A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this amazing creative woman that had a dream, not only dreamed the dream, she lived it. In honor of our Feature on Chocolate, with the Fact that our Founder owns the book: The CHOCOLATE Connoisseur-for Everyone with a Passion for Chocolate, is is our pleasure to share with the Women of our World and celebrate the Life of another amazing WOMAN of ACTION. This woman has maintained her dreams and loyalty to her … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Jackie Paulson
A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this Amazing Woman that has "Seen the Light" and has decided to devote her Life to sharing this experience with others; so to help in the Healing and in the search for One Purpose in Life, and she is now available to the Women of our World... WOMAN of ACTION Jackie Paulson Jackie Paulson is a qualified Paralegal and holds a two year degree from Kaplan University in Chicago, Illinois as a … [Read more...]
WOMEN of ACTION™ – Queen Elizabeth II
A Celebration of Women™ has been inspired to pay Tribute to one of our World's most enduring Matriarchs in History. Her Royal Queen Elizabeth II has risen above adversity and maintained Her Regal Quality throughout any and all challenges through personal and professional life. In full Elizabeth Alexandra Mary , officially Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Bothiana Kamel *Egypt
A Celebration of Women has been inspired to Celebrate the Life of yet one more freedom fighter, advocate for Women's Rights and all round powerhouse of a woman. With tireless efforts, this woman has been working for years in the public services of a very delicate envirnment in EGYPT. This WOMAN of ACTION is now their First Female Candidate for Presidency for EGYPT. "By putting myself forward I am making this democratic right – the right of a Woman to be President – a concrete reality, … [Read more...]
WOMEN of ACTION – Margaret Thatcher * Tribute
A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this definite trail blazer, ahead of her time. As our world is seeking more women in office, here is one power of example to follow. WOMAN of ACTION Margaret Thatcher Margaret Hilda Roberts was born in Grantham, England, in 1925. She attended the University of Oxford and earned her chemistry degrees. Then, from 1947 to 1951, she used her degrees as a research chemist. In 1951, Margaret married Denis … [Read more...]
Amelia Earhart *Tribute – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to share this Celebration of the Life of a woman that exemplified courage, perseverence, strength and vision; all wrapped in one. In honor of INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION DAY, it seemed only appropriate to take this moment in time to Celebrate the Life of this Famous Pioneer Female Flyer. Earhart was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross, awarded for becoming the first aviatrix to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Please … [Read more...]
Shannon Smith, Premiere Image Intl. – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated today to Celebrate the Life of yet another powerhouse of a woman. This woman has risen above incredible adversity throughout her life, maintained Grace throughout and Took Action. Instead of succumbing to her challenges and experiences in her early life, this WOMAN of ACTION took the lead in her own life, created the changes that were necessary to succeed and live the lifestlye that she knew was the only one for her! Today, this powerhouse of a woman … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Pilar Viviente (Maria Pilar Viviente Sole)
A Celebration of Women™ is honored to Celebrate the Life of this Amazing Woman, Pilar of Spain. Her Life is devoted to her passions in the world of Art and Surrealism. Her passion includes offering her personal time to assist in the Mission of UNESCO, helping children of our World. This Woman is a True Power of Example of PERSEVERENCE, teaching the Women of our World to 'never, never give up....' WOMAN of ACTION™ Pilar Viviente (Maria … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Nicola Karesh
A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this wonderful woman, that is an accomplished author, therapist and substance abuse counselor. While finding herself guided to be a Stay-at-Home Mom, she also was graced her with her own Spiritual Experience that lead her to the work as she does today.....writing, helping others that she graciously offers to the Women of our World. WOMAN of ACTION Nicola Karesh 'Originally from Jamaica, I have been … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION, our tribute to Donna Summers
LaDonna Adrian Gaines (December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012), known by the stage name Donna Summer, was an American singer-songwriter who gained prominence during the disco era of the late 1970s. She had a mezzo-soprano vocal range, and was a five-time Grammy Award winner. Summer was the first artist to have three consecutive double albums reach number one on the U.S. Billboard chart, and she also charted four number-one singles in the United States within a 13-month period.Diagnosed with lung … [Read more...]
Joanna Mosca – WOMAN of ACTION
A Celebration of Women is excited to Celebrate the Life of this inspiring artist that shelved her dreams and goals to care for others; and yet, destiny captured her Spirit and today she vocalizes the Love she carries and is reaching for the stars....let's celebrate her dreams coming true. ...perseverence is this Gal's lesson to all the Women of our World: Never Give up on Your Dreams... WOMAN of ACTION Joanna Mosca Joanna Mosca’s exciting emergence onto … [Read more...]