“I Need a Hug”, Celebrate Love

When in the heat of the battle, always remember: a warm hug cools a slow burn. It may be better to temporarily put aside feelings of anger during misunderstandings and express your love in a silent, close embrace. Clearly affectionate communication is beneficial, but what happens when the expressed affection is not an authentic representation of your partner's feelings?   “I Need a Hug!”   It is at times like these, when tempers are flaring, words can not only fan the flames, … [Read more...]

Relationships, ‘Well. . . What Did You Expect?’

Well . . . What Did You Expect? We get pretty much what we expect to get in our relationship. What we expect to get is what we focus on. If it turns out good, we should not be disappointed. If it turns out bad, we should not be disappointed. We got what we expected. What else did we expect to get? Perhaps we should learn to be in a relationship with no expectations. In a spirit of unity, only and always work together, all the time, to create the best relationship we … [Read more...]

CelebrateLove.com ~ On Being Spontaneous!‏

On Being Spontaneous! Never valued certainty so much that you don't allow yourself to be open and available for the adventure that spontaneity provides! Never underestimate the value of spontaneity in a relationship. Too often relationships lose their excitement because the partners fall into a routine that becomes boring as time goes by. Regimented routines are okay for the short term but become boring after awhile. If you spend to much of your time planning the details of your … [Read more...]

De-Stress… Don’t Think!‏

De-Stress… Don’t Think!‏   How long has it been since you put on a good pair of headphones, dialed up some smooth jazz(any music without words will do) and just listened to the music? Or is music something that just plays in the background? You know it's there because every once in a while your thoughts get tired and they stop working just long enough for you to notice the music - that doesn't last long either - then it's back to doing the laundry, taking the car to get gas, or as … [Read more...]

CelebrateLove.com, Guard Your Heart…‏

Some things are really not hard to see, it is just our own stubborn refusal to truly notice all the warning signs and the obvious hazards posted there as we swing open yet another wrong door. When we listen - when we pay attention - when we heed our own inner voice of precaution. When we observe the intentions of others through behavior and action instead of just focusing on the words which can prove empty, we then are able to see without our blinders what is really meant for our … [Read more...]

Is Monogamy Real or Just an Ideal?

“… the day my husband told me about his affairs has become very important for us, in many ways more important than our wedding anniversary. While it was a day that turned my world upside down, it's one that we still celebrate today, after all these years. It's not the day itself we're celebrating; rather, it was the honesty that began that day. It resulted in our making a commitment to be honest about all important issues affecting our relationship. When I think how far we've come, I know … [Read more...]

Relationships – Change is Good, CelebrateLove.com

"To achieve the kind of relationship you would like and have never had before, you must become someone you have never been before!" – Larry James In other words, YOU can change because you choose to change. Your partner will only change when they choose to change. So many men and women do their best to try to change their partner. That does not and cannot work! People only change because they want to change. Changing how you feel about your relationship and your partner … [Read more...]

CelebrateLove.com – Spread Love Like Butter…‏

All there is, is relationships. Building a successful relationship is a never ending process. Work most on the first reality of your relationship - you. Your own personal growth contributes to the deepening and strengthening of the relationship you have with another. Spread love all over you! Love yourself first. The second reality is your love partner. The relationship they have with themselves is only and always their responsibility. The third reality of a successful relationship is the … [Read more...]

Relationships, ‘The First Thing to Say to a Friend in Need’

Well, that sucks. That’s the very first place to start. Sympathy is a healer, it coagulates the bleeding. Well, that sucks. It won’t drag them down if you validate their pain. It doesn’t mean you condone how they got into the pickle, or the fact that they may be bitching about the same chump after seven years, or that they done gone did it again — or any of that fairly useless judgement and assessing. Just nod, and say, 'Well, that sucks'. Do not immediately tell them that: • … [Read more...]

RELATIONSHIPS, Together You Can! ~ CelebrateLove.com

Together You Can!   A relationship with someone else can never be a singular effort. It takes two. Of course you know that. If you are in a relationship, how many times have you fell like you were the only one doing anything to make the relationship work? A lopsided relationship can be a tremendous drain on both partners. You probably also know that one cannot do the work of two. You've already gone through the dating process where you did everything as close to "right" as possible to … [Read more...]

CelebrateLove.com – ‘Relationships Only Thrive in a Safe Space‏’

'Relationships Only Thrive in a Safe Space‏', Chris Prentiss "We find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place in ourselves for those who love us." ~ Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) Your relationship thrives, withers, lives, or dies in an environment. If the environment in which your relationship lives is harsh and unforgiving, a place where sarcasm, degradation, and anger is present and where forgiveness, thoughtfulness, and love are in short supply, your … [Read more...]

WOMEN, Dating on a Budget ( not for Singles Only), Larry James

In summer, the world is a college student’s proverbial oyster. You can go anywhere, see anything, and meet anyone. It probably helps that summer is oyster season, too. BBQ’ed oysters, YUMMM. Food cravings aside, we created a guide summer romances, along with some interesting stats on meeting that special someone who will make your heart flutter. Keep these tips in mind to keep a new romance afloat, or it may fizzle (unless that’s what you were going for – which is OK, too). Good luck in … [Read more...]

Brighten the Corner Where You Are!, Larry James

Have you ever just been doing what you were doing and a thought from the past popped into your mind? It suddenly interrupted whatever you were doing and you silently wondered where that thought came from and why? DIVINE INSPIRATION   When I was a little boy, my mom and dad were ministers of a church in a little town high on a hill in Owingsville, Kentucky. My mother wasn't the best piano player but she was the only one the church had. It was an old fashioned church and during the … [Read more...]

‘Relationships are a Full-time job, don’t apply if not ready’

To have a really terrific relationship you don't have to do everything right. Human nature pretty much says that you won't always get it right. However, you DO have to stay focused on doing whatever it takes, all of the time. Do what your conscience tells you is right. Shower each other with Love. If that sounds like a full-time job... it is! While I realize that this is an awesome "take responsibility for your relationship" assignment, if you really love each other this mission is … [Read more...]

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