How to deal with a gray divorce

When the kids finally leave home and you quit work, it should be time to start enjoying your life more and spending quality time with your partner. However, for an increasing number of couples, the prospect of spending time with only each other for company is more than many can bear. In the United States, the rate of divorce for those aged over 50 has increased by 700 percent since 1960 and the same phenomenon is being repeated around the world. If you are going through a divorce then you should … [Read more...]

Looking After Your Mental Health During the Holidays

Whether or not you suffer from emotional difficulties or ill mental health, Christmas can be a stressful time of year. For many of us, the holidays are full of triggers like difficult family members, over-indulgence, and financial strain, so it’s easy to become overwhelmed. On top of this, there may be long-distance travel, increased household chores, darker mornings, and the pressure to “make merry” when we're just not feeling the cheer. When you consider the emotional weight of all of these … [Read more...]

4 Ways to Raise Your Self-Esteem

At some point, everyone will experience feelings of low self-esteem and a depletion in confidence. Whether these feelings last for a day or are more long-term, a loss of self-esteem can be psychologically and physically exhausting; plus, it can greatly affect your social life and even your job. When feeling low, you need to counter this emotional state in a proactive manner. Rather than wallow or succumb to such distressing thoughts and feelings, try to beat them. Of course, this easier said … [Read more...]

How Physical Clutter Is Impacting Your Mental Health

How Physical Clutter Is Impacting Your Mental Health and What You Can Do About It If you’ve ever heard the term “clutter” used to describe an excessive amount of possessions, you’ll know that minimalism has taken the hotspot of home décor trends in recent years. These days, so-called experts claim that by buying less and de-cluttering more, we could enjoy better mental health and get more done; but is there any truth to these claims? According to Psychology Today, physical clutter can … [Read more...]

Confidence in Women going through Child Birth

Giving birth is one of the largest events you’ll experience in your life as a woman. You are literally bringing a new life into this world, it is a beautiful event and though the initial process is stressful, time-consuming and painful, any mother would tell you that it was worth it, no question. However, a lot of women have more trouble after the birth, it’s a huge strain to put your body through. Postpartum depression is a huge problem in those that have just gone through a childbirth and … [Read more...]

What Makes a Confident Woman?

A confident woman is a successful woman. A confident woman is a happy woman. A confident woman is the kind of woman who can take over the world – if she chooses to. The point is, being a confident woman can open all sorts of doors, and make life a lot more interesting. What is it that makes a confident woman? They’re Not Perfect Being a confident woman does not mean being perfect. It simply means that they embrace their flaws and either live with them without letting them be a concern, or … [Read more...]

Helping Women Who Have Chosen Adoption for her Child

When someone decides to place their child for adoption, they haven’t decided to give up on their baby. As I’ve seen in numerous placements, women make an adoption plan in order to improve the lives of their children. It’s not a sign of weakness, but of strength and dedication. Making an adoption plan is courageous and, for many pregnant women, extremely difficult. Making An Adoption Plan Can Be Lonely It can also be isolating. Lots of prejudices about adoption, and specifically about … [Read more...]

Three Common Addictions and How to Overcome Them

Addiction affects millions of people in the United States each year, and it does not discriminate between class, profession or gender. Psychologists still don’t understand everything about how and why addiction occurs, but they do know that it is a mental and physical disease that can affect anyone who drinks, smokes or takes drugs. Some people may be genetically predisposed to addiction, while others may turn to drugs or alcohol to help them with physical or emotional pain. Either way, this … [Read more...]

Tips for Arriving at Your Next Meeting Composed and On Time

If you struggle with meetings and workplace stress you're not alone. But it could be more than just a challenging workload and be an indicator of something more serious. Workplace anxiety is a very real phenomenon, according to Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), with 56 percent reporting it affects their workplace performance and 43 percent saying they avoid participating in meetings. You can help reduce your anxiety by getting more rest and feeling more prepared before … [Read more...]

How You Can Have a Solid Home Living Situation After Serving in the Military

Housing costs are the biggest expense that most people have, and rents and mortgage costs continue to go up. If you find yourself shopping for a new apartment to live in every few years or have a mortgage that is too expensive, there are ways to get your living situation stable. First, you need to be a member of the military or a person who has been honorably discharged, or you have to be the spouse of a service member to qualify for VA loan refinancing. Whether you’re a single woman looking for … [Read more...]

Tips for Balancing Home & Work Life

Working full-time and managing a home life is a tricky equation to master. It’s not as easy as saying you’re going to do a certain task or activity. The unexpected is always there ready to make your life much more difficult. Instead of getting frustrated, get energized to come up with a plan of action. There are ways to make your life easier on you, if you’re willing to adjust and compromise a bit. You don’t have to continue living by the seat of your pants. Understand that you’re not alone … [Read more...]

All Women Need to Know to Live a Wonderful Life

To be able to focus, do your job, and live your life to the fullest you need to be healthy. To be healthy, you need to improve your body’s health. This starts with diet and goes on from there. Follow this quick guide to begin your journey to a healthy body: 1. Diet is the Base of All Health Diet is the base of everything, because it’s how we intake all the vitamins and nutrients that we need. Improve your diet by making it more balanced, and cut out bad foods. Not only will you feel … [Read more...]

Cancer Survivors: How to Deal with the Effects of Chemo

Chemotherapy is so hard on the body that they say you have to be able to walk into the clinic to receive it, because it takes so much out of you that they’ll wheel you out in a wheelchair. Yet chemotherapy is essential to killing cancer that may have spread, so if you want to beat cancer, you have to deal with the effects of chemotherapy. Here are a few tips on how to deal with the effects of chemo on your health, life and appearance. Digestive Problems Chemo kills the fastest growing … [Read more...]

Why You Need Moderation in Your Life

Living in excess is detrimental to anyone’s health. Our daily habits affect our lives in ways that affect us later on. You don’t want your poor habits to ruin your skin, cause premature aging, and to cause your body to fail on you. You want to live as long a life as you can. To live the best life you can, you need to start cutting back on many common everyday habits. Moderation is key, and here are the top habits to cut back on: 1. Drink Less Drinking is hard on your heart, your … [Read more...]

3 Important Symptoms of Childhood Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. These blood cells and platelets are produced within the bone marrow. When a child is suffering from leukemia, white blood cells may not be able to form properly and stay immature. These immature cells then continue to reproduce rapidly, pushing out the healthy, fully grown white blood cells and producing a variety of symptoms. Leukemia is the most common form of pediatric cancer affecting around 4,000 children in the United States every year, meaning … [Read more...]

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