Believe in Yourself, emphasize the Value of Self-trust

Course in Miracles offers the following: The Willingness for Healing     "God's Will is that His Son be One, and united with Him in His Oneness".   That is why healing is the beginning of the recognition that YOUR WILL IS HIS. If sickness is separation, the will to heal and BE HEALED is the first step toward RECOGNIZING WHAT YOU TRULY WANT. Every ATTACK is a step AWAY from this, and every healing thought brings it closer. The Son of God HAS both Father and Son because … [Read more...]

Why True Passion is Key for the Philanthropist !

Belief is Everything!   If you want to raise money for your charity, then first believe in your cause. When you really believing in your cause, it will be contagious. People know if you are being authentic and passionate about your cause, and they also know if you are simply under the gun (i.e. pressure) of having to raise more money to keep your job. Yes, there is a difference. Also, when you truly believe in your cause you will not job-hop from one charity to another charity over a … [Read more...]

“Every woman is beautiful.”

"In A Celebration of Womankind Worldwide I would like to share with all of you this beautiful story close to my heart, as it often occurs to my mind that we do need to celebrate and honor women in all spheres of life every single day!" ~ Meetika Srivastava A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman”, she told him. “I don’t understand”, he said. His mum just hugged him and said, “And you never will’’. Later the little boy asked his father, “Why … [Read more...]

Trust in GOD, GOD will help You Trust You

Give God what you have in your hands today, as you stay faithful to do your part, God will do His part!     You have to be willing to pour in everything you have before you can see Gods increase flowing in your life. Believe in yourself, the angels emphasize the value of self-trust. When you put Action behind your Faith and Trust God, He will pour wisdom, strength, and creativity into you and help you accomplish the dreams and desires He has placed in your heart.   Trust … [Read more...]


“If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.” Luke 6:29 THE CROSS – TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK An Open Doors colleague shares the following incident from an SSTS seminar in Indonesia. I remember standing in front of nearly 800 pastors on the island of Timor facing a serious dilemma. Most of the pastors were victims of attacks by Muslims on the island of Ambon. They had lost homes, churches and even … [Read more...]

Are you taking time to invest in your children?

  Children are a tremendous blessing to us, but they are also a tremendous responsibility that God has entrusted to us. As parents, we have been entrusted to nurture, train, teach and prepare our children for life. As siblings, we are enable to learn from each other. As aunts and uncles, we are gifted with a surrogate role, gifting us with the presence of innocence that lives in children. The Face of God lies in the face of a newborn Child.... Are you taking time to invest in … [Read more...]


ABSOLUTE MIND The One Mind is in everything and everyone. Our intelligence has the capability to recognize and consciously live as the One Mind. The One expresses and maximizes according to focus and awareness. An Awakened Self is the One Mind thinking and is capable of creating anything and everything. Disbelief becomes an issue when we do not comprehend. When we comprehend our actual identity as Mind expressing in matter, the falsity of lack, limitation, time, space and a sense … [Read more...]

Benefits of Attending Church as a Family

In today’s fast-paced and frantic world, Sundays may be the only time that your family is able to catch up on much-needed rest and relaxation in preparation for another hectic week. Getting up early and rounding everyone up for church may seem more like work than an enjoyable way to end the weekend. Finding the right church may require a bit of trial and error, but your happiness within a congregation is largely dependent upon your family’s ability to fit in there and feel … [Read more...]

Separation from Creator – WOMEN in RECOVERY

The Power of your Creator is within You. It doesn't matter if you're facing a situation that seems larger than life or something that is a small hurdle, God wants to help you overcome it all! The Key to finding resolve in so many of life's circumstances is to stay in the right frame of mind. You have the Power of your Creator within you, all of the His greatness brings into focus 'who' He is: Faithful, Righteous, Good, Honest and it diminishes the negative problems … [Read more...]

The Liberating Truth: How Jesus Empowers Women – Jesus, the Feminist

Throughout his ministry, Jesus promoted the dignity and equality of women. He affirmed, honored and encouraged them in their faith, gave them dignity, equality and value, and talked about them to men as positive examples of faith. Jesus vigorously promoted the 'dignity and equality of women' in the midst of a male-dominated society. This is an amazing thing. Considering most, if not all of the rabbis, plus the Pharisees, the Romans, the laws and the customs, were united in their … [Read more...]


FOR OUR AWAKENING   THE GOLDEN FLOWER SACRED BREATH WORKSHOP Friday, January 18th at the Sohmar Massage School, 7:00 PM [ Reservations required ]     CIRCLE OF LIGHT CLASSES now offered through an email attachment for those of you who cannot join us. Last Sunday's class, "Know Thyself", can be ordered for only a $9 donation on the Home page of my Website. CIRCLE OF LIGHT February 3rd class, Sunday, 1:00 PM in La Grange. [Subject to be later announced.] Details: … [Read more...]

“At – one – ment”, Initiation with Lucille Schiable

  At-one-ment, new beginnings into understanding... The following course study into the life of the spirit was made accessible by an amazing woman: Lucille Schiable. May her spirit be with us always!       "Initiation means a new beginning; in one sense, a birth; a path or way of least resistance for the birth of the Soul within the conscious awareness of man." The purpose of evolution,as far as man's mind has been able to grasp, is At-one-ment, complete with … [Read more...]


GREETINGS... I hope I Light up your life... THE PHOTON BELT and 2012 Scientists state that our planet is literally speeding up. Time feels to be passing faster. In contrast, there is evidence that the Earth's magnetic field is becoming steadily weaker. Intuitive people are also aware that they have the potential to increase personal vibration and achieve higher states of awareness. It has become obvious that science and spirituality have a common … [Read more...]

Shirlee Hall, WHY SUFFERING?

WHY SUFFERING? The primary cause for suffering is: 'non-recognition of one’s own spiritual identity'. It is the individual spirit identity whose substance is the light of God that is one with all other creations whether they are in form or no form. There are multiple causes for suffering, but the one I will address in this message is a formidable one … it is love. Love is the link between one creature and another. It is the link between a creature and its Creator. … [Read more...]

Strength is from within…after divorce – WOMEN in RECOVERY

  Strength is from within...after divorce   If you are recently divorced, you are facing many challenges, even if the divorce was your idea. You have the financial adjustment, adjustment to single parenting, possible conflicts with your former spouse, helping your children adjust to the visitation schedule, and the list goes on. If you are not a religious person, what source of strength do you draw from during those challenges? The answer may be something you have not considered … [Read more...]

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