Rape culture is a frighteningly insidious thing in the way it reinforces harmful ideas about gender, personal boundaries, consent, and sexual assault. Rape culture encourages the belief that lying about rape or sexual assault is more common than it really is, and it promotes the silencing of women about sexual assault by subjecting them to harsh judgments and the implication that women are responsible for their own assaults. Women who do report their assaults are disbelieved by people they … [Read more...]
Rape Culture Erases Rape Survivors
Women’s Medicine, Kay Cordell Whitaker
In the Hetakas’ tradition they describe many things in their lives as a circle. When looking at themselves as individuals, their lives, family, their village, even their whole culture they symbolize them as a circle with the feminine at the center. When Kay went through a long apprenticeship with Chea about Women’s Medicine, Chea guided her to see that the main reason our society, is so far out of balance is because in our modern world men have not only thrown the women out of the center of … [Read more...]
Accepting ‘Otherness’, a Path to Mental Health
"Woman is the other of man, animal is the other of human, stranger is the other of native, abnormality the other of norm, deviation the other of law-abiding, illness the other of health, insanity the other of reason, lay public the other of the expert, foreigner the other of state subject, enemy the other of friend." (Bauman 1991: 8). Modern Illness in Mental Health Societal Mental Health; why Humans need Integration for Health The concept of The Other highlights how many societies … [Read more...]
Irene Becker, Michael Ballard, Build Resiliency NOW!
Are YOU…Is Your Organization Heading for a Natural Disaster? Turn it Around! Build Resiliency NOW! Fact: Over $300 billion a year is spent in the USA on executive and employee stress related physical, emotional disability, addictions, communication and personal problems, presenteesim and other stress related problems. Fact: This is NOT an American phenomenon; the World Health Organization forecasts that stress will be the major cause of physical disability in the world by 2030.Leaders. … [Read more...]
Arianna Huffington, (The 4 Pillars of Success)
How to Thrive in Your Life (The 4 Pillars of Success) Arianna Huffington and Vishen Lakhiani discuss the global shift towards embracing mindfulness and meditation to make the most of life – to thrive. Listen to the 4 pillars that enable Arianna to lead a healthy and mindful life while being one of the most powerful women in the world. MindValley “If we don’t know ourselves, our essence, where our true power comes from, we will believe our power comes from collecting victories, … [Read more...]
How To Lose Your Mind & Create A New One, Jade Small
Breaking the habit of being yourself requires – dare I say it? – discipline. Daily discipline. And once you embark on it, it’s the most wonderful process in the making. It is exciting and fun, and it becomes easier and easier with every time you practice, just like training a muscle. You do indeed create your life! You’re in the driver’s seat, entirely. And if that’s not great news, I do not know what is! You absolutely have the power to change your life in any way you desire. You create … [Read more...]
When People are Big and God is Small
It is always sobering when the Lord reveals to me a previously unrecognized vein of sin in my life. I’m not talking about a previously unknown “sin,” as in the particular ones I commit on a daily basis, though I am well acquainted with those, as well. I commit them, recognize them as sin, confess them and repent of them. But sins like that, the one-offs, most often remain isolated in my mind. They’re aberrations from the norm, mistakes, and when I look at them, I see just that—an … [Read more...]
Feeling ‘Rattled’ and know not ‘Why’?
Have you ever experienced a day where you just 'feel' rattled, with no apparent reason for this uneasy feeling? This may mean you are Shifting Energy Vibration. You are not a physical being in a physical universe. You are an energetic/vibrational being in an energetic/vibrational universe. You are both a transmitter and a receiver of energy. One of your greatest challenges as a human being is learning how to live as a vibrational being in a vibrational universe. Attracting … [Read more...]
Bob Proctor’s 10 Best Quotes
Bob's Best Quotes “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” "I think earning money is the simplest thing in the world once you learn how to do it." "See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works." “Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time.It must be a goal that is soooo... appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that … [Read more...]
A man stopped at a rural gas station. He stood by his car and he watched a couple of men working along the roadside. One man would dig a hole—three feet deep—and then move on. The other man came along behind and filled in the hole. While one was digging a new hole, the other was about 25 feet behind filling in the old. The men worked right past the fellow and went on down the road. "Hold it, hold it," he said to the men. "Can you tell me what's going on here with this digging?" "Well, we work … [Read more...]
Death and Resurrection: Enlightenment and the Body of Light
Integral development taken to the highest can involve the body as well and the mind or consciousness. The fullest expression of this may involve a dramatic transformation of the body, as indicated in this review of traditions that emphasize the complete 'transformation of the body in the process of enlightenment'. Summary Enlightenment or God-realization is not purely a psychological event. Bodily changes also occur, most dramatically in the higher phases of enlightenment. In the … [Read more...]
Empowered Women Impact Awards, April 7 – April 17
I Just Won An Empowered Women Impact Award! I’ve got some exciting news that I want to share with you… I’m happy to announce that I’m a recipient of an “Empowered Women Impact” Award! A prompt from Spirit guided Empowerment Specialist, Lorna Blake, to do this Award and to offer them to certain Visionary Women Leaders who are making an impact globally! I’m really honored to be in the company of 10 other top women leaders for this the first year of the Empowered Women Impact … [Read more...]
Random Acts of Kindness Week ~ February 10 – 16, 2014
International Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 10-16, 2014. Take this week to step out of your normal routine or comfort zone and attempt a new random act of kindness each day of the celebratory week. Here are a few suggestions: This week let's combine "Random Acts of Kindness" with "Pay it Forward!" Think of ways to brighten someone's day! I get joy from doing a random act of kindness "anonymously," then leaving a note that says: "Courtesy of a Random Act of Kindness... … [Read more...]
Critical Skills for Powerful Change Agents
Dear Friends, In every age, there are those who are inspired to imagine and initiate improvements to their world that change the course of history. They are not just the popular heroes and heroines who we are taught about in school, but they are the quiet ones who had the calling, the courage and vision to offer their ideas and efforts in meaningful ways. Perhaps you are one of these people. The swiftly changing social and environmental situations are hoping that if you are, you will … [Read more...]
“Women in the Workplace” – Speaker Roster – JAN 30/31
DATES & TIME NOTATION: JAN 30 = 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM JAN 31 = 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM SPEAKERS: This 2 Day Event will focus on “Women in the Workplace” offering highlighted female speakers that will share their experiences in the workplace, the challenges they have risen above and offer amazing Tips for YOU to succeed in the line of work that makes YOU want to get up in the morning. WE are elated to Announce our Celebrated and Esteemed Speaker Panel - JAN 30 & JAN 31 JAN 30 - Speaker … [Read more...]