UN Foundation President & CEO Kathy Calvin at an event in Davos on the importance of empowering girls. Highlighting Global Issues and UN Priorities at Davos Last month, the UN Foundation helped put your voice front and center at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The discussions highlighted issues that UN supporters like you care about: climate change, the empowerment of girls, youth leadership, and more. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN Foundation President … [Read more...]
Postpartum Depression is Real – Take Action!
Having a baby is an exciting event. However, along with the joy, excitement and euphoria that surrounds the birth of a baby, many women experience feelings of depression as well as increased sensitivity, tearfullness and irritability. A woman might worry that she will not be a good mother, or that her relationship with her husband will be negatively affected by the birth. These anxieties together with unbalanced hormones and extreme fatigue can contribute to drastic mood swings, … [Read more...]
Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents
Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents During Holiday Concert by Signing It for Them from sharethemessage on GodTube. … [Read more...]
Today is: 11 – 12 – 13
Imagine ONE day around the globe where we focus on what we have in common. It doesn't matter what our politics are, our religion, where we come from, what our positions and stances are on a variety of issues. We can all agree we have ONE thing in common, we are members of the HUMAN RACE. As a collective group we focus on random acts of kindness on 11-12-13. We will reach out to people in our communities as well as people on the other side of the world. We can be kind everyday and … [Read more...]
Securing financing for sustainable development, Shari Spiegel
“We have to create an inclusive financing system that would work for everybody around the globe.” ~ Shari Spiegel Securing financing for sustainable development New and innovative sources of financing are needed to supplement decreasing Official Development Assistance, but these should be additional to traditional assistance and not a substitute for it: this is one of the conclusions of the 6th High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development. In this video interview, Shari Spiegel, … [Read more...]
International Day of Rural Women celebrated OCT 15!
The first International Day of Rural Women was observed on 15 October 2008. It recognizes “the critical role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty.” Rural women play a critical role in the rural economies of both developed and developing countries. In most parts of the developing world they participate in crop production and livestock care, provide food, water and … [Read more...]
END VIOLENCE: ‘A Promise is a Promise is a Promise’
Lets End Violence Against Women The main roles of UN Women are: To support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms. To help Member States to implement these standards, standing ready to provide suitable technical and financial support to those countries that request it, and to forge effective partnerships with civil society. To hold the UN system accountable for its own commitments on gender … [Read more...]