WOMAN of ACTION – Nancy Vogl

A Celebration of Women is Heart-warmed to celebrate with the Women of our World, a Woman that has Taken Action to show that LOVE is the Key to Life.....this inspiring Grandmother has reached out on Facebook seeking Support for her Breanna.....we are Celebrating her Courage. WOMAN of ACTION Nancy Vogl Nancy is the loving Matriarch of an Amazing and very, very, very large Family! Enjoy this list: Heidi Vogl, Monika Vogl, Lisa Vogl, Michelle Lawson, … [Read more...]

Laura Farago is Taking Action 2 months later …MEMORIAL VIDEO.

< Laura Farago is definitely a WOMAN of ACTION   Here she shares with the Women of our World the devotion that one daughter offers her DAD. I want all the Fathers of this World to listen deeply to this message that laura is teaching all of us.   Women of our World, show this video to all the men in your lives, and especially your sons, for all that are Mothers to sons.   When a man is a good Father, he becomes 'Immortal'.   "I ask myself if I died … [Read more...]

Arsya Reynova, On Love and Kindness

On Love and Kindness Most people have an inspiration in their life. Maybe it's a talk with someone you respect or an experience. Whatever the inspiration, it tends to make you look at life from different perspective. My inspiration always comes from my mother, Sri. She's a great success as a wife and a mother, a sister, a daughter and a friend. She's so smart and kind, plus my friend say she is gorgeous and all that. But it's more how she handles things, how she treats her friends … [Read more...]

'STRONG PERSON' ~ Tribute to the Women of our World

A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm ok" with a smile. Live, Laugh, Love A Strong Person vs A Person of Strength A strong person works out every day to keep their body in shape. A person of strength builds relationships to keep their soul in shape. A strong person isn't afraid of anything. A person of strength shows courage in the midst of their fear. A strong person won't let anyone get the best of … [Read more...]

‘STRONG PERSON’ ~ Tribute to the Women of our World

A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm ok" with a smile. Live, Laugh, Love A Strong Person vs A Person of Strength A strong person works out every day to keep their body in shape. A person of strength builds relationships to keep their soul in shape. A strong person isn't afraid of anything. A person of strength shows courage in the midst of their fear. A strong person won't let anyone get the best of … [Read more...]

Give the Gift That Changes a Child's Life This Father's Day‏

A Celebration of Women is honored to share this awesome Gift Plan with the Women of our World: Father's Day is just around the corner. Show your dad how much you care with a gift that can change a child's life the way your dad changed yours. Instead of another neck tie celebrate Father’s Day by giving a gift that will change a life. Recognize a special teacher who has enough mugs in their cupboard but appreciates the gift of learning. Celebrate the achievements of a Graduate with a gift … [Read more...]

Town Crier: Grandmothers Travels on the East Coast June 2011‏

Center For Sacred Studies Town Crier May 2011 Grandmothers Travels on the East Coast June 2011 Council of All Beings June 1-3 Montpelier, Vermont We are convening a Council of All Beings in Montpelier, Vermont to bring the voices of the earth to the center of our lives and actions. As the new era dawns, we hold a sacred intention to honor Earth and to bring ourselves into a new communion with all life. We are holding this gathering at the Vermont State House to … [Read more...]

Adele Butler is Taking Action!

The War Against Womanhood 'Breast ironing' is not only a term, it is really a hot iron used thinking the breast will flatten ...Stones are heated on scorching flames and are massaged rigorously to limp a girl's firm nipples and flatten her breasts. Other common tools include bananas, coconut shells, spatulas and hammers heated over a blistering fire. Just recently I read about a practice in Cameroon which deeply disturbed me. In the privacy of their homes and behind closed doors, … [Read more...]

Rebecca Khan: ‘To Ma, with Love’

To Ma, with Love     My mother is a true testament to the strength and fortitude of women who can tackle the toughest of situations when unexpectedly thrown in it. Having grown up in the lap of luxury and lucky to have led a equally charmed life post-marriage to my father, she did not have to tend to much outside domestic affairs but my, how well she took care of things in the realm of that world which included nurturing my sister and me, caring for her loving husband, creating a safe … [Read more...]

Rebecca Khan: 'To Ma, with Love'

To Ma, with Love     My mother is a true testament to the strength and fortitude of women who can tackle the toughest of situations when unexpectedly thrown in it. Having grown up in the lap of luxury and lucky to have led a equally charmed life post-marriage to my father, she did not have to tend to much outside domestic affairs but my, how well she took care of things in the realm of that world which included nurturing my sister and me, caring for her loving husband, creating a safe … [Read more...]

Ness: A Mother's Story

  Ness: A Mother's Story A brief history. ...    I divorced a few years ago now, my husband was an alcoholic gambler.   "We had two beautiful daughters who are now 18 and 21. The eldest went off to university and returned 3 years later with an honours degree. The youngest (being most like her father) hated me for divorcing her dad and chose to live with him. Four years on, she has finally seen the light that her father stands in, for what it is...but this isn't a story about him...it's about … [Read more...]

Mother's Day: Celebrate Sunday, May 8th with care2 e-cards!!!

Worldwide Celebration Dates on May 8, 2011 Mother’s Day is always the second Sunday in May. care2 has been providing wonderful online cards for years. Did you know that with each card, a charity around the world is supported. Use care2 greeting cards to send your loved ones absolutely wonderful messages. A Celebration of Women supports care2. These Mother's Day cards are absolutely FREE! Enjoy sending love to all the Mothers in your Life. This is the … [Read more...]

Mother's Day @ PLAN : A day to celebrate all she’s given you‏!

This Mother's Day give your mom a gift that's as extraordinary as she is: HOPE For the woman who gave you confidence. For the woman who taught you everything she knew. For the woman who empowered you to be the best person you could be — why not give her a gift that will be felt around the world: hope. Plan's Gifts of Hope are the perfect gift to share how much you love your Mom with children who could use a little extra hope. When you give a Girl's Scholarship, you give one young girl in … [Read more...]

Guatemalan Government: Stop the killing of Women

Amnesty International is calling for the Guatemalan Government to act to stop the killing of women. According to official figures, 685 women were killed in 2010 alone in Guatemala amid a culture of impunity, a legacy of the 1960-96 internal armed conflict which led to hundreds of thousands human rights violations which remain unaccounted for. “Women in Guatemala are dying as a consequence of the State's failure to protect them," said Sebastian Elgueta, Guatemala researcher at Amnesty … [Read more...]

UNRWA – Ensuring Education for girls on WEST BANK

    Ensuring access to education for girls in the West Bank   Wafa'a Shihda is a 13-year-old student at UNRWA's Al-Aqrabania school. The school exemplifies UNRWA's efforts to ensure access to education for Palestine refugees living in the West Bank. Though the school in Al-Aqrabania is co-ed, it has been particularly important for girls living in the village and surrounding area. Social norms mean that girls face more constraints on their freedom of movement. This has been … [Read more...]

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