Celebrating Behaviour Strats, Marnee Buckles

Are you working with a difficult child with or without a diagnosis? Are you waiting for an assessment but need help immediately to work with the difficult child in your life? Are you overwhelmed with the number of strategies you have researched and don’t know where to turn next? Marnee, the Behaviour Interventionist on our team, has worked for over 30 years in education, and is trained in instructing Crisis Prevention Intervention. She has delivered workshops to staff and developed … [Read more...]

Growing In And Out Of Autism, Lynette Louise

I suppose this article can be seen as inflammatory, but I just can't keep what I am seeing a secret anymore. To understand what I am about to share, you have to know a little about me. I raised eight children, six were adopted and of those six five were labeled as challenged. As the spectrum of autism became more cohesive four of the five were considered autistic. In addition, two of my grandsons also showed signs of autism and we - as a family - took immediate measures to change the … [Read more...]

Witnessing Verbal Child Abuse, How to Take Action

As a childcare provider, you will hopefully never witness the heartbreaking and infuriating image of a child being abused by her parents. Verbal abuse, while just as damaging as physical abuse, leaves no physical marks and is rarely followed up by a social services system that’s flooded with other issues. As a childcare provider, your job is to protect and care for the children under your charge. When it’s a parent who’s harming them, though, it’s not always easy to know what to … [Read more...]

TEXT MESSAGING, Effective HIV Prevention/Intervention

TEXT MESSAGING as an EFFECTIVE HIV PREVENTION - INTERVENTION FOR METHAMPHETAMINE-USING MSM As frequently addressed in this blog, new media is playing an ever-growing role as a tool in our response to HIV/AIDS. We often now see HIV prevention and anti-stigma messages—such as CDC’s several Act Against AIDS campaigns—delivered to the general public via websites, YouTube, and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and others. We are also learning how new media tools can be … [Read more...]

Your Child: Bully or Victim?

  Your Child: Bully or Victim?     There has been a great deal of discussion in the professional and the lay literature regarding bullying. In this book, Your Child: Bully or Victim? Understanding and Ending School Yard Tyrany, Sheras and Tippins provide a thorough analysis of the problem and specific interventions. They employ excellent vignettes to illustrate their point and support their advice with research. It provides much more than most books on bullying and victimization. And … [Read more...]

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