Mother’s Day, A Strawberry Malt and 3 Squeezes, Please!‏

NOTE: This story was written to honor Larry's mother's memory and was featured in the New York Times best-selling book, "A Second Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul." The story appears on page sixteen of the book. My mother used to love strawberry malts. It was a thrill for me to drop in to see her and surprise her with her favorite refreshment. In her later years, both my mom and dad lived in a life-care retirement center. Partially due to the stress of my mom's Alzheimer's condition, … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Creating Right Memories

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LOVE, 10 of the things that most moms hold on to

Even the most dedicated de-clutterers have a box or a container stashed somewhere that’s housing mementos and keepsakes from their children’s early years that they aren’t yet ready to part with. While some may keep more than others, there are a few items that are universally kept instead of discarded. Here are 10 of the things that most moms hold on to as their children get older. Artwork – It’s hard to throw away those masterpieces created by earnest little hands; some moms hold on to … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Celebrate, be present

4 Ways You Can Stay Present in a Crowd... 1. Notice the tiniest details around you. When your mind starts to wander and you cannot possibly believe that you're going to be able to spend an entire night living in the present moment, take a deep breath and look around you. Don't look at the big picture of what's happening but, instead, focus on the tiniest details. What does the floor beneath your feet look like? Who are the people closest to you? What are they wearing? What are you … [Read more...]

SUMMIT PHOTOS – memories …

...the Stage is Set .... Master of Ceremony, Tom Corrigan and welcome speaker, Monika Burwise plan and prepare for the stage .... ...the Women are waking up ... ...DR. LORETTA CHEN wakes up the women of our world, during morning start. ...ALL the way from SOUTH AFRICA - Rosetta Stander and Mama Zuma are loved by all !!! The FWORD'S FANTASY Vignette rocks room to the core with her expose on the sufferings of Human Trafficking ...DWAYNE … [Read more...]

Leela Francis, ‘We Don’t Say Goodbye‏’

  Dear Sister, I've spent much of the last 2.5 years courting my mother through the end of her life. Besides making peace with letting her go, I've been dancing with the reality of cancer touching one so close to me, accepting that there are indeed some things I cannot control, let alone understand, and trusting that even in this there are gifts. In the end, after phone calls and visits, bedside vigils, and years of coming and going since I moved away from Montreal when I … [Read more...]

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