Land rights for Women ... can help ease India's child malnutrition crisis Despite progress on many fronts, India's child malnutrition rate rivals that of sub-Saharan Africa. Growing evidence shows a way forward – giving women legal control of the land they farm. An Indian child eats mid-day meals organised by the government of Andhra Pradesh at a shanty area in Hyderabad, India. Photograph: Mahesh Kumar A/AP The findings of a new study (pdf) released last week … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Frustration….aren’t we the Cause, Ourselves?
The Laws of Cause & Effect.... 'Frustration' appears when we are too focused on 'What Should Be' (in our minds) rather than on 'What is'..... Staying in the moment and appreciating that 'Everything Happens for a Reason' can seem impossible at times; yet, with practice one can actually begin to experience enough hindsight moment by moment to grow into the realization that every action, event or happening has a reason. The more one practices this acceptance in … [Read more...]
What is O.C.D.(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?
What is Obsessive Compulsive-Disorder? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a common, treatable anxiety disorder. OCD causes significant distress and interferes with a person’s functioning in work, daily routines and relationships. Some people with OCD struggle with the obsessional component of the disorder while others mainly engage in compulsions. Most, however, experience both in some measure. Obsessions are intrusive, upsetting impulses, thoughts, ideas or images that are hard to … [Read more...]
UN Launches $3M Food Program in Urban Afghanistan
UN Launches $3M Food Program in Urban Afghanistan The United Nations World Food Programme, WFP announced on Tuesday that they have agreed to contribute $3 million dollars towards a project to help the urban poor cope with high food prices. (..) About 18,900 households including some 113,000 individuals, mostly poor women and households headed by the disabled will benefit from the project. (..) “We are launching this project after the successful implementation of similar programs in other … [Read more...], ‘Make Your Relationship a Contact Sport’
Make Your Relationship a Contact Sport Barbara Peters, Guest Author Does that sound a little quirky to you? Think about it – what’s more exciting than touching and being touched, on and off your love field? As a couples relationship therapist, one thing is evident every single day in my office. Almost all the people coming through my door are looking for physical touch. They want it, crave it, need it, but many times just don’t have it. Touching has become elusive … [Read more...]
Afghan women make voices heard at Bonn Conference
The International Afghanistan Conference Afghan President Hamid Karzai (L) and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrive for the 10th annual international Afghanistan conference on December 5, 2011 in Bonn, Germany. Representatives from a variety of countries are meeting to discuss the future of Afghanistan, despite the absence of delegates from Pakistan following an incident in which NATO forces killed 24 Pakistani border guards recently. In a recent interview Karzai stated … [Read more...]
Maximize your 2011 tax deduction before December 31
Help malnourished children in Haiti today, and maximize your 2011 tax deduction. The generous donations you're making are transforming lives every day, and we can't thank you enough. Many children and families are living healthier and happier lives because of your ongoing support. That's why we know we can rely on you when children need you the most. And now is one of those times. Next month marks two years since the massive 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Plan has worked in Haiti since … [Read more...]
DESPAIR surrendered to FAITH – Madison Ellis
DESPAIR surrendered to FAITH.... Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready … [Read more...]