FEAR does not kill your DREAMS

In recent times, it seems there are only three measures of success: Money, looks, and fame. If you don't have one or all of them, you feel like things aren't good enough, and perhaps you feel unlucky and cheated. But you're an ordinary person, and it's hard to feel self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem when you go to an everyday job in an everyday world. How do you find a sense of significance in a world that seems so very shallow? Read on below the jump for advice on feeling better about … [Read more...]

Courage is not the absence of Fear, WOMEN in RECOVERY

Courage of Conviction 4 KEYS to Developing Your Courage Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the strength to be who and what you are-- despite the fear! Here are steps we can take to develop courage and let go of the fears that stop us from achieving our goals. 1. Recognize the fear. Don’t make excuses and call it something else. You cannot overcome or move through your fear if you don’t recognize it as such. You can blame someone else, you can call it impossible or you … [Read more...]

"I Am who Am", Michele Toomey, Ph.D.

I Am Who Am She stood at her full stature. She took a deep, deep breath. “I am who am!” she noted. “I am who am,” she cried. Her eyes shone as the star light. Her face beamed as the moon. “O yes, I do believe it. O now I know it’s true.” Where did she get that confidence? What made her feel so sure? She smiled a knowing smile and thought of all she’d been through. She thought of all she knew. They’d tried to tell her differently. They’d often knocked her down. They did not … [Read more...]

Risks, Be Fearless, Take Action! – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Risks, Be Fearless, Take Action! Take risks. Be confident in your convictions. Bring others along. Great leaders look fear in the eye and use it to their advantage. As the force driving them into uncharted territory. And the adrenaline that keeps them climbing the corporate ladder. They don't surrender or retreat. They're committed to their vision and believe in it above everything else. They are smart, strategic, and always ready to Take Action! … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Mind to Matter

Your Higher Power and all who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. When you take time to communicate with God - Your Higher Power, Strength into your life is the Gift returned. Be reassured in the multitude of anxious thoughts within you that Divine love comforts you. Take these thoughts from 'mind to matter' and write them down. Your Higher Power will Comfort with the Energy of Divine Love. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask Your … [Read more...]

“I Am who Am”, Michele Toomey, Ph.D.-Welcome our newest writer!

I Am Who Am She stood at her full stature. She took a deep, deep breath. “I am who am!” she noted. “I am who am,” she cried. Her eyes shone as the star light. Her face beamed as the moon. “O yes, I do believe it. O now I know it’s true.” Where did she get that confidence? What made her feel so sure? She smiled a knowing smile and thought of all she’d been through. She thought of all she knew. They’d tried to tell her differently. They’d often knocked her down. They did not want … [Read more...]

Holly Allender – New Year’s Resolutions: Don’t Give Up! Face Your Fears

  New Year’s Resolutions: Don’t Give Up! Face Your Fears    So consider this your friendly,loving smack upside the head that means...  “Get with it, and get on with your life. You’re worth it!” If I could swoop in and save you from procrastinating one more day in achieving your goals, I would.                                             If I could call you to say “I know you can do this!”         I would do that, too. If I could wake you up each day to start that new life, I’d be there by … [Read more...]

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