aspect of your life? Would you like to discard the guilt and anxiety, and be filled with joy, compassion, and vitality? You NEED to sign up for the Women’s Transformation and Vitality Summit! With an amazing lineup of guest speakers, this summit is specifically geared for Empowering Women In Body, Mind … [Read more...]

Rape Culture Erases Rape Survivors

Rape culture is a frighteningly insidious thing in the way it reinforces harmful ideas about gender, personal boundaries, consent, and sexual assault. Rape culture encourages the belief that lying about rape or sexual assault is more common than it really is, and it promotes the silencing of women about sexual assault by subjecting them to harsh judgments and the implication that women are responsible for their own assaults. Women who do report their assaults are disbelieved by people they … [Read more...]

Mental Health Crisis is REAL, Take Action!

This year, up to 8% of young Canadians will try to take their own lives. We can be doing so much more to provide for youth mental health needs and prevent tragedies such as suicide. Teenagers are hit particularly hard by suicide, with 500 Canadian teens taking their own lives each year – second only to car crashes among the most common causes of death for that age group. Tell Parliament: Save The Lives Of Young Canadians What is the biggest risk for youth today? Your first thought might … [Read more...]

Accepting ‘Otherness’, a Path to Mental Health

"Woman is the other of man, animal is the other of human, stranger is the other of native, abnormality the other of norm, deviation the other of law-abiding, illness the other of health, insanity the other of reason, lay public the other of the expert, foreigner the other of state subject, enemy the other of friend." (Bauman 1991: 8). Modern Illness in Mental Health Societal Mental Health; why Humans need Integration for Health The concept of The Other highlights how many societies … [Read more...]

Irene Becker, Michael Ballard, Build Resiliency NOW!

Are YOU…Is Your Organization Heading for a Natural Disaster? Turn it Around! Build Resiliency NOW! Fact: Over $300 billion a year is spent in the USA on executive and employee stress related physical, emotional disability, addictions, communication and personal problems, presenteesim and other stress related problems. Fact: This is NOT an American phenomenon; the World Health Organization forecasts that stress will be the major cause of physical disability in the world by 2030.Leaders. … [Read more...]

Stigma and Violence, Isn’t It Time to Connect the Dots?

Violence - The Canadian Mental Health Association In today’s media reports about mental illness, there is a tendency to emphasize a supposed link between violence and mental illness. News stories regularly suggest that there is a strong connection between mental illness and crime. But the majority of people who are violent do not suffer from mental illnesses. In fact, people with a mental illness are more likely to be the victims, rather than the perpetrators of violence. In this section, … [Read more...]

Celebrating Behaviour Strats, Marnee Buckles

Are you working with a difficult child with or without a diagnosis? Are you waiting for an assessment but need help immediately to work with the difficult child in your life? Are you overwhelmed with the number of strategies you have researched and don’t know where to turn next? Marnee, the Behaviour Interventionist on our team, has worked for over 30 years in education, and is trained in instructing Crisis Prevention Intervention. She has delivered workshops to staff and developed … [Read more...]

OCT 16, Neale’s 75-Minute Online Seminar, Discover How To . . .

Discover the secret to a life without stress or struggle‏ If you're struggling in any area of your life right now . . . I want you to know that until I began my conversations with God, my life was a struggle, too. And now I know that all the struggle—all the frustration and anger and despair—was caused by the fact that I felt separated from, and at times even abandoned by . . . God. You may already know that part of my story, of the years when I was injured, broke and … [Read more...]

World Mental Health Day, OCT 10

World Mental Health Day 2014: The misconceptions broken down World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. The focus this year is on … [Read more...]

A tale of mental illness — from the inside, Elyn Saks

Elyn R. Saks is Associate Dean and Orrin B. Evans Professor of Law, Psychology, and Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California Gould Law School, an expert in mental health law and a Mac­Arthur Foundation Fellowship winner. Saks lives with schizophrenia and has written about her experience with the illness in her award-winning best-selling autobiography, The Center Cannot Hold, published by Hyperion Books in 2007. Saks is also a cancer survivor. "Is it … [Read more...]

Arianna Huffington, (The 4 Pillars of Success)

How to Thrive in Your Life (The 4 Pillars of Success) Arianna Huffington and Vishen Lakhiani discuss the global shift towards embracing mindfulness and meditation to make the most of life – to thrive. Listen to the 4 pillars that enable Arianna to lead a healthy and mindful life while being one of the most powerful women in the world. MindValley “If we don’t know ourselves, our essence, where our true power comes from, we will believe our power comes from collecting victories, … [Read more...]

Women at the center of Economic Activity

Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh with the objective of helping poor people escape from poverty by providing loans without collateral to support income-generating activities. From Prof. Yunus's personal loan of small amounts of money in the mid-70's to destitute basket-weavers in Bangladesh, the Grameen Bank has advanced to the forefront of a burgeoning world movement toward eradicating poverty through micro-lending. Today it has 8.4 million borrowers of … [Read more...]

What’s Your Pleasure, 9 Weeks starts OCT 1

9-weeks (21 hrs) of group work alternating each week with in person embodiment practices & online group coaching. We will be communing to practice: 1. Loosening up those areas – emotionally and physically – that are constricted and blocking the flow of love and pleasure. 2. Reframing your life from a new more empowered and alivened perspective. 3. Deepening your understanding of your relationship ‘dance’ with men AND woman 4. Being more open, honest and feeling safe to express … [Read more...]

Is PMS Destroying Your Life?

If PMS ever needed a PR publicist I would be it! Since my early teens I have been dealing with this unwarranted condition. Back then of course I had no idea that PMS was NOT normal and just accepted it for what it was. But today I know better… Up to 85%- 90% of all women experience some premenstrual symptoms in their lifetime. So what is this thing we call PMS? PMS is short for pre-menstrual syndrome. It can include a list of a number of symptoms occurring 7-14 days prior to your … [Read more...]

Passion, Peace and Productivity, 10 celebrated Tweak Tips!

There are moments in life we all ask ourselves, "If I only had more energy, I could ...?" Well, there are tiny tweaks to your daily habits can make all the change in the world, for you to fulfill your day with calm energetic flow. If you are willing to 'change' a degree or two your regular habits, and try something new - you just may be amazed at the results. The following 10 Tweak Tips may just be the answer to your repeated longing for more energy, less anxiety and a newfound sense of … [Read more...]

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