“At – one – ment”, Initiation with Lucille Schiable

  At-one-ment, new beginnings into understanding... The following course study into the life of the spirit was made accessible by an amazing woman: Lucille Schiable. May her spirit be with us always!       "Initiation means a new beginning; in one sense, a birth; a path or way of least resistance for the birth of the Soul within the conscious awareness of man." The purpose of evolution,as far as man's mind has been able to grasp, is At-one-ment, complete with … [Read more...]

When Actions Conform ~ WOMEN in RECOVERY

Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. Moral evaluations of this type may reference values or norms (principles and rules). In psychological terms, conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms. The extent to which conscience informs moral judgment before an … [Read more...]

Recovery is a Journey…Enjoy the Trip

Recovery is a Journey...Enjoy the Trip. So how does your recover-strategy-goal-setting prepare you to enter into the journey of recovery? Say, you’ve had a heart attack, actually your heart has been attacked; not your physical, anatomical heart, but your breakable, emotional heart. The personal heart that grows weary, the hardened heart, the heartless one, the cold heart, the heart that aches, that stands still, that leaps with joy and the one who has lost heart; yes, your very human … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – ….’in-the-moment’ connection

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. Your success in recovery, will come from facing your challenges when they arise and discovering new paradigm solutions. You will have opportunities to pinpoint and resolve many longstanding issues during this cycle. The key here is staying in the present and addressing what is there, when it is in front of you. This means avoiding the temptation to procrastinate. … [Read more...]


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Thanksgiving, putting back the ‘Thanks’ into this Holiday

In the United States, fall marks a trifecta of holidays that snowball, picking up speed as they carry us,—often chaotically—from October through the New Year. The party starts with the distinctly non-religious (some would say pagan) celebration of Halloween; progresses to the spiritually inclusive embracing of gratitude that is Thanksgiving; and culminates in various religious observances ranging from Christmas to Hanukkah to Kwanza. Sadly, long before we reach Thanksgiving Day, we are already … [Read more...]

Shirlee Hall – Archangel Metatron

I wish to add what I am being led to do for this Friday. The focus is still the children of the One but sharing with you something I do not believe I have in the past...calling forth Archangel Metatron for an anchoring and activation of the platinum met in and around our entire energy matrix. Metatron will definitely help us build and activate our light bodies with the outer Light of God. There will also be a Platinum meditation and prayer normally not being expressed by others for a very … [Read more...]

Rev. Elvia Nina, Life Purpose – Journal with the Archangels

Sometimes healing into your Life Purpose comes with a mega-prescription for space clearing...and it can be tough. Thank heavens we have angels to administer love through the process! Before I get into a little story about clearing, I'd like to announce a *new class* for those of you inspired to connect more deeply into your life purpose with the archangels through journaling and writing. Beginning November 1st, I will be teaching a 5-week class, Life Purpose Journal with the … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Sunday Sharing – ‘ask, believe, receive’

There has been a wide debate about whether God answers prayer or is indifferent to us. Some say that God always answers prayer as long as we believe He will. This is taught by those who teach the prosperity gospel. Some say there are too many people for God to listen to each individual prayer. This is believed by those who don’t want to follow after God’s truth found in the Bible. We are going to take a look at the three answers that God gives to prayer, and the scriptures that back them up. We … [Read more...]

BE the Desert Flower in your life!

The Journey of Recovery from any challenge in life is one that carries with it the most private and personal growth experience in life, and believing that You are No Longer Alone while in the desert, is key.     Most desert wildflowers lead a near-solitary existence. The beauty of a desert flower, the strength it exudes and the colour it shares is like Light in the Darkness....how could anyone not appreciate the wonder of it all!   BE the desert flower in Your … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Blessings, as you continue the journey

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" If you can create harmony In your own life, This harmony will enter Into the vast world." Music was key in kindling my initial interest in spirituality. I had always been a great lover of music, but Sri Chinmoy’s music, composed and performed directly through meditation, was beyond anything I had ever experienced. This meditative music opened a new door for me and showed me a route, free from obstructions, to a higher realm of consciousness. Whether alone at home, or performing for … [Read more...]

SACRED BREATH WORKSHOP – June 22 ( Chicago Area)

SACRED BREATH HEALING WORKSHOP FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND, 7:00 PM SOHMAR MASSAGE SCHOOL DOWNERS GROVE, IL. (Chicago Area) $55.00 DETAILS & CONTACT: Shirlee at: 1 630-202-3818 I was born remembering what it was like living in the subtle dimensions of light and love, the side most people refer to as Heaven. The conscious memory of who we really are and the amazing Presence that lives within each of us has provided a personal life where the sacred is a natural experience and the longing … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – ‘A Course in Miracles’: Let the Journey Begin …

  A Course in Miracles   '...let the Miracles begin....' 'This self-study metaphysical thought system is unique in teaching forgiveness as the road to inner peace and the remembrance of the unconditional love of God.'   How It Came into Being     In 1977 in response to many requests for a brief introduction to A Course in Miracles, Helen Schucman wrote the following, which appears as the Preface to the Course. The first two parts: "How It Came" and "What It Is," Helen … [Read more...]

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