Hay House World Summit, May 21 – June 9

10 Days to Feel the Difference‏ It’s not always easy to decide what is best or which path to take. One of Louise Hay’s favorite affirmations is: "Trust in Life. It will bring you all that you need." Throughout her writings, she reminds us that the key to trusting in Life is to love and accept yourself as you are and to never stop learning. You can experience peace, trust and joy every day by doing these three simple things: Love yourself Learn continuously Help … [Read more...]

Gluten Freedom Week, MAY 25-31

Toronto’s GlutenFreedom Week is a week-long event that will take place at Toronto’s finest dining establishments from May 25-31, 2014. The participating restaurants will offer patrons a delicious selection of 3-course gluten-free fare for a fixed price. This event will capitalize on the increased demand for gluten-free alternatives within the hospitality industry, as well as the popularity of many trendy foodie events around the city that currently lack safe, yet exciting gluten-free … [Read more...]

Celebrating Saskia Röell, Great Moms Circle

Every now and again someone stands out to me that I MUST share with you. It’s not for money, and there’s NO way that I am getting paid to share this. I’m sending you this email because if you are married with kids and want a closer loving, connected relationship with your children and have a desire to fall in love with your man again, then this is for you! Please meet Saskia Röell. Here’s why I am sharing her with you. Saskia has been a client for three years, and I’ve not only … [Read more...]

Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing

My Book is Launching with Amazing Gifts with Purchase on Amazon‏ Have you ever wondered what your dreams could be telling you about your health and healing? Are you ready to learn to listen to the powerful messages and instructions they are trying to provide? My life was forever altered after lucid nightmares began bringing in guides who instructed me to seek medical attention for breast cancer that was not showing up in the routine medical tests ordered by my doctors. Visit HERE … [Read more...]

Your Experience of Menopause – Revealed‏

  Recently I asked if you would share your experience of menopause with me, and the response was overwhelming! I am so grateful for your honesty. Your responses highlight what we’ve known for years: Women Deserve Better Options! You Are Not Alone. More than 70% of you have experienced hot flashes, insomnia, and night sweats. More than 60% of you have had mood swings. For 50% of you, insomnia was the worst symptom of menopause. Hot flashes were the second worst, with … [Read more...]

Create A Healthy Spine For Your Pregnancy

Ever wish you could wear a sign throughout your pregnancy that reads, "thanks, but no thanks, for the unsolicited advice." With advice pouring in around every corner, sometimes it's hard to know who to listen to. However, advice even experts can agree on is that regular exercise throughout pregnancy has been shown to balance emotions, improve labor and help reduce pregnancy and post-pregnancy back pain. Health and wellness doesn't go out the door once you put on maternity pants. Laser Spine … [Read more...]

Mother’s Day TCP‏

Happy Mother's Day our Dear beautiful Mother, Courtney Leigh Hewitt. We miss you, we love you, we feel your presence everywhere and today, although we can't embrace you, smell your perfume, we know you are always and forever here with us! What we are able to shower you with today are all the beautiful proclamations and awards given in your honor! Even after your death, your voice is synonymous and radiates around the world as people learn what a loving, caring and compassionate mother you … [Read more...]

Manifest Everything NOW – Audio Magical Experience

Alpha waves are characteristic of a relaxed yet alert state of mind, increased creativity, mood elevation, super-learning and enhanced memorization. ================================================== Brand New Program – At Harmony with Myself ========================================================= Alpha waves are characteristic of a relaxed yet alert state of mind, increased creativity, mood elevation, super-learning and enhanced memorization. Alpha Brain Waves have … [Read more...]

“The Three Keys To Feminine Power”, FREE Women Only Webinar MAY 14

Something just for the Women in our community . . . Sorry, guys; we certainly care about you, too, and even though this is one of our most popular free online events, I’m afraid it’s for ladies only! Now, to start with, if you are a woman, I have three questions for you: 1. Do you want to use your gifts to make a greater difference in the world? 2. Do you want to be successful in ways that are aligned with your deepest values? 3. Do you want to experience an intimate connection … [Read more...]

Get Well Toronto, Nidhi Sachdeva

  Are food and environmental stressors affecting the quality of your life? Foods, electromagnetic fields such as radiations, negative thought processes, pollens, danders, chemicals etc., can act as stressors for our internal cellular environment. Increased exposure to these substances can disturb homeostasis – our body’s internal balance. Homeostatic Imbalance “Triggers”: Stress – physical or emotional (causes cellular vulnerability to EMF) EMF – Cell phone towers, … [Read more...]

Women, More Than Ever Recognize the Power of Yoga

The word "yoga" means to join or yoke together, in this case referring to bringing the mind and body together in harmony. While yoga is heavily associated with Hindu and Buddhist practices--both religions incorporate elements of its principles--it has been endorsed even in Western medicine as an effective type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), particularly for pain relief and boosting overall wellness. American Women, Medicine Endorse Yoga In the 2012 study "Yoga in … [Read more...]

Rising in Consciousness – Symptoms of Ascension

Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” 'Like this tree, we are all moving through a transformative process whether we are aware of it or not. This tree is literally bursting out of its old skin - and so are we. The template of what we knew to be 'human' is rapidly changing into a much lighter vibrational version. The individual is becoming more heart centred, compassionate and creative, and is also opening to greater cosmic consciousness as long constricted glands including … [Read more...]

Symphony of Wellness Festival/Tradeshow ~ May 29-30 (Vaughan,ON)

CLICK HERE FOR FULL VENDOR DETAILS ORDER YOUR ENTRANCE TICKET HERE Tickets are only $20.00 and you can buy 1 or more tickets and bring your family, friends, colleagues or employees to enjoy a day of incredible information shared by celebrity speakers and mingle with amazing exhibitors and buy their products and services right there ....give us one typical work day and in return we will instill a lifetime of healthy habits. You can download the form and buy bulk tickets or also email us at … [Read more...]

Viral Meningitis Week, May 5-11

This year’s Viral Meningitis Week is all about getting people to talk about the disease, its symptoms, and its after effects, so this year’s strapline is #VocalAboutViral. Launched in 2013 by the UK’s largest meningitis charity, Meningitis Now (formed from the merger of Meningitis Trust and Meningitis UK), this awareness week aims to improve vital awareness of viral meningitis and its true impact, after a survey showed that 97% of its victims are left with debilitating after-effects. Often … [Read more...]

‘Don’t forget your sisters!’ ~ Celebrate in Toronto MAY 4

A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter... 'Don't forget your sisters,' she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. 'They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your … [Read more...]

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