History of Mother’s Day Celebration

What Is Mother’s Day? Celebration of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Once a major tradition in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, this celebration fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent and was originally seen as a time when the faithful would return to their “mother … [Read more...]

How to Treat Cuts and Scrapes in Children

If there is one thing that all children seem to excel at, it is finding new and creative ways to injure themselves. Some children seem to have made it a personal mission to inflict needless pain and injury on themselves, other children merely seem to be setting themselves up for a life of playing extreme sports. Regardless of your background, or how well you try and raise your children, there are always going to be some injuries and accidents. Thankfully, these are usually not severe, but it … [Read more...]

5 Of The Best Things a Mother Can Do for Her Children

Being a mother is definitely one of the best jobs on the planet. From the first second that your child enters your life, you’ll experience love like no other and a need to protect like you’ve never felt before. Becoming and being a mother is a very emotional experience that nobody can prepare you for. Many people panic before welcoming their first child, thinking that they won’t be able to provide it with all of the care and knowledge that it will need. In reality, as soon as the child arrives … [Read more...]

9 Ways of Staying Healthy While Having a Young Baby

Many women want to go back to their pre-baby body after they give birth. Now, a woman's body may never be quite the same again, but that doesn't mean that she can't stay healthy and get close to her pre-baby body. Not only has the woman just gone through pregnancy, and all that comes with it such as baby showers (which typically involve lots of cupcakes), now that the little one has arrived can be especially hard to stay healthy when sleep-deprived from caring for a little on. Here are … [Read more...]

Why More Moms Are Choosing to Re-Enter the Workforce in the Healthcare Industry

Working moms who left their jobs to raise their kids may eventually wish to re-enter the workforce once their children are old enough and their responsibilities have waned a bit. But re-entering the same career may not be a viable option. If you’re in this situation, continue reading to learn about why so many mothers are choosing to re-enter the workforce in the healthcare industry, even if they’re background wasn’t previously in healthcare. Career opportunities Nurses are in high demand … [Read more...]

Tips for Moms Facing the Consequences of Addiction

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes but there is one thing that is always for sure, there are going to be consequences for addiction to mind or mood altering substances. Whether you are impaired because of the addiction may be up to dispute but if that addiction can potentially lead to mishaps and injuries, there is a real problem. Mothers in the 21st Century are still becoming addicted to legally prescribed medications and as a result, are facing consequences that they never foresaw. If you … [Read more...]

Returning to the Workforce as a Mother

Returning to the Workforce as a Mother – Would Getting Your MBA First Create a Better Future for You and Your Family? If you decided to take a break from your career while your child was very young, but are planning to return to work once he or she is a little older and in school, it can be a bit of a daunting prospect. If you had a promising career you would like to go back to, you may be concerned that in the time you were not working, you may have become a less attractive prospect to … [Read more...]

Celebrating Mother’s Day 2015 – May 10

Background Early Mother's Day celebrations can be dated back to the spring celebrations to honor Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, in ancient Greek civilization, according to some sources. Later, Mothering Sunday in the United Kingdom was traditionally a day for people to visit the church where they were baptized, although it now also celebrates motherhood in modern times. The modern-day origins of Mother's Day can be attributed to two women – Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, who were … [Read more...]

Celebrating Saskia Röell, Great Moms Circle

Every now and again someone stands out to me that I MUST share with you. It’s not for money, and there’s NO way that I am getting paid to share this. I’m sending you this email because if you are married with kids and want a closer loving, connected relationship with your children and have a desire to fall in love with your man again, then this is for you! Please meet Saskia Röell. Here’s why I am sharing her with you. Saskia has been a client for three years, and I’ve not only … [Read more...]

The Power of Moms, Livestream Moms +SocialGood TODAY

Amazing: Moms from around the world and supporters like you have helped raise the profile of women’s and children’s issues through the Global Moms Relay. Together, this community has taken more than 275,000 actions to date - spreading the word with your friends and family and raising funds for the health and well-being of women and children in support of the United Nations’ Every Woman Every Child movement. Since it launched in March, the Global Moms Relay has brought together community … [Read more...]

“I Want My Mommy!” , Dr. Christine Northrup

I was talking with a friend the other day, whose daughter Nancy is pregnant with her second child. Nancy had gotten into the habit of calling her mom in tears just about every time she felt stressed out—and with the expectation that her mom would "fix it." My friend was laughing as she said, "I told her in a light-hearted way that she has to step up and be an adult now. I explained that it’s not OK anymore for her to call me every time she loses it, like she has her whole life. That’s been … [Read more...]

Conscious Motherhood

Harmony 'A woman in harmony her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself'. ~ Maya Angelou When a woman approaches each stage of her transition into motherhood consciously – allowing herself to listen to her body’s wisdom and slow down enough during pregnancy to express her fears, talk about her expectations, grieve the loss of the old life, and prepare spiritually for labor – she … [Read more...]

Pre-Mother’s Day Gift Show & Mum Luncheon, May 4

Our Gift Show MAY 4 will host elegant gifts for all Mothers ranging from body wraps, candy, candles, chocolate, crystals, essential oils, stones, flowers, hand-made glassware, handbags, jewellery, skincare, soaps, and so much more !!! Also this day will be celebrating the amazing Spring/Summer 2014 Swimwear FASHION SHOWING hosted by Premier Jour Fine Lingerie and Swimwear, Toronto, Ontario - Founder, CEO After Breast Cancer (ABC). LUNCHEON for MUM - TELEPHONE RESERVATIONS | (416) … [Read more...]

Postpartum Depression is Real – Take Action!

Having a baby is an exciting event. However, along with the joy, excitement and euphoria that surrounds the birth of a baby, many women experience feelings of depression as well as increased sensitivity, tearfullness and irritability. A woman might worry that she will not be a good mother, or that her relationship with her husband will be negatively affected by the birth. These anxieties together with unbalanced hormones and extreme fatigue can contribute to drastic mood swings, … [Read more...]


Whether you are a new mom just heading back to the work force or a mom that has been back for years, you probably have found that it’s difficult to balance your work and home life. Finding ways to fit in all the things you have to do while still being able to enjoy all the things you want to do isn’t easy. However, there are ways you can reduce the time you spend tackling things on your to-do list. With the help of these 80 blogs you’ll find you have more time during the evenings, you’re … [Read more...]

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