Women: Key to Global Economic Growth

Currently, barriers of law and custom stop many women from getting financing for business. Removing those barriers can help overcame the gender gap, and unleash economic growth. To learn more, go to: HERE The above video was produced almost ten years ago. Has much changed? In 2022, women's current issues are or should we say are "still": 1. Pregnancy and Parenting Discrimination 2. Violence Against Women 3. Women's Rights in the Workplace 4. Women's Rights in Education 5. … [Read more...]

Balkans struggle ~ Women suffer

A new UNHCR report reveals that over 145,000 Syrian refugee families in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq are headed by women alone. UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres paid a visit to Awah, who is raising her children on her own in Amman. Explore Woman Alone “Syrian refugee women are the glue holding together a broken society. Their strength is extraordinary, but they are struggling alone. Their voices are an appeal for help and protection which cannot be ignored.” Keep up … [Read more...]

The Path to Feminine Fulfillment, 8 weeks starts July 1

There are a lot of studies out there telling us that women (and men) are not as happy as they used to be –– Women’s Happiness, in particular, has been in a steady decline since 1972, both relative to where they were 40 years ago, and relative to men. This is no surprise to me, because I’ve been hearing the same thing from clients and women who attend my workshops for years. Research suggests that one of the culprits deflating our happiness bubble is our ability to lead two lives (as a … [Read more...]

Maya Angelou passes on at 86

Maya Angelou -- one of America's most famous poets -- died last night in a Winston-Salem, North Carolina hospital while recovering from a mystery sickness. Angelou was recovering from an "unexpected ailment" that sent her to the hospital. She died with family by her side. In a Facebook post yesterday, she said doctors had advised her not to travel ... forcing her to cancel a planned trip to Houston ... where Maya was to be honored Friday with the Beacon of Life Award at Major League … [Read more...]

“I Want My Mommy!” , Dr. Christine Northrup

I was talking with a friend the other day, whose daughter Nancy is pregnant with her second child. Nancy had gotten into the habit of calling her mom in tears just about every time she felt stressed out—and with the expectation that her mom would "fix it." My friend was laughing as she said, "I told her in a light-hearted way that she has to step up and be an adult now. I explained that it’s not OK anymore for her to call me every time she loses it, like she has her whole life. That’s been … [Read more...]

Amanda Gore: TA DA! I have new website!‏

It has been a long time coming, but I have a fancy new website! What do you think? We are still tweaking things here and there but I think it is a big improvement on the old one and I hope you agree. I would love your feedback - send me a message on my Amanda Gore Speaker Page I would love your help in making this website rank better in google by sharing and commenting on blog posts. Zooties! AMANDA GORE: A communications and performance expert, Amanda Gore uses the science of the … [Read more...]

I Am A Ukrainian, This Needs To Go Viral

I am not a Ukrainian. But, the creator of this video is and it should make us all feel like we are. Watch it. Share it. Send it to your representatives. It’s not your problem. True. But all of our collective voices might be part of the solution. Related Thought Kiev2 Admit It, You Have No Idea What's Going On In Ukraine Right Now This article will fill your knowledge gap. The first thing you should know is that Ukrainian protests make Occupy Wall Street look like a play date. If … [Read more...]

Christie Marie Sheldon, ‘…Gift of seeing your Energy Vibrations’

I'm sure you have a picture in your mind of the reality that you wish to live in - the career that drives and motivates you, the loving relationships, the sense of fulfillment that comes with truly believing in yourself... But getting there can be a little tricky. Especially when we carry barriers in our subconscious that society puts around us that stop us from taking action. These barriers are subtly ingrained into us after any experience, but more often than not are based on … [Read more...]

The Mending Wings Practice of Acceptance

This video was created for Gossamerheart.com for The Mending Wings Practice of Acceptance. Only through acceptance of certain life situations can we come to a place of inner peace and healing. May this video inspire you to "Let go" and "Let it Be." Please visit our web site we support those who suffered abuse, oppression, and those who are chronically ill. Our web site and Healing Practices are geared towards supporting the wounded soul. We do not own the copy right for materials used in … [Read more...]

Pattie Mallette – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Canadian woman, one that has risen above extreme circumstance to rise up into living a life that has focus on the bettering of the lives of young women around the globe. Being a teen mother herself, this awakened soul is now working to help with awareness and solutions to the epidemic crisis our world faces with 'Teen-aged Pregnancy", and is working now to support pregnancy crisis centers worldwide. About a short film … [Read more...]

Women Empowerment Workshop – Nadi, Fiji, from 13 to 15 June 2013

'Give Greater Recognition to Women’s Role in Promoting a Culture of Peace in the Pacific: UN' [Nadi, Fiji – June 13] Women in the Pacific have shown over and over again that it is they who foster peace in a myriad of recognized and unrecognized ways. Women’s roles in bringing lasting peace and recognition in strife-torn societies need to be given a greater recognition. These comments were made by the United Nations Resident Coordinator and UN Development Programme (UNDP) Resident … [Read more...]

Celebrating comedienne Joan River’s 80th Birthday!

IMAGE - YOUR QVC FAMILY Joan Alexandra Molinsky (born June 8, 1933), better known by her stage name Joan Rivers, is an American television personality, comedian, writer, film director, and actress. She is known for her ribald, depreciative style. Rivers' comic style relies heavily on her ability to poke fun at herself and other Hollywood celebrities. Joan Rivers was born Joan Alexandra Molinsky in Brooklyn, New York, the daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants Beatrice (née Grushman; January … [Read more...]


As we celebrate Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month and the many accomplishments of AAPIs, we also want to recognize that these communities still face many barriers to health and health care, including HIV/AIDS. To recognize these challenges, May 19th has been designated as the National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The theme for this year’s observance is: “Saving face can’t make you safe. Talk about HIV—for me, for you, for … [Read more...]

Webcast, “In the Know: Google Plus & YouTube for Public Health”, May 14

Join the CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) on May 14 at 2 P.M. (ET) for a live webcast, “In the Know: Google Plus & YouTube for Public Health.” This webcast, the fifth in a series, will explore how public health professionals can effectively tap into the engagement and networking strengths of the quickly growing social media channel, Google Plus, and the popular video sharing site, YouTube. It will feature NPIN social media experts and a special guest from Google who … [Read more...]

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