3 Keys for Parenting a Peaceful Generation

Being a mom of three little Angels who are completely different to the child I used to be led my path to a wonderful discovery of the new generations who are now living among us. World is changing really fast and we all can notice that on how technology changes every day, on the new education systems emerging, and on many other things that are part of our daily lives. While being in the spiritual path I have met many different people who are living experiences that have brought big lessons … [Read more...]

Guys! Know When to Zip Your Lip!‏

"Does this dress make my butt look big?" Woah, Dude! Shut my mouth! Is this a trick question? How do you answer a question like that? You are about to enter a minefield. If you do answer, do so at your own risk. What if she actually has a big butt? Not a lot of wiggle room there. Women should know better than to ask the question that way (grow up and quit asking questions that require your man to lie). In a survey I read recently, women resoundingly responded that the perfect answer is "No, … [Read more...]

Desmond Tutu’s daughter, 10 Tips for Peace

Mpho Tutu was careful to mention her mother several times when she was speaking on stage at Greenbelt festival in August, "I have a mother. Her name is Leah." This remark always brought forth laughter and cheers, but it is Mpho Tutu's father who most of us will be familiar with. Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a key part of the struggle against Apartheid. Denounced for 'bringing politics into the Church', repeatedly censored and arrested and suffering all the indignities and violence that … [Read more...]

FEAR does not kill your DREAMS

In recent times, it seems there are only three measures of success: Money, looks, and fame. If you don't have one or all of them, you feel like things aren't good enough, and perhaps you feel unlucky and cheated. But you're an ordinary person, and it's hard to feel self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem when you go to an everyday job in an everyday world. How do you find a sense of significance in a world that seems so very shallow? Read on below the jump for advice on feeling better about … [Read more...]

Apples and Oranges talk STEAK, Lauren Millman

Did you know....I can help you stop over-eating, or feeling like you can't eat. I was there once, and it was the worst time of my life. Being cognitive of your own behavior works! HOW? Because the dissension and angst you're feeling in any of your relationships can be solved. You can make any situation better. I don't want you to feel this way one second longer. IS TODAY GOING TO BE THE DAY? Here are some solutions you can put into ACTION as soon as you choose to do something … [Read more...]

Everything We Think We Know About Marriage/Divorce is Wrong!

Shaunti Feldhahn, Guest Author Have you ever quoted the facts about the 50% divorce rate? Yeah? So have I. Have you ever lamented the fact that the divorce rate was the same in the church? Or that most marriages are just hanging in there, not vibrant and happy? Have you seen or shared the sobering statistic that most second marriages don’t make it? Or talked about marriage being hard? Perhaps like you, I have said every one of those things - whether just to friends … [Read more...]

I Am A Ukrainian, This Needs To Go Viral

I am not a Ukrainian. But, the creator of this video is and it should make us all feel like we are. Watch it. Share it. Send it to your representatives. It’s not your problem. True. But all of our collective voices might be part of the solution. Related Thought Kiev2 Admit It, You Have No Idea What's Going On In Ukraine Right Now This article will fill your knowledge gap. The first thing you should know is that Ukrainian protests make Occupy Wall Street look like a play date. If … [Read more...]

GOD Whispers, How has God ‘whispered’ to you in the past?

Hearing the Whispers of God: They range from the general to the personal. Here are four ways God whispers to us. 1. Through the Grandeur of the World Ours is a most incredible universe – a cosmos of 50 billion known galaxies (the better the telescopes get, the more galaxies come into focus); a universe containing a revolving ball with conditions inexplicably hospitable to human life; a system of precise planetary motions producing consistent seasons on earth like clockwork. As … [Read more...]


“If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.” Luke 6:29 THE CROSS – TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK An Open Doors colleague shares the following incident from an SSTS seminar in Indonesia. I remember standing in front of nearly 800 pastors on the island of Timor facing a serious dilemma. Most of the pastors were victims of attacks by Muslims on the island of Ambon. They had lost homes, churches and even … [Read more...]

MAY is Civility Awareness Month, Global

MAY IS INTERNATIONAL CIVILITY AWARENESS MONTH CIVILITY IS: A conscious awareness of the impact of one’s thoughts, actions, words and intentions on others; combined with, A continuous acknowledgement of one’s responsibility to ease the experience of others (e.g., through restraint, kindness, non-judgment, respect, and courtesy); and, A consistent effort to adopt and exhibit civil behaviour as a non-negotiable point of one’s character. Lew Bayer, President and CEO, Civility … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Surrender & Release

Surrender & Release ~~~ Anything & Everything   Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~release to the Universe. Anything & Everything second by second ~~~surrender to anything but Self Will. Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~breathe deeply with eyes closed. Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~release Everything, this One Day. Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~Embrace Your Life, this One Day! Anonymous   THE … [Read more...]

PARENTING, 9 Most Unusual Parenting Books for Sale

For every parenting philosophy, there’s a book out there to support it or to point out its perceived shortcomings. While the majority of parenting books can be read in a manner that allows parents and childcare providers to use the advice that works for their situation and discard the rest, there are some on the market that are strange or downright dangerous. While these books aren’t always accepted by parenting experts, developmental specialists or medical professionals as particularly … [Read more...]

Change.org, Roma activist from Hungary who fled to Canada

Three years ago, I met Jozsef and Timea, a brave young couple who fled Hungary after being persecuted for being ethnically Roma and for standing up for the rights of their people. They were relieved to be here, and we had an instant connection as my family also fled Hungary as refugees when I was their daughter's age. My friend Jozsef Pusuma is a Roma activist from Hungary who fled to Canada with his family after receiving death threats. Now the Canadian government says they … [Read more...]

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