CHILDCARE, 10 Strategies for Teaching Your Child to Read

Learning to read is one of the first major educational milestones in a child’s life. The sense of pride and accomplishment that kids feel the first time they read a book all by themselves is something that neither you nor they will forget. Helping your child master the skills that lead up to learning to read will make the lesson an easier one for him to learn, instilling a love of reading and learning that can follow him throughout his life. While there are as many approaches to teaching a … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Blessings, as you continue the journey

     … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Children

Children are a tremendous blessing to us, but they are also a tremendous responsibility that God has entrusted to us. As parents, we have been entrusted to nurture, train, teach and prepare our children for life. As siblings, we are enable to learn from each other. As aunts and uncles, we are gifted with a surrogate role, gifting us with the presence of innocence that lives in children. The Face of God lies in the face of a newborn child.... Are you taking time to invest in your … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Challenges of the Heart

Healing a Broken Heart – Is there Hope? Is there Hope for healing a broken heart? Something or someone has just broken your heart. You were caught off-guard by a betrayal, a shocking behavior, or loss of a loved one. Suddenly you are feeling like you’ve lost all hope . . . you can feel a physical aching in your chest that leaves you wounded and scarred. How can you ever hope to recover or discover what steps will end this suffering? We all know that emotions are a vital part of the way we are … [Read more...]

cbm Canada – Help 9 TIMES as many lives‏

.. Right now, you and I have an exciting opportunity to help children, moms and dads hear, walk, and have the fullness of life Jesus wants for all of His children throughout the world. Generous Canadian hospitals, companies and individuals have donated $4 million worth of medical equipment to cbm partners in Zambia and Zimbabwe. $4 million of wheelchairs, crutches, prostheses and surgical supplies… This equipment is ready and waiting to change … [Read more...]

Taryn Galewind: Growth Through Sharing

Growth Through Sharing   Learning to Give  What gets bigger the more you give it away? Well, the old riddle is: What gets bigger, the more you take away? The answer is a hole. By changing the question slightly, we’ll find an intriguing answer. The more you give away, the more you may grow in spirit, in wealth, and in self.   Skeptical?       Have a look at the details: Growth in Business—expert entrepreneurs find, without exception, that giving something of the business to customers and … [Read more...]

Taryn Galewind: Growth Through Sharing

Growth Through Sharing   Learning to Give  What gets bigger the more you give it away? Well, the old riddle is: What gets bigger, the more you take away? The answer is a hole. By changing the question slightly, we’ll find an intriguing answer. The more you give away, the more you may grow in spirit, in wealth, and in self.   Skeptical?       Have a look at the details: Growth in Business—expert entrepreneurs find, without exception, that giving something of the business to customers and … [Read more...]

UN Top Officials – Celebrate Call to 'Abolish FGM' globally!

    Top UN officials call for abolishing female genital mutilation   A type of blade used to carry out the FGM operation February 2011 – Stressing that all girls deserve to grow up free from harmful practices that endanger their well-being, United Nations officials on Sunday called for abolishing the practice of female genital mutilation to help millions lead healthier lives.     Female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) is the partial or total removal of the external genitalia – … [Read more...]

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