What you eat could serve as natural medicine for your body every day, or it could be toxic to your body. Eating unhealthy foods that are loaded with preservatives, artificial ingredients, fat, cholesterol, sugar, and salt will be detrimental to your overall health, while consuming foods that are packed with nutrients and that come from nature will help your body thrive. Continue reading to learn about the foods that you should be eating to ensure all of your nutritional requirements are met in … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why It’s Great to Be Pregnant at the Beach
Many pregnant women make the assumption that they can’t go to the beach while they are pregnant, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there are a host of great benefits that you can derive from going to the beach while you are pregnant, and a few of the reasons why you should not hold yourself back from having some fun in the sun are listed below. 1. There Are So Many Adorable Things You Can Wear These days, maternity clothes are comfortable and attractive, and there … [Read more...]
Dental Problems Faced by Pregnant Women
Dental Problems Faced by Pregnant Women and How to Prevent Them It hardly seems fair but you can add dental problems to your growing list of things you should be concerned about during pregnancy. Your body is changing as it moves to accommodate the growing life inside of you. This inevitably affects the health of your mouth and teeth. It is especially important, now more than ever, that you continue to see your dentist after you have become pregnant. This way you can stave off any … [Read more...]
Benefits of Fruit
Fruits are nature’s wonderful gift to the mankind; indeed, they are life-enhancing medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and many phyto-nutrients (Plant derived micronutrients). They are an absolute feast to our sight, not just because of their color and flavor but for their unique nutrition-profile that help human body free from diseases and keep it healthy! … [Read more...]
Top 10 Issues for Women’s Health
"In 2015, in too many countries, “women’s empowerment” remains a pipedream - little more than a rhetorical flourish added to a politician’s speech..." Dr Flavia Bustreo, ADG We've come a long way since 1995--and it is time to celebrate women and their achievements. But it is also time to take stock of how women’s rights are fulfilled in the world --especially the right to health. Twenty years after countries signed pledges in the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action, women still … [Read more...]
Canada Mental Health ‘stuck’ in Groundhog Day
The Mental Health Commission of Canada Is Stuck in Groundhog Day What am I missing here? The Mental Health Commission of Canada has just released the first of two reports on indicators showing how poorly we treat those with mental illness in Canada. I really have to ask why, as this is something we already know. In May, 2006, the Canadian Senate released its study of mental health in Canada called Out of the Shadows At Last. What went into that report was based on more than 2,000 … [Read more...]
Thyroid Disease, a plethora of symptoms, Take Action
Image thanks to Hypothyroid Mom/FB It's estimated that as many as 59 million Americans have a thyroid problem, but the majority don't know it yet. The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, is the master gland of metabolism. When your thyroid doesn't function, it can affect every aspect of your health, and in particular, weight, depression and energy levels. Since undiagnosed thyroid problems can dramatically increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, … [Read more...]