The excellent short video (below) of news programs coverage about the commonality of proscribing psychotropic medications to very young children (in Florida, over 1000 children 6 or under) clearly articulates the greed & criminality (3 billion dollar fine for Glaxo Smith Kline, Criminal and civil settlements for lying and hiding information) driving the over-medication of children in child protection systems and an overall horrifically negligent approach to children’s mental health in … [Read more...]
Breast Cancer Diagnosis, 30 blogs offer real-life advice
Facing a breast cancer diagnosis can very easily be one of the most terrifying and stressful situations of your lifetime. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone in your struggle, especially if no one you know has endured a similar battle. Thankfully, the global village created by the 'blogosphere' has an entire community that acts as a breast cancer support system through the blog entries of actual breast cancer survivors. From the earliest days of your diagnosis to the victory of … [Read more...]
Contraception in Tajikistan: Poverty, Religion and Mothers-in-law
KHOVALING, Tajikistan --- “Things were different in my day,” says 70-year-old Tojigul Qurbonova, a mother of ten. “Mothers with a lot of children were showered with benefits and had a good life,” she adds, showing off a ‘Mother Hero’ certificate she was awarded in 1980. In those days, under the Soviet Union, big families were encouraged and supported. Mothers with more than five children were awarded gold medals, apartments, telephones, and received financial help in the form of child … [Read more...]
Epilepsy Awareness Month – November
Epilepsy (from Ancient Greek ἐπιληψία) is a common and diverse set of chronic neurological disorders characterized by seizures. Some definitions of epilepsy require that seizures be recurrent and unprovoked, but others require only a single seizure combined with brain alterations which increase the chance of future seizures. In many cases a cause cannot be identified, however factors that are associated include brain trauma, strokes, brain cancer, and drug and alcohol misuse among … [Read more...]
MAYO CLINIC, Cancer Prevention is Key
Breast cancer prevention: How to reduce your risk Breast cancer prevention starts with healthy habits — such as limiting the amount of alcohol you drink and staying physically active. Understand what you can do to prevent breast cancer. What can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer? Breast cancer prevention begins with various factors you can control. For example: Limit alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer. If you … [Read more...]
UNFPA: Trends in Maternal Mortality
Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2010 New maternal mortality estimates confirm that the number of women dying in pregnancy and childbirth is declining. Along with other indicators, this joint U.N. report validates the fact that we are making progress in saving mothers’ lives, even if progress is slower than what is called for by the Millennium Development Goals. Rapid progress in some countries demonstrates that when governments take a strategic approach to the safe motherhood … [Read more...]
Children and the ‘flu shot’ – how to prepare
The Centers for Disease Control strongly recommends that everyone over the age of six months receive a flu vaccination each year, provided that there are no contraindications or medical conditions that place them in the relatively small group of people that shouldn’t be vaccinated against influenza. The mere mention of a shot, however, can be enough to send even children that are normally docile into hysterics. Preparing your child for his annual flu shot can be a very challenging ordeal, … [Read more...]
BREAST CANCER – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer Remember, lumps in the breast are very common, especially just before your period. Most lumps are not breast cancer. Most often breast cancer is first noticed as a painless lump in the breast or armpit. You or your partner may discover the lump, or your doctor may find it during a routine physical exam or screening mammogram. Other signs might include: lump or swelling in the armpit changes in breast size or shape dimpling or puckering of the … [Read more...]
Women need How to Seasonal Flu Tips, 30 BEST Blogs
As the weather begins to cool and the days start to get shorter, parents’ minds generally turn towards the upcoming flu season and the best ways to prevent illness in their household. Unfortunately, there are so many misconceptions surrounding the transmission, incubation period, best course of treatment and even vaccinations that figuring out the best course of action can be a challenge. These 30 blog entries offer information on several aspects of the seasonal flu. What is Influenza? The … [Read more...]
BREAST CANCER, How Many Women are getting this disease?
How many women get breast cancer? The American Cancer Society’s most recent estimates for breast cancer in the United States are for 2012: About 226,870 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women About 63,300 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be found (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer). About 39,510 deaths from breast cancer (women) Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the … [Read more...]