ALUMNAE RECEPTION Hosted By Join us to meet the 2013 YWCA WOMEN OF DISTINCTION ________________________________________________________________________ THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 2013 6 - 8 PM In conversation with Janet McFarland of The Globe and Mail. 2013 recipients will be announced on International Women’s Day March 8th, 2013 SEEDS FOR CHANGE CULTIVATING FOOD FOR THOUGHT ________________________________________________________________________ 2013 YWCA Women of … [Read more...]
Care for your Heart – WOMEN
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, but heart disease is preventable and controllable. Every journey begins with one step, whether it’s climbing a mountain or preventing heart disease. This American Heart Month, CDC is offering weekly tips for better heart health. Take your first step on the road to a healthy heart with us. Heart disease is a major problem. Every year, about 715,000 Americans have a heart attack. About 600,000 people die from heart … [Read more...]
Coach Khama – Birthday DVD Celebration – Yes, 90% OFF!
It's my Birthday! And I have a little something for YOU! Greetings from London! Arrived safe and sound yesterday afternoon from Los Angeles. So, my birthday is tomorrow and I'm hosting a "90% OFF ALL Products Birthday Sale" until THIS Friday, Feb. 1st! Stock up on my content-rich DVDs (there's 28 to choose from!) or my transformation Unleash Your Breakthrough 12-CD SET! ---> CLICK HERE - use Coupon Code: BIRTHDAY But please be aware, this will be the LAST … [Read more...]
Guide for a Man Attempting to Raise Women
Raising girls is much different than raising boys. Girls tend to be more emotional, affectionate, and have different methods of logical thinking. For the father who may feel overwhelmed about how to raise a daughter, these tips may help keep you on task. Horseplay – Although rough-housing is common in most households, girls tend to be more sensitive to physical violence. There are exceptions to every rule, of course. However, rough-housing with your girls could turn them into Tomboys. … [Read more...]
M-HEALTH SUMMIT 2012, Recap with Video
RECAPPING THE M-HEALTH SUMMIT 2012 National and international experts in health care and mobile technology gathered in Washington, DC, December 3-5, 2012, for the mHealth Summit: Connecting the Mobile Health Ecosystem . joined government, health, private sector, industry, academic, and nonprofit leaders to learn and share about how wireless technology is being used to improve health outcomes in the United States and abroad, and particularly how it relates to HIV prevention, … [Read more...]
Fatherhood, 10 Sports Every Dad Should Teach Their Son
10 Sports Every Dad Should Teach Their Son Learning to play a sport can teach kids tons of valuable life lessons that they’ll carry with them long after that last whistle blows. Dads who are looking for a way to bond with their sons while passing on some of their hard-earned wisdom might find that spending some time teaching kids the ins and outs of these 10 sports is just the thing to kill both of those proverbial birds with one stone. Golf – Playing a good game of golf requires … [Read more...]
After Breast Cancer Event – November 27 – TORONTO
Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls must be punished
September 2012 – Violence against women and girls and the indiscriminate extraction of natural resources are among the most pressing issues that indigenous peoples face today, a United Nations human rights expert said today. “A recurring issue that has come to my attention in various contexts is that of violence against indigenous women and girls,” said the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, in his statement to the UN Human Rights Council in … [Read more...]
Tetka Rhu – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this spiritually inspired woman. This power of example, has found the Goddess inside Herself, and is here to help the Women of our World. WOMAN of ACTION™ Tetka Rhu – 'Goddess of Spirituality' What has brought Tetka to this stage of her life where she owns her ability to manifest her Creative Artist energy and to be a force for people to “Own their … [Read more...]
WOMEN – Silent Autism Women Sufferers
AUTISM & Aperger's Syndrome {in Women} About Women with Autism: 4 Points ... Women with autism are real women. They live, they give birth to babies, they study, they laugh, they go to the movies, museum, café. They travel, explore, read, talk, think, feed this world just as other women do. Women with autism need the world to show ourselves. The world needs them, with their special talents and gifts. Actually, for women with autism life is more difficult then for men … [Read more...]